IGNOU BCSL-13 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Question 1: Answer the following in the context of the Linux Operating System. You must write all the commands that you have used for answering the questions. Also, attach printout OR a file (may be in pdf format) containing the screenshots of the output.
a) Write and run the following Linux commands and attach the screenshots of the output of each commands
i) who
ii) man
iii) cat
iv) cp
v) chmod
vi) ls
vii) cmp
viii) cd
ix) mkdir
x) grep
b) Create a text file in Linux consisting of 25 lines. Display the first 4 and last 4 lines of this file. Count how many times the word “the” appeared in this file. Display the file permissions of the file created by you. Now, change the file permissions of this file to rw-rw—-.
Question 2: Create a presentation using any Presentation software on the topic “Internet Technologies” (minimum 10 slides) having the following features:
i) All slides should use a common design template.
ii) Add an audio file to a slide. Also, add a video file that should run on a full-screen.
iii) All the slides should have timer-based transitions.
iv) All the slides should have proper headings and slide notes.
v) Each slide should have one image related to the topic.
Write the sequence of steps that you have performed to create these slides. Also attach printout OR a file (may be in pdf format) containing the handout of all the slides (6 slides per page).
Question 3: a) Use a Word Processor to create a document about the topics covered in BCSL013. It should include (i) a multi-level list highlighting the topics and subtopics of the Units; (ii) a table consisting of unit number, unit title, and number of pages of that unit; (iii) a paragraph about the objectives of the course.
b) Design a flyer on the topic “The Solar Power”. Use different styles, sizes, fonts, colours and effects.
Write the sequence of steps that you have performed to create the document and flyer. Also attach a printout OR a file (may be in pdf format) containing document and flyer.
Question 4: Create a worksheet containing the payroll of a company as given in the following table:
You must enter all the labels and details as given above. You may use the following formulae:
DA = 30% of B
G = B + DA
IT = 25% of G
PF = 10% of G
N = B + DA – IT – PF
Write the sequence of steps that you have performed to create the formulae in different cells. Also attach printout OR a file (may be in pdf format) containing the worksheet.
Question 5: Use MS Outlook or any other email software to perform the following tasks:
a) Make a weekly meeting schedule for a group meeting, along with two other BCA students, about the agenda – “Process of Assignment Submission”. This weekly meeting should be scheduled for two consecutive weeks.
b) Write an email to your friends (at least 5) inviting them to attend a lecture which is to be presented by you.
Make your Signature and add it to the e-mail message.
c) Create a vacation/ holiday message that should be sent to all the emails received by you in a vacation week (say 5th December, 2024 to 12th December, 2024; or 7th June, 2025 to 15th June 2025).
d) A person is sending several e-mails to you which you want to delete automatically. Configure your mail account to achieve this functionality in your mailbox for a specific email id.
Make and state suitable assumption, if any.
Write the sequence of steps that you have performed in different parts of this question. Also attach printout OR a file (may be in pdf format) containing the screen shots of the output.
IGNOU BCSL-13 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Q1. Answer the following in the context of the Linux Operating System
(a) Run the following (Linux commands and write the output)
i) ln
ii) ls
iii) ps
iv) who
v) diff
(b) Create a text file consisting of 30 lines and display the first 5 and last 5 lines of this file. Count the number of times the word “has” appeared in this file. Display the file permissions of the file created by you and change its permissions to rwx——.
Q2. Create a presentation using any Presentation software on the important features of the Linux Operating System (minimum 10 slides) having the following features:
(i) All slides should use a common design template.
(ii) Add one audio and one video to at least one slide each. The video file should run on a full screen option.
(iii) All the slides should have a timer-based transition.
(iv) All the slides should have proper headings and slide notes.
(v) Each slide should have one image related to the Linux operating system.
Q3. (a) Use a Word Processor to create information about BCA. It should include a multi-level list highlighting the courses that a student should study (with subtopics) in the first semester; a detailed table about courses, blocks, and units of BCS011; and a few paragraphs about the 2ndsemester ourses.
(b) Design a flyer for “The Sustainable Development of India”. Use different styles, sizes, fonts, colours and effects.
Q4. Create a worksheet containing the billing information of a company as given in the following table:
You must enter all the labels and amounts as stated. For the Sale Amount (SA), Discount Amount (D) and Amount to be Paid (FP), you may use the following formulae:
SA = S * P
DA= D * SA
FP = SA – DA
The total amount to be paid is the sum of all the FPs.
Q5. Use MS Outlook or any other email software to perform the following tasks:
a) Make a weekly meeting schedule for a group meeting with four of your friends about the agenda – “Importance of Practical in BCA”. This weekly meeting should be scheduled for 4 consecutive weeks.
b) Write an email to your friends (at least 5) inviting them to a prayer meeting. Make your Signature and add it to the e-mail message.
c) Create a vacation/ holiday message that should be sent to all the emails received by you in a vacation week (say 20th September to 27th September).
d) Suppose a person is sending across many e-mails which you want to delete automatically. Configure your mail account to achieve this functionality in your mailbox.