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Write a project on IGNOU Bachelor Preparatory Program (BPP) (OMT-1) Final Year Project & Synopsis

by | Jul 6, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme is offered by the University to those students who wish to do a Bachelor’s Degree of IGNOU but do not have the essential qualifications of having passed 10+2 and attained the age of 18 years/as of 1st April and 1st October for January & July session respectively. In the absence of such a qualifying certificate, these students are deprived of higher education. To enable such students to enter the higher education stream, IGNOU has designed this preparatory program. BPP is, however, not equivalent to 10+2 and has no credit weightage. It is valid for admission to IGNOU’s non-formal stream of BA/ B.Com. Etc.

Objective of IGNOU Bachelor Preparatory Program (BPP) (OMT-1) Final Year Project

Following this framework for IGNOU (BPP) (OMT-1) project and IGNOU (BPP) (OMT-1) synopsis, the following specific objectives to enable a learner to:

Identify and formulate research problems

  • Write a good research proposal for IGNOU (BPP) (OMT-1) project
  • Identify and use appropriate research design
  • Conduct scientific investigation in a systematic way
  • Collect and analyze the data
  • Learn to use appropriate statistical methods

The methodology used before conducting research

  • Sort of information to be collected for methodology
  • Tools of information collection (questionnaires, interviews)
  • Sources to be used(bibliography)
  • Fieldwork
  • Whether to take attachment with some associations
  • Classification and Analysis of information
  • The period of the study
  • Cost estimates

Medium of Instruction: The IGNOU Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) (OMT-1) is offered in both English and Hindi. The students need to decide on a specific medium of study while applying for admission into the program.

Steps involved in the project work

The complete project work ought to be finished by the student as it were. The job of a guide ought to be about the direction on any problem, any issue experienced during the project. The following are the significant steps involved in the project, which may assist you with determining the achievements regulating the scheduling of the project.

Select a topic and a suitable guide.

  • Prepare the project proposal in consultation with the project guide.
  • Submit the project proposal along with the necessary documents to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned.
  • Receipt of the project approval from the Regional Centre concerned.
  • Carry out the project work.
  • Prepare the Project Report.
  • Submit the project report to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned.
  • Appear for the viva-voce as per the intimation by the Regional Director.

IGNOU Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) (OMT-1) Final Year Project Report & Synopsis Submissions and Approval

In the wake of settling the subject of the project and the decision of the guide, IGNOU students need to send the Project synopsis Performa furnished beneath the given location alongside the educational plat and synopsis of the supervisor or guide for The Regional Director of the Regional Center concerned. Incomplete project proposals in any regard will be summarily rejected.

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