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IGNOU MA MESP-01 MAEDU Project Report or Thesis / Synopsis

by | Jun 9, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

IGNOU MAEDU Project work happens to be the most important work in MAEDU Program in the final year of the course and it is considered the last step in getting a master’s degree. The main motive of this project report is to provide students with a more detailed understanding of education as a field of knowledge and fulfill the learning needs of the learners.


The objectives of this project report are to help a learner in:

  • Identifying and formulating research problems for IGNOU MA Education Project
  • Writing a good research proposal
  • Using and analyzing appropriate research design
  • Conducting scientific investigation in a methodical way
  • Collecting and analyzing the data for IGNOU MAEDU Project
  • Learning to use appropriate statistical methods

Preparation/Formulation of IGNOU MAEDU Project and IGNOU MAEDU Report

The learners have to choose a particular area in which they are interested. Then in consultation with the Guide, they have to select a particular topic for their project work. The project proposal is an outline of the detailed work to be undertaken by the learner.

The following format can be followed for preparing the project proposal

  • The Title of the Proposed Project
  • Background of the Study
  • Literature Review
  • The rationale of the Study
  • Objectives of the Study
  • The hypothesis of the Study If any
  • Research Methodology: Sample, Tests/Tools, Statistics to be used
  • References/Bibliography

Download IGNOU MAEDU Synopsis Sample

Preparation/Formulation of IGNOU MAEDU Report | Disseration | Thesis

Though the size of the project report largely depends upon the nature of the theme of the selected project, however, it is advisable that your project report should be around 100 pages and that two types in double space. The project should be submitted in an A4 Size Sheet.

The Report should be in the following format.

S. No. Parts Description
1 TITLE The first page of the report should indicate the title of the project, name of the candidate, address, enrolment number, and year.
1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgment
3. Table of Contents
2 INTRODUCTION This section will introduce the problem. It should be able to give an idea to the reader what the topic is all about, how did the topic emerge, and what made the researcher take up the topic. The introduction must contain the rationale and purpose of the research.
3 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Review of literature is a collective body of works done by earlier researchers and published in the form of books, journals, articles. It helps in generating ideas and developing significant questions for the research work.
4 SIGNIFICANCE The rationale for carrying out a particular project is explained here.
5 OBJECTIVE /HYPOTHESIS This will basically consist of the main objectives or purpose of the research. For example, to study the effect of family environment on the self-concept of the students. A hypothesis is also provided which is a tentative statement about the cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
6 METHODOLOGY The methodology includes Sample, Tests/Tools, and Statistical Analysis. The size and nature of the sample will depend on the topic selected. Tests/ tools are to be selected based on the objectives of the research. The data collected with the help of the tests/ tools are then analyzed by using appropriate statistical techniques.
7 RESULT AND DISCUSSION The findings of the research after the statistical analysis of data are reported in tabular and graphical form. This is then discussed in the light of the existing research studies. The implication of the findings is also discussed.
8 CONCLUSION Under this heading, the learner has to conclude the findings of the research.
9 DELIMITATION Constraints and limitations of the research are mentioned here.
10 SUGGESTIONS Based on the research findings, the learner can give suggestions for further research in a particular area.
11 REFERENCES (APA STYLE) References have to be written in APA format. These should be alphabetically listed.

Why a Guide is needed for IGNOU MAEDU Report and IGNOU MAEDU Synopsis?

The learner will require a Guide/Supervisor for carrying out the Project.

The eligibility criteria to be a Guide/Supervisor are as follows:

a) From Study Centre/ Regional Centre/ otherwise direct can from Maidan Garhi also.

b) M.Phil/PhD. in Tourism management with a minimum of two years of Undergraduate/Post Graduate teaching experience.


c) Master’s Degree in Tourism Management with a minimum of two years experience at Post Graduate level.


d) Master’s Degree in Tourism Management with a minimum of five years of teaching experience at the Undergraduate level.

The student while submitting the synopsis should also submit the bio-data of the supervisor, duly signed by the supervisor (Refer to Appendix-I).

The learner will submit the synopsis along with the bio-data of the supervisor (wherever it is required), at the Study Centre/Regional Centre.

The Study Centre/Regional Centre will then send these synopses to the Discipline of Tourism Management, IGNOU, New Delhi for necessary approval.

