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IGNOU DECE-04 Child Care Projects Synopsis

by | May 31, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

Important Basic Information about the Project Work

The project Work of the DECE Programme happens to be its fourth course. The course code of this project work is DECE 4. The other three courses, viz. DECE 1, 2 and 3 are meant to carry out some Practical Exercises. However, it is important to mention here that Practical Exercises and Project Work should not be treated equally as both are distinctly different. In project work, you will need to spend some time with a child/children aged between 3-4 years in the presence of your ‘Guide’ and carry out activities.

(a) The learners need to go through Course 1-organizing the Child Care Services’ (DECE-1). It is simply because the content of that course will help them understand the process of development of children. In addition to this, they will also come to know how the planning curriculum can promote this development. The work on Project Work comes after this.

b) The first step in Project Work is to go through the Project Manual—’ DECE 4- Project Work: Working with Young Children in a Child Care Setting’ carefully. It gives a comprehensive analysis of the way of carrying out activities with preschool children in a one-to-one mode in the nursery school.

c) The learners now need to read these New Guidelines and understand these properly. These Guidelines are formulated by the Project Manual. These guidelines have great importance as they contain the Revised Annexure that the learners have to use when they carry out their Project Work in Nursery School and tell the students how they can prepare their Project Work during the school closure.

d) Now, the role of a Guide comes in. Therefore, the learners need to get a Guide before they begin their project work. After a project work starts, the learner may need to interact with his/her guide quite frequently. The Guide examines the work of the student and evaluates it accordingly.

e) The next step is attending the counselling sessions organized by your Regional Centre for DECE 1 and interacting with the Counsellor at your Study Centre. The counsellor will tell you whether your project is according to the requirements or not. He will also give clarifications about your project.

Criteria for Identifying a Guide

It is important to mention here that the criteria for identifying a Guide is starkly different when you are carrying out a Project Work with children in a nursery school and during the time of school closure due to Pandemic.

Criteria for the Project Work being done in the Nursery School/ Pre-primary Section

When you are doing your project work with children in Nursery school or the Pre-primary section, your Guide should be presently working with preschool children. In addition to this, your Guide should have the below-given education qualifications part from valid work experiences.

a) Educational Qualifications: A teacher below-given qualifications can be the Guide for your Project Work.

• Master's Degree in Home Science with the Specialization in Child Development/Human Development

• Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training/ Diploma in Preschool Education

• Masters Degree in any other field of Home Science / Bachelors Degree in Home Science who has attended one or more seminars/ workshops/training programs in the field of preschool education

• Diploma in Elementary Education/ Elementary Teacher Training/ Junior Basic Training/ Basic Teacher Course

• B.Ed. degree who has attended one or more seminars/ workshops/training programs in the field of preschool education.

• Graduate Degree in any discipline who has attended one or more seminars/ workshops/training programs in the field of preschool education totaling up to 3 months.

b) Work Experience

I) The Guide should at least have the working experience of 6 months with a group of preschool children.

II) Criteria for identifying Guide when Project Work is being done during School Closure:

Professionals/teachers with

• Masters's Degree in Child Development/ Human Development.

• Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training/ Diploma in Preschool Education.

• Masters Degree in any other field of Home Science / Bachelors Degree in Home Science who has attended one or more seminars/ workshops/training programs in the field of preschool education or has experience in teaching preschool children.

• Diploma in Elementary Education/ Elementary Teacher Training / Junior Basic Training / Basic Teacher Course.

• B. Ed. with the experience of attending one or more seminars/ workshops/training programs in the field of preschool education or having experience teaching at a preschool.
Graduate Degree in any discipline with the experience of attending one or more seminars/workshops/training programs in the field of preschool education totaling up to 3 months and having at least one year of experience.

Supervision and Evaluation of Project Work by the Guide

Once you become able to find a Guide, the next step is sharing the Project Manual as well as New Guidelines with the Guide. You can either share the link of e Gyankoash or the hard copy of the Project Manual so that your Guide understands the work in your Project.

• All the work done for Project Work (whether in nursery school or during School Closure) has to be shown to the Guide and got signed and marked by the Guide.

• During School Closure meet your Guide face-to-face maintaining social distancing or send your work through online means.

• When the school is closed, you can share the videos of your work in Phase 2 and Phase 2 with the Guide as during school closure, your Guide will not be able to see your activities with your children.

• The weightage given to the Evaluation by the Guide and the Evaluation by the IGNOU Expert has been revised now. The Evaluation by the Guide carries 30% weightage and by the IGNOU Expert carries 70% weightage.

