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Master of Arts in Education (MAEDU) in UAE from IGNOU – Full Details

by | Nov 24, 2021 | IGNOU Courses & Syllabus, IGNOU International Division | 0 comments

Since its inception in 1991, the Indira Gandhi National Open University has extended its reach beyond India’s borders. IGNOU’s academic packages are transported across Indian states and international borders in many different countries due to the globalization of higher education. A division called International Affairs oversees the University’s international operations.

Founded as a Cell on 16 October 1997, it became a full-fledged Division in 2002. In 1996 the International Division was formed to organize bilateral and multilateral co-operations with numerous partner institutions, organizations, and universities worldwide to offer and promote the academic programs of the IGNOU. Currently, IGNOU offers educational programs in 62 partner institutions situated in 35 countries around the world.

IGNOU Sharjah (UAE) Centre

IGNOU University offers a variety of courses for overseas students in the UAE, so if you live in the UAE and want to study there, you can easily do that now. The University offers more than 40 courses in the UAE.

Here is what you need to know about study options in the UAE. The GullyBaba website provides a complete study guide and question papers to IGNOU's international units. In addition to offering courses in India, IGNOU also offers courses in other countries.


A Master of Arts in Education or MAEDU is a postgraduate degree that lasts two years and contains four semesters. Under institute policies and regulations, the semester can also vary in length. Students have the option of completing their MAEDU coursework in a regular or correspondence format.

Typically, the duration of the course is two years and a maximum of five years. However, this can differ depending on the candidate, regulations, or circumstances. A MAEDU is primarily a theory-based program that emphasizes the application of the notions and strategies of education accumulated throughout the course.

Intensive courses consist of a series of BASIC subjects taught at an elementary level that cover the fundamentals of every subject area and a variety of Advanced Courses (Theory and Applied) in areas of traumatic specialization of one or another kind, followed by a thesis. However, MAEDU and M. Ed. aren't always equivalent, even though their terminology is similar; both are unique, feature their conditions, but their direction contents are essentially the same.

It is based on the same guidelines as Indira Gandhi National Open University in India. UAR FRSIs (through Regional Centers in India) and overseas students can now take up IGNOU MA EDU courses based on their needs and wants.

How is MA Education Course Beneficial?

  • It provides a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of education as a field of knowledge and meets students' diverse learning needs.
  • It focuses on specific aspects of education, offering a higher level of specialization.
  • It prepares professionals to contribute effectively to different aspects of education.
  • There are further higher studies such as M.Phil. and PhD degree programs.
  • The course meets the growing demand for educational planning, teaching, and training at primary, secondary and tertiary education levels. Educational administration and management are also emerging fields that require the services of MA graduates in education.

Following are the IGNOU MAEDU Courses Offered for students in UAE

Highlights of the course
Complete Name of Program : Master of Arts in Education

Least Duration of the program: 2 Years

Most extreme Duration of the course: 5 Years

Qualification Criteria: Graduate or Equivalent in respective field

 Age Bar: No Bar

Full Program expenses: 13500/-

Accessible Medium: English and Hindi

IGNOU MAEDU Syllabus (Updated)

Course Code Title of the Course Credits
Group A: Basic Course on Education (4 Credits)
MES 11 Understanding Education 4
Group B: Core Courses
MES 12 Education: Nature and Purposes 6
MES 13 Learning, Learner and Development 6
MES 14 Societal Context of Education 6
MES 15 Operational Dimensions of Education 6
Group C: Courses on Knowledge Generation in Education
MES 16 Educational Research 6
MESP 1 Dissertation 10
Group D: Specialized Areas in Education
Higher Education
MES 101 Higher Education: Its Context and Linkages 6
MES 102 Instruction in Higher Education 6
MES 103 Higher Education: The Psycho-social Context 6
MES 104 Planning and Management of Higher Education 6
Distance Education
MES 111 Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education 4
MES 112 Design and Development of Self-Learning Print Materials 4
MES 113 Learner Support Services 4
MES 114 Management of Distance Education 6
MES 115 Communication Technology for Distance Education 6
Educational Technology
MES 31 ET -An Overview 6
MES 32 Communication and Information Technology 6
MES 33 Computer Technology 6
MES 34 Designing Courseware 6
Educational Management
MES 41 Growth and Development of Educational Management 6
MES 42 Dimensions of Educational Management 6
MES 43 Organizational Behavior 6
MES 44 Institutional Management 6
Adult Education
MAE 1 Understanding Adult Education 6
MAE 2 Policy Planning and Implementation of Adult Education in India 6
MAE 3 Knowledge Management, Information Dissemination and Networking in Adult Education 6
MAE 4 Extension Education and Development 6


IGNOU is also offering a Student Handbook, help books, and Prospectus on the website. This information is partial and should not be regarded as complete. This organization offers other courses than the ones mentioned here. For the most up-to-date information about a course, students are advised to contact the institution.

The IGNOU Online admission portal is the fastest way for students in UAE to apply for admission in IGNOU MAEDU courses.

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