There will be remuneration to the Supervisor/Guide for guiding each project. He/she can claim Project Guidance remuneration using a Pro forma (Appendix-II), after the final submission of the project/dissertation of the learners at the Regional Centre.

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the last dates for the IGNOU MA Education Project Submission?


Note:  IGNOU has the discretion to change the date. So, you are advised to remain in touch with the official site.

Q2. What are the criteria for submission of IGNOU MAEDU Synopsis?

Ans: The learner has to prepare the project proposal/synopsis and submit it at their Study Centre itself. The Program In-charge of the Study Centre will examine the proposals and approve them. Wherever modification is required, these will be conveyed to the learner and accordingly, the learner will resubmit it to the study center with necessary modifications.

The project proposal should be submitted in A4 size paper typed in double space along with a consent letter of the Guide (Appendix II) and the pro forma for approval (Appendix III). The learner is advised to retain a copy of the synopsis. Proposals not accompanying the above papers will not be considered for approval. Please submit a proposal before the last date of submission.

Q3. What are some important points to remember during submission of the IGNOU MAEDU Synopsis?


  • Submit only one copy of the Project Proposal, and keep a copy with you.
  • MAEDU should be written prominently on the envelope and should be submitted at the Study Centre.
  • Ensure the inclusion of the following while submitting the proposal:
  • Pro forma for Approval of Project Proposal duly filled and signed by both, the learner and the guide/supervisor.
  • Detailed Bio-data of the Supervisor/Guide duly signed by him/her (in the case where the Academic Counselor is not the Guide).
  • Consent letter of the Supervisor/Guide.
  • Synopsis of the Project.

Q4. How many groups are there in IGNOU MAEDU (MA Education)?


Group A               Basic Course in Education

Group B               Core course

Group C               Courses on knowledge generation in education

Group D               Courses under the specialized area in education

Q5. What is the method of Data collection?


  • Data collection is the source of collecting information and knowledge based on the topic. There are two types of data collection:                                                                  The primary method of data collection                                                                             The secondary method of data collection to be used (bibliography)
  • Fieldwork
  • Whether to take attachment with some organizations
  • Tabulation and Analysis of data
  • The time frame of the study
  • Cost estimates.

Q6. How to construct a checklist?


  • The item may be put in question by ‘yes’ or ‘No’.
  • It should be in the form of a statement. The responder will answer in ( right) or (wrong).
  • Items are developed in the form of a sentence. The responder will answer or circle the correct one.

Q7. What will be the style of report writing?

Ans:  The project should be creative and logical. Use simple words whenever possible and the language should be straightforward and Good. Avoid using abbreviations like (&, b/w, etc). The tense in the report matters a lot it should be present tense.

Q8. Minimum Marks to Get Pass?

Ans:  The total marks for the IGNOU MA Education Project are 100. To get a past, we should obtain a minimum of 40% out of 100.

IGNOU MESP 1 Project Editing and Proofreading

The first step towards a well-written dissertation is to ensure that all of the sections are in the correct order. Allow lots of time for proofreading and editing. Mistakes in grammar and improper formatting might detract from the quality of your efforts.

Before focusing on language errors, typos, and inconsistencies, you should prepare to write and revise numerous droughts of your thesis or dissertation. If you want to be sure your dissertation is faultless before submitting it, you might choose to use a professional dissertation editing service.

Checklist for IGNOU MESP 1 Dissertation Submission

  • The dissertation should be typed or word-processed in A-4 size (29 x 20 cm) paper, double spaced on one side, 12 pt.
  • When getting the copies bound, the student should provide a copy of the approved project proposal.
  • The title of the study, the researcher’s name, the enrolment number, the full address, the name of the supervisor/guide, and other important  information should be included on the cover and initial pages (please see a specimen of the cover page at Appendix-V).
  • A declaration from the student that the work is original and has not been submitted to IGNOU or any other university or institution must also be included in his/her dissertation to complete the criteria of the Master of Arts (Education) degree.
  • A letter from the supervisor confirming that the Dissertation was completed under his or her supervision and is a genuine and original work.
  • The hardcover page should be used for binding.
  • Dissertation reports should be posted in two copies or delivered in person to The Regional Director of the respective Regional Centre.
  • The IGNOU dissertation reports will not be returned to the students.