Format of IGNOU DECE Project Work

The main aim of IGNOU DECE is to develop skills within you about how to deal with young children(up to the age of six) and enable you to develop and manage the daycare and preschools. After successfully doing the IGNOU DECE Project, you will come to know about the work environment of a nursery or preschool. It will work in your favour if you have previously worked in a childcare facility.

What exactly is IGNOU DECE Project Work?

The Project Work of IGNOU entails working in a nursery or preschool for one month to three months(based on the pace and schedule of work) and getting engaged with the children in play activities. During your IGNOU DECE Project Report, you will be placed in a recognised nursery school/preschool and your Guide will be a nursery school teacher.

The Best Format of IGNOU DECE Project Work (DECE-4)

IGNOU DECE Project Guidelines share several key components. These components are as follows:


The title of your project should be to-the-point, concise, and very well illustrate the substance of the report. While crafting the title of a project, the following guidelines should be taken into consideration:

– Make sure that you use a brief but apt title.

– Make sure that your title is interesting enough to draw the attention of the reader

– Make sure that all words in your title are capitalized with the exceptions of articles(a, an, the) and prepositions.

– Make sure that your title does not contain any Brand Name, Technical Terminology, Chemical Formulae, or acronyms.


An abstract is a concise explanation of the research conducted. It may contain the purpose of the study, the findings of the researcher, the research questions, the hypothesis (if applicable), the procedure, and of course the conclusion.

The importance of abstract can be understood from a single fact that it helps readers understand the entire project without actually reading the entire project.
However, an abstract must answer three key questions, such as:

1) The question of research/the topic of this paper
(the outline of the problem, objectives, goal, and scope of investigation)

2) The way you conducted your research
(design, methodology, sample, and the equipment/s used)

3) The Major Takeaways
(Summary of findings)

In the abstract, write the key terms related to the research of your study. Try to avoid certain things, such as the references to bibliographies, figures, or tables. Make sure that your abstract is in short and simple sentences. In addition to these, write in past tense and passive voice, as you are talking about finished work.


As the name suggests, this heading/column tells the readers about the topic of the investigation conducted. An introduction aims to create the necessary background/backdrop for the challenges associated with the research, and the topic and talks about the broad overview of the subject of research.

Review of Related Literature

This column assesses the previous research on a specific issue. It does also talk about the gaps or flaws in the studies conducted earlier. It may include a systematic review of the articles that are significant to the chosen study topic.
The process of literature review starts right from establishing the research issue or problem and lasts till the IGNOU DECE Project Report is submitted.
You will have to make sure that your literature review influences your research subject, study objectives/question as well as approach. Apart from this, your literature review will be effective when and only when you present your findings and suitable conclusions from them.

Research Methodology

This section is meant for demonstrating that you have a meaningful and practical approach to investigating and testing your objectives / working hypotheses/propositions based on your understanding of the literature.

The aim of this section is to identify the approach, explain the tasks, and design your study work plan. This will in turn help any reviewer or examiner determine whether your technique was/is appropriate and applicable, and furnish the required information to any other researcher who is willing to duplicate the experiment.

Results & Interpretations
This section is for writing the takeaways or conclusions of your inquiry. The Results and Interpretations may contain text, tables as well as figures. Mind, select the most important outcomes. Do not forget to incorporate the sample size and the sample size acquired after cleaning the data or doing away with any kind of ambiguities. Also, mention any findings from exploratory research.

Analysis & Discussions

This section is regarded as the hardest section, as students struggle hard to write in this section. The analysis and Discussions section is for persuading the reader of the potential relevance of your investigation. In this section, you can put a summary of the questions of the study, methodology as well as findings. You can mention here the contribution of the research conducted. This section is exclusively for explaining your interpretations of the findings speculatively.

Summary and Conclusions

As the name suggests, this section is for qualifying the findings of your study and drawing conclusions from them. You need to draw conclusions based on the analysis and data gathered. If your research is motivated by theories, write whether the findings confirmed or contradicted these ideas. You can also put alternative interpretations if it is necessary. State the strength, weaknesses, and limitations of the study conducted.
Give an abstract of the whole article in four to five pages.


This section of the IGNOU DECE Project Report happens to be the final section of the IGNOU DECE Project Report. You can put here some practical recommendations for researchers and scholars, such as additional research, changes to research methods, and how the research should be carried out. You can also incorporate suggestions for improvements.


You might be familiar with this term. It is a collection of citations/publications/references that are referred to while producing a book, report, article, or assignment. This section contains the writings, citations, etc. in alphabetical order.

