IGNOU CTE-101 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. Discuss the required insights of a language learner, not only as a cognitive entity, but as a social being functioning in a multilingual environment.
2. Do you think that language as a dynamic entity, subject to variation and change? Justify your answer with examples.
3. What are the new theories that are prevalent in terms of the learners, the learning process, classroom management, materials selection and creation, evaluation and methodology of teaching?
4. What are the effective methods and strategies used in teaching-learning the different skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing? Are there more interesting and effective ways of classroom organization and management?
5. What are the challenges faced by the teachers and the learners in making formal grouporiented instruction which are sensitive to individual needs? What are the varied resources children bring to class that need to be recognized and built upon?
6. What does the ‘critical age for language acquisition’ mean? Discuss language system as interlanguage by Larry Selinker (1972), transitional competence (Pit Corder), or approximate system.
7. When does fossilization take place? Can you give examples of certain sounds or grammatical items that have got fossilized in the Indian context?
8. What are the five processes involved in the learning of second language. Elucidate with case studies.
9. Discuss your ideas on “Indian English”. Justify your dialogue with a couple of case studies.
IGNOU CTE-101 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
1. Write short note on the following.
(i) Language Learning Aptitude
(ii) Learner Autonomy
(iii) Role of Motivation in Language Learning
(iv) Inter language
2. What were the key features of the behaviourist approach? Discuss their limitations in the context of language teaching/learning in the classroom.
3. In what ways is the Three Language Formula relevant in a multilingual country like India ? Cite examples of implementation/ non-implementation of this formula to support your answer.
4. Can be attain flexibility in the curriculum? If yes, then discuss the methods to do so in ELT classrooms.
5. Discuss the types of cognitive styles. Answer the question with suitable examples.
6. Discuss the differences between Error analysis and Contrastive analysis, giving examples wherever necessary.
7. Explain code mixing and its constraints. Also differentiate it from code switching with examples