IGNOU BCSL-63 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Q1. (a) Write a shell script which will accept the PID of a process and display the details of that process.
(b) Create Remote Access Policy. Show how you can change to Remote Access Logging setting in Windows 2000.
Q2. (a) Write a shell program to scan all the files in a particular directory and list only those files which start (file_name) with “a” or “A”.
(b) Install and configure TCP/IP settings in LINUX/UNIX operating system.Explain with step by step procedure.
Q3. (a) Create a user account in the LINUX/UNIX Server. Set its password and define its permission like’an administrator.
(b)Configure a DNS Server as a Root Name Server in Windows 2000 Server. Explain with step by step procedure.
Q4. (a) In LINUX/UNIX system, access your account available at a remote machine. Download a file from the remote location, modify that file and upload back to the remote machine.
(b) Configure TCP/IP setting in LINUX/UNIX. Assume IP address is and Port is 446.Explain with step by step procedure.
Q5. List and execute the following LINUX/UNIX commands:
(a) To list all the current users logged in the system.
(b) To print and set the date.
(c) To show the reference and name of the terminal.
(d) To create a new file with name “abc” in the current directory.
(e) To kill a process with its PID.
IGNOU BCSL-63 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Q1. (a) Write a shell program to swap the values of “x” and “y”, given at the command prompt.
(b) Configure a DNS Server as a root name server in Windows 2000 Server. Explain with step by step procedure.
Q2. (a) Write a shell script to delete the files of “mpeg” or “mp3” from a user’s home directory, as a system administrator.
(b) As a Windows 2000 Administrator, enable and configure IPsec policy on local computer. Also, enable it for entire domain. Explain with step by step procedure.
Q3. (a) Write a shell script to delete all files from a folder which are having numeric digit in the file name.
(b) As a Windows 2000 Administrator, enable and configure IPsec policy on local computer. Also, enable it for entire domain. Explain with step by step procedure.
Q4. (a) In Unix/Linux system, access your account available at a remote machine. Download a file from the remote location, modify that file and upload back to the remote machine.
(b) Configure a TCP/IP setting in UNIX/LINUX, Dynamic allocation of IP address need to be used. Also configure the DHCP settings. Explain with step by step procedure.
Q5. List and execute the following LINUX/UNIX commands:
(a) To create a file name hello.dat and write “hello world” as file contents and close the file.
(b) To stop any process using PID.
(c) To count no. of lines in a given text file.
(d) To create a file in a sub-directory with name abc.txt