Guidelines for IGNOU MESP 1 Project Work

  • In the second year of the programme, a student will begin dissertation work and submit the dissertation to the Regional Director of the Concerned Regional Centre before the second year Term-end Examination.
  • In any of the necessary courses, specialist areas courses, or any component of education connected to the programme, the student must conduct research on a topic.
  • The student must select a guide from a list of qualified guides and produce a research proposal under his or her supervision. He or she must seek the guide’s approval on the research idea.
  • Submit the IGNOU MESP 1 proposal, along with the completed proforma in Appendix-IX, to the appropriate Regional Director for approval.
  • After receiving approval from an education specialist, the Regional Director will send the plan back to the students.
  • The student will submit two copies of the dissertation to the Regional Director of the Concerned Regional Centre for evaluation after finishing the dissertation work.
  • A viva-voce will be held at the concerned Regional Centre after the dissertation has been evaluated.

General Tips to Choose IGNOU MESP-1 Project Topics 2022

The key to picking an MESP-1 project that is appropriate is research. Allow plenty of time to undertake research on the internet or in the library to generate good ideas. You can even consult with your seniors for guidance. You may come across prior IGNOU MESP-1 Project Report works during your investigation.

Choose a few things to debate from the internet or literature. Consult with specialists such as your professors and supervisors about these issues. They will make useful suggestions and offer advice on the topics you select. Bear in mind that your lecturers serve as your leaders and mentors and will surely support you in picking and completing an IGNOU MESP-1 project.

Choose a topic that is pertinent to your field and the career path you desire to pursue. Additionally, topics might be connected to current events and real-world situations. Examiners are drawn to such subjects.

Ascertain that the topic you’ve chosen interests you. While teachers and mentors might offer advice, you are the best judge of whether or not you will be able to complete the topic they present. As a result, ensure that the subject piques your interest.

Importance of IGNOU MESP-1 Project Topics 2022

Are you in search of an exceptional IGNOU MESP-1 Project Topics for your Application Oriented Course in Human Environment Project Report Work? It may appear that coming up with good themes is more challenging than completing research and writing. There are numerous excellent resources for inspiration, and the following list contains just a few choices to get you started.

Finding an updated list of IGNOU MESP-1 project subjects is a critical part of any type of IGNOU MESP-1 project report assignment. This is critical when writing an IGNOU MESP-1 synopsis. Because Application Oriented Course in Human Environment is such a broad subject, you should select a project topic from the IGNOU MESP-1 Project Topic List. This will allow you to properly investigate the subject without feeling overwhelmed.

While compiling a list of IGNOU MESP-1 project topics can be difficult, there are a few excellent methods for coming up with original ideas. To begin with, consider your personal interests and prior education.

Online sources, news stories, books, journal articles, and even your own class textbook all serve as fantastic starting points for your experiment and human environment term paper research. Prior to beginning, review the IGNOU MESP-1 project Topic List.

What is a Strong Topic?

To make your project a success, you'll have to ensure that the topic is strong, as well as enjoyable. Unfortunately, you might find a topic that you like a lot, and go on to develop a strong thesis with no trouble at all. Then, you find yourself spending your time and finally realise that you are facing one or two problem/s. You realise that very little material is available on your subject. This is a common hazard that wastes time and disrupts your mental flow and confidence. As much as you may like your topic, you may want to give it up at the start if you know you're going to run into trouble finding information for your paper.

You may find that the research doesn't support your thesis. This is a common frustration for people, especially professors, who publish a lot. They often come up with intriguing and exciting new ideas, only to find that all the research points in a different direction. Sometimes it's better not to stick with an idea if you see lots of evidence that contradict it. However, if you are confident about your ideas even if they are contrary to popular belief, and also have adequate material to at least hold your ground, if not prove your point, go ahead!

To avoid those pitfalls, it is important to select more than one topic from the start. Topics should ideally be interrelated so that you do not work on diametrically different subjects at the same time. Find. three or four topics that interest you, then, go 'to the library or the Internet and conduct a preliminary search of each topic.

Determine which project idea can be supported with plenty of published material (don't base your research on Google). This way, you will be able to select a final topic that is both interesting and feasible.


How Can the Supervisor Help You?

The supervisor will :

  • Acquaint you with such local groups and agencies that might be relevant to your work;
  • Give you letters of authorisation which would enable you to make inquiry and investigations in different offices about your work;
  • Make accessible to you the library at the study center for consultation purposes; and
  • Advise you, to the best of his/her efforts, about your theme, location of your data, and general work plan.


