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The students of IGNOU invariably ask for IGNOU assignment preparation tips. It is understandably so because they do not get foolproof information about the assignment preparation. The scattered information makes them remain in doubt and this is the reason why they  keep on searching from one source to  another in the quest to get concrete and comprehensive knowledge about IGNOU Assignment Preparation. The present blog will discuss at length all the important details related to the assignment of IGNOU.

What is an IGNOU Assignment?

IGNOU Assignment is a specific task given to the students of IGNOU by the university to complete within a specific period. It is the questionnaire related to your course. The students of IGNOU need to write answers to these questions and submit them to their respective study centers within the timeframe given by the university.

The importance of assignments can easily be understood from the single fact that if any student fails in the assignment work, he or she cannot be considered to pass even after passing the yearly examination. IGNOU evaluates the performance of its students through their marks in theory as well as assignments. The ratio of assignment and theory paper is 30:70. That means, your assignment will carry 30% of the total marks.

For which Program Assignment Submission is Required?

All masters, bachelors, PG Diploma, Diploma, PG Certificate and Certificate Program.

How to Get IGNOU Assignments?

Generally, the students of IGNOU get a copy of their assignments along with their study materials. But, if for any reason they do not get the copy, they need not be panicky. They can visit their study center and ask for it. Apart from it, they can also download their copy through the official website of IGNOU. In addition to these, the students can also get it from their friends.

IGNOU Assignments Preparation Tips

1. Make your Cover Page Simple: Some students of IGNOU make the cover page of their assignment their laboratory. They keep on putting creativity on the cover page. Some paste photographs of Indira Gandhi, some put the recent photograph of their own, some write about their patriotic emotions, and so on. But, if you want to get good marks on your assignments, do not do anything like this. Here, it is important to know for you that keeping your cover page simply does not mean that you should leave blank the spaces you will require to fill, such as name, program code, course code, the course title, address, date of submission, enrollment number, signature in full, mobile number, etc. You will need to submit the assignment at the time of filling out the examination form. No doubt, this is one of the most important IGNOU assignment preparation tips.

2. Read IGNOU Help Books Comprehensively: The good thing about the preparation for IGNOU Assignment is that you are not all alone. There are so many help points available for you. You can bank on IGNOU Help Book to answer the questions that will come in the assignment. The good thing about the help book of a reputed publisher is that it makes you learn all that you need, and do not clutter your mind with non-essentials. Therefore, by referring through the books of a publication of repute, you will learn a lot of things, like what types of questions will be asked related to your course, how should you approach an answer, and how to make it concise, informative, and complete in all aspects and that too without spending much time. Indeed, this is one of the most important preparation tips for IGNOU assignments.

3. Refer to Assignment Reference Material: The good thing about assignment reference material is that it contains all those things that are required for writing your assignment impressively. There will be tips and tricks, concise study materials related to your course, the process of writing, important things to take into consideration, how to make your answer concise and effective, what should be included and what should be omitted, and how to attract the eyes of your examination on your paper, so on and so forth. Simply put, it will be like a complete bunch of help at the time of assignment submission. By referring to these assignment reference materials, you will yourself come to know that yes, it was one of the most vital IGNOU assignment preparation tips.

It is important to note here that the above-mentioned tips include but are not limited to the tips for IGNOU assignment preparation.

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