IGNOU Project Work New Guidelines for DECE Programme

IGNOU has revised the guidelines for the DECE project and assignment work. The candidates of DECE are advised to follow strictly the given guidelines by the university.

Candidates are advised to complete projects and assignments accordingly and submit them before the scheduled time. If they do not, they will not get the result of their term-end examinations.

Follow UPDATED Guidelines for IGNOU DECE Project Work

1. Annexure 1A and annexure 1B will have to be attached to your project work. It should be revised, not the previous one. If you fail to attach the revised one, your project work will not be accepted. In that situation, you will be asked to REDO the Project.

2. Since the marking scheme in annexure 2B is also revised, you need to follow the revised one and not the previous one.

3. You need to take into consideration the revised version of annexure 3A which is related to the recording of marks.

4. You need to attach all the details regarding your guide which is annexure number 7.

5. You need to share all the revised information with your guide so that you can avoid last-minute trouble.

How to make the submissions of the IGNOU project file?

1. There may be some changes regarding the submission of the IGNOU Project File. So, please keep on checking the official website of IGNOU so that you can know about the extended date.

2. You can submit a copy of your project to IGNOU either in soft or hard copy. However, submitting the soft copy of the project on the portal of the IGNOU'S official website is preferable.

Revised marking schemes for IGNOU project

There will be phase-wise marking schemes for the project—phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3 respectively. You must have all the information required.

• Marking scheme in the first phase will be distributed for the two videos of group A and group B. Maximum marks for group A video will be 40 whereas, for group B, it would be only 10.

• Marking scheme in the second phase will be distributed for the activity plan, carrying out the activity\activities, and report of the activity session.

• Marking scheme in the third phase will be given based on the curriculum of 5 days, for activity in sessions and the effective analysis of YouTube videos respectively.

It is important to note here that the total marks of the project will be given on a percentage basis.

Step-wise List of How to complete IGNOU DECE Project

Step 1:- Step 1 is reading Course 1-"Organising the Child Care Services'(DECE-1) carefully.

Step 2:- Reading the Project Manual titled ‘DECE 4 – Project work: Working with Young Children in a Child Care Setting.

Step 3:- The reading of the New Guidelines is very crucial as a project based on the old guidelines get rejected instantly.

Step 4:- The next step is finding the Guide for your Project work. A Guide is very crucial for your project because he/she is the person who evaluates your project, becomes available for interaction, lends support if needed and helps you prepare a project report based on the new guidelines of IGNOU.

Why Gullybaba's DECE -04 Project?

At times, it might prove to be an arduous task to choose a project, when there are so many projects already available in the market. In order to make our students' vision clear, here is why GPH:

• 100 % Approval Guaranty for our customised project: One of the greatest reasons students opt for GPH Customized Projects is that it has 100% approval guaranty. If you opt for our DECE -04 customized projects , there will be guaranty of its approval. If it gets rejected (Though In the rarest of the rare cases!) we will give you another project without any extra expenses on your side.

• Based on IGNOU's Guidelines: Our projects strictly adhere to the guidelines of IGNOU. If you go through our projects and compare it to that of others, you will yourself come to know how devotedly we follow IGNOU guidelines.

• Availability of both Ready-made and Customized Projects: We have both formats of projects available. You may refer and use ready-made or customized projects as per your  specific needs and requirements.

Our Ready-made Material for DECE -04 Projects

Some other important reasons

• You may not have enough time to create a project as you are a Working Professional.

• If you are a Full-time Housewife and have many chores to do or small children to care for, you might not be able to get the time to write a project.

• Perhaps you are a student taking two or more courses at the same time.

• If you are caught in an emergency or other such situation, you might not have enough time to complete the project report.

• If you don't have sufficient knowledge about how to properly write their project report.

We will provide you the following:

Synopsis First: This is an outline of your complete and well-researched project which is an editable Word document without any watermarks so that you can make the necessary changes to ensure success.

Project after Approval of Synopsis: A professional and well-formatted Project Report with a thesis template that is internationally recognized, provided in a format that is fully editable in Microsoft Word, so that you can make changes and customize it as per your specifications.

Gullybaba’s IGNOU projects and synopsis are of good quality work and with in-depth subject knowledge. We have streamlined all our processes to save students' time so that they get a memorable experience.

If you are working and have less time looking to buy ready-made projects or customized project solutions, then always remember to buy this from good sources. Many students are reporting bad quality, and money got wasted. Bad quality may cost you time, money, and effort.


Good is not good when better is required. If you do not want to fall prey to the foul practices, opt for our project. Our two decades of seamless services are the best testament of our abilities to serve you better.

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