IGNOU CTE-102 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. What do you understand by the term ‘text’? How is a text organized?
2. Overt linguistic devices are not always required to understand the meaning a text. Give an instance from your language when the socio-cultural context clearly provides the required information to understand a text.
3. What are the three factors that connect a text? Of these factors which one do you think is most important in understanding text?
4. What are the relationships between linguistic elements and the role they perform in certain contextual situations?
5. As a teacher do you think there are limitations in teaching sentence – based grammar? How would incorporating a discourse perspective help your students?
6. What are the three areas which discourse covers with regard to language teaching?
7. What is meant by ‘co-text’ and the ‘context of the situation’? What are their component features?
8. Discuss the major derivational suffixes of English and classify them according to the scheme of classification.
9. Discuss the sound and spelling in English. Examine the symbols for the consonants and talk about the sound each symbol stands for.
IGNOU CTE-102 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
1. Write short note on the following.
(i) Difference between English as a foreign language and as a second language
(ii) The difference between suffixes and prefixes in English
(iii) The influence of Indian languages on English
(iv) Types of sentences
2. (a) Transcribe the following words using phonetic symbols.
(i) vagabond
(ii) nutrition
(iii) fatal
(iv) casual
(v) cartoon
(b) Turn the following sentences into negative.
(i) The apples are fresh.
(ii) She is satisfied with her job.
(iii) Rohan accepted the new job offer.
(iv) They all are very co – operative.
(v) She is happy with her job.
(c) Separate the syllables in the following words.
(i) artificial
(ii) courageous
(iii) competition
(iv) frequent
(v) protest
(d) Write a short note on negation in English.
3. (a) What are the techniques used to develop speed reading ?
(b) What is the role of context in language?
4. (a) What are the two main approaches to analyzing a text ?
(b) What is the word compounding? What are the various types of compounds?
5. (a) Identify the prefix and suffix in the following words:
(i) unavoidable
(ii) impossibility
(iii) unbearable
(iv) implanted
(v) Irregularity
(b) Supply question tags to the following statements:
(i) Let’s do this work together, ……..?
(ii) She was a little tired,…….?
(iii) He couldn’t go for walk, ……….?
(iv) She is not your daughter,………..?
(v) Switch off the fan, ………..?
(c) Identify the number of syllables in the following words and mark the stress:
(i) decent
(ii) balloon
(iii) government
(iv) atom
(v) calculate