IGNOU’s December 2023 TEE: Preliminary Examination Timetable Released, Access Direct Link Below
The preliminary timetable for the December 2023 Term End Examination (TEE) has been published by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). As per the provisional timetable, the exam is set to start on December 01 and continue until January 05, 2024.
IGNOU's December 2023 TEE
IGNOU has officially announced the preliminary date sheet for the December 2023 Term End Examination (TEE). Those appearing for the December TEE can check the full timetable on IGNOU's official website, ignou.ac.in. The IGNOU December 2023 TEE is provisionally planned to start on December 1 and conclude on January 05, 2024, as per the timetable. Examinations will be held in two shifts, from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM, and from 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM.
Students should note that the examination form submission portal for the December 2023 TEE will open in due time. Also, remember that the date sheet is susceptible to modifications.
IGNOU has also extended the final date for fresh admissions and re-registration for the July 2023 cycle to July 31
Registrations for online programs can be done at ignouiop.samarth.edu.in. Registration for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) courses can be done at ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in.
How to Check IGNOU's December 2023 TEE Date Sheet:
Step 1: Visit IGNOU's official website at ignou.ac.in.
Step 2: Click on the "Preliminary Date sheet for Term End Examination December 2023" link available on the main page.
Step 3: A PDF of the date sheet will be displayed after clicking on the link.
Step 4: Review the date sheet carefully and save the PDF of the timetable for future reference.
Access the IGNOU December 2023 TEE preliminary date sheet directly here.
General Conditions for Filling Out the Exam Form for IGNOU Dec TEE 2023
The preliminary timetable also includes general conditions for online Examination Form submission:
• Ensure that the course registration is valid and within the time frame. • All assignments in the courses must have been submitted by the due date, wherever applicable, as per your program's rules.
• The minimum duration required for course completion, as per the program's rules, must have been fulfilled.
Students have also been asked by IGNOU to report any discrepancies in the date sheet at the email address: [email protected] by August 31.
For any further updates, candidates are encouraged to check IGNOU's official website