Do keep the following in mind while writing your report

  • Divide your report into sections and sub-sections. This gives a certain coherence to your report and prevents different ideas from spilling into different places.
  • A well-structured report is easily comprehensible. Aims and objectives should therefore be stated very explicitly even if there is some repetition.
  • Writing an introduction is important as it gives a certain entry point to your report. Similarly, conclusion helps you wind up your report and enables you to tie up various loose ends.
  • Your report should not read like an assemblage of different sections but should be an integrated and structured whole. In other words, you, should divide your report into sections and sub-sections but make sure that they do not read like different pieces independent of each other. They should be related to each other and should form parts of your report.
  • All your arguments should be neatly tied and logically culminated at the end of each section and again in your conclusion. At the same time, the interconnections between different sections should be maintained.
  • You should write in your language using simple words and short sentences as far as possible. A report written in a language not easily comprehensible often distracts the reader from the contents of the report. Treat your language as a potent medium to communicate your ideas. The Project will be assessed on the strength of your methodology and ideas.

 While you should not copy from other books, articles, etc. citations are a legitimate exercise. Please observe the following instructions :

  • The quotation should be relevant and the language should be that of the author.
  • At the end of the quote, you should mention within the brackets, the name of the author and the title of the book along with the year and place of publication and the page numbers.
  • In case you have quoted from a newspaper/magazine/journal, give the name of the magazine/journal, the number of the issue, and the month/year of its publication.
  • Avoid lengthy quotes. Brief quotes often beautifully stress the point and blend easily into your text. A quote roughly of the size of about 50 to 100 words is quite reasonable.

The Best FORMAT for MESP-01

  • The Title of the Proposed Project
  • Background of the Study
  • Objectives of the Study
  • The hypothesis of the Study If any
  • Research Methodology: Sample, Tests/Tools, Statistics to be used
  • References/Bibliography

Why Gullybaba's MESP-01 Project?

At times, it might prove to be an arduous task to choose a project, when there are so many projects already available in the market. To make our students' vision clear, here is why GPH:

  • 100 % Approval Guaranty: One of the greatest reasons students opt for GPH Projects is that it has a 100% approval guarantee. If you opt for our MESP-01 project, there will be a guarantee of its approval.
  • Based on IGNOU's Guidelines: Our projects strictly adhere to the guidelines of IGNOU. If you go through our projects and compare them to that of others, you will yourself come to know how devotedly we follow IGNOU guidelines.
  • Availability of both Ready-made and Customised Projects: We have both formats of projects available. You may refer to and use ready-made or customised projects as per your requirement as per your specific needs and requirements. For the ready-made project, you can refer to the webpage

Our Ready-made Material for MESP-01 Projects

Looking for the Customized Projects?

Some students of IGNOU find it difficult to prepare their MESP-01  Projects due to their hectic time schedules, such as full-time engagement in their job, children, and so on. For that section of IGNOU Students, we have tailor-made projects.

Our neatly handwritten assignments strictly adhere to IGNOU guidelines. We make sure that each one is prepared to perfection and the same person writes all your assignments to match the handwriting to avoid rejection.

Some Other Important Reasons

  • You may not have enough time to create a project as you are a Working Professional.
  • If you are a Full-time Housewife and have many chores to do or small children to care , you might not be able to get the time to write a project.
  • Perhaps you are a student taking two or more courses at the same time.
  • If you are caught in an emergency or other such situation, you might not have enough time to complete the project report.
  • If you don't have sufficient knowledge about how to properly write their project report.

We Will Provide You the Following:

Synopsis First: This is an outline of your complete and well-researched project which is an editable Word document without any watermarks so that you can make the necessary changes to ensure success

Project after Approval of Synopsis: A professional and well-formatted Project Report with a thesis template that is internationally recognised, provided in a format that is fully editable in Microsoft Word so that you can make changes and customise it as per your specifications.

Gullybaba’s IGNOU projects and synopsis are of good quality work and with in-depth subject knowledge. We have streamlined all our processes to save students time so that they get a memorable experience.

If you are working and have less time looking to buy readymade projects or customised project solutions, then always remember to buy this from good sources. Many students are reporting bad quality, and money got wasted. Bad quality may cost you time, money, and effort.


Good is not good when better is required. If you do not want to fall prey to the foul practices, opt for our project. Our two decades of seamless services are the best testament to our abilities to serve you better.

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