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All that you may want to know about Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Economics (BAECH)

by | Nov 26, 2022 | IGNOU Courses & Syllabus | 0 comments

IGNOU is among the earliest universities that introduced credit-based academic programmes with a range of courses. The university is now introducing the semester system and point-based evaluation system under a 10-point grading system under the CBCS, or Choice Based Credit System. BAECH is the program code of B.A. Economics(Honours)

About the BAECH

BAECH is of 148 credits. This number(148) is divided as follows:

  1. Core Course: 14 courses of 6 credits each(i.e. 84 credits)
  2. Discipline-Specific Electives: 4 courses of 6 credits each(i.e. 24 credits)
  3. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course: 2 courses of 4 credits(i.e. 8 credits)
  4. Generic electives: 4 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 24 credits)

Duration of BAECH

The minimum duration for the completion of BAECH Program is 3 years, whereas its maximum duration is 6 years.


Core Courses

Core Courses or CC of the program has fourteen core courses. One core course is of six credits. Therefore, these courses cover a total of 84 credits of the programme.

BECC-101: Introductory Microeconomics

BECC-102: Mathematical Methods for Economics-I

BECC-103: Introductory Macroeconomics

BECC-104: Mathematical Methods for Economics-II

BECC-105: Intermediate Microeconomics-I

BECC-106: Intermediate Macroeconomics-I

BECC-107: Statistical Methods for Economics

BECC-108: Intermediate Microeconomics-II

BECC-109: Intermediate Macroeconomics-II

BECC-110: Introductory Econometrics

BECC-111: Indian Economy-I

BECC-112: Development Economics-I

BECC-113: Indian Economy-II

BECC-114: Development Economics-II

Elective Courses

One elective course is equal to six credits. These courses are Discipline-centric Elective Courses offered in the 5th and 6th semesters of the program. The total number of courses in Economics is 18 and hence constitutes 108 credits in the programme.

Ability/Skill Enhancement Course

There are two Ability Enhancement Courses—one each in the 1st and 2nd semesters of the first year in your 3-year programme.

The Objective of BAECH Programme

BAECH Program is designed in such a way that when students of BAECH complete this course successfully, they get comprehensive knowledge and floodgate of opportunities in Public and Private sectors.

The Objectives of BAECH Programme  are as follows:

  • To introduce the learners to the main themes and topics in the discipline of humanities, social science and sciences
  • Encourage the learners to work towards the ability and skill enhancement and facilitate for the same
  • Encourage the learners to develop skills for reading and writing through different kinds of exercises and assignments

Eligibility and Fee Structure of BAECH Programme

The eligibility of this program is 10+2. Those students of IGNOU who want to enroll themselves in BAECH Program, need to pay Rs. 9600 if they are otherwise eligible to take admission. In the first year, the students have to pay Rs. 3400  as Rs. 200 is the registration fee. The mode of payment is online only, i.e. through debit card, credit card, online transfer, etc. The fee, once paid, is not refundable. However, it is important to mention here that in order to know the actual amount, you need to visit us so that you can know about the actual money at the time of making the payment. The fee structure tends to change.

Medium of Instruction

As most of you might be already aware, the medium of instruction of BAECH Programme is both English and Hindi. So, the medium of this programme may not be an issue for you.

It is important to know here that the above-given information includes, but is not limited to valuable information related to BAECH Programme.


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