IGNOU CTE-104 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
I. Write short notes on the following:
1. Describe any two types of writing difficulties that young children sometimes experience, and suggest remedial measures for these.
2. Assessment of speaking skills.
3. Stages of development in learning spelling.
4. Discovery method for teaching consonants.
II. What are the problems faced by underprivileged learners in learning English? Give your suggestions for improving the teaching of English to underprivileged learners.
III. How would you develop a listening task for young children? Explain with suitable examples.
IV. What kinds of strategies can be employed by a teacher to help young learners identify words in meaningful contexts?
V. Describe some learning tasks that motivate young children to write in the second language.
IGNOU CTE-104 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
I. Write short notes on the following:
1. Self-esteem among learners
2. Importance of Speaking skills
3. Importance of grammar activities in language acquisition
4. Multimedia for learning writing skills
II. What do you understand by the term `underprivileged learners’? Why should they learn English? What adjustments will you make in teaching methodology and assessment in order to facilitate them?
III. What are the main features of a good writing programme? How can a teacher utilise them to develop good writing practices among students?
IV. How can you help in developing the personality and social skills of young learners in the primary school? Suggest some activities for that.
V. What is the difference between the traditional and modern approach to teaching grammar? Illustrate with the help of grammar-activities.