IGNOU MPYE-13 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. What is Chaos Theory? What are the philosophical implications of Chaos theory? Discuss.
Discuss the social and ethical implications of nanotechnology.
2. What is Artificial Intelligence? Examine functionalist theory of mind in the light of Artificial Intelligence.
a) Critically evaluate the claim that “Death is an evil.”
b) What are the three problems about death discussed by Thomas Nagel?
3. Answer any two questions in about 250 words each.
a) What is the Philosophical presupposition(s) of Fractal Geometry?
b) Write an essay on the Ethical implications of Human Genome Project.
c) “Today nature is indistinguishable from culture.” Give your response with appropriate arguments.
d) Write a note on the ethical implications of Stem Cell Research.
4. Answer any four questions in about 150 words each.
a) Why was Euclidean geometry unable to represent the roughness of reality? Explain.
b) What is ‘Turing Machine Approach’? Explain
c) What is computation model of mind? Discuss.
d) Write a short note on the ethical implications of genetic manipulation.
e) Write a note on the idea of Neuro Culture.
f) Write a note on the idea of ‘Absolute Unitary Being’.
5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.
a) Idea of ‘Wholly Other’
b) Genetic Manipulation
c) Cloning
d) Cultural Dualism
e) Qualia
f) The Julia Set
g) Hyperreal
h) Koch Curve
IGNOU MPYE-13 (December 2023 – June 2024) Assignment Questions
1. What is Artificial Intelligence? What are the social, economic and ethical challenges Artificial intelligence presented with human civilization.
Discuss the idea of death and dasein in the philosophy of Heidegger.
2. Explain and evaluate Limbic System Hyper-activation theory of Religious Experience.
Is it right to manipulate human genes? Discuss some ethical and social issues involved in Human Genome Project.
3. Answer any two questions in about 250 words each.
a) What is the Philosophical presupposition(s) of Fractal Geometry?
b) “Today nature is indistinguishable from culture.” Give your response with appropriate arguments.
c) Write an essay on the ethical implications of Nano Technology.
d) Examine functionalist theory of mind in the light of Artificial Intelligence.
4. Answer any four questions in about 150 words each.
a) What are the philosophical implications of Chaos theory?
b) Is there any scientific base of Physical immortality? Briefly discuss.
c) What is the Philosophical foundation of Euclidean geometry?
d) Write a short essay on theThe Sierpinski Triangle.
e) “Machine can replace Human being.” Do you agree with this statement or not? Give reasons for your answer.
f) Write a note on the idea of Neuro Culture.
5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.
a) Cloning
b) Symbolization of evil
c) Technological Singularity
d) Euclidean geometry
e) Idea of ‘Wholly Other’
f) Thomas Nagel’s idea of death
g) Qualia
h) Chaos theory