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IGNOU MEG-04 Code Details
IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Aspects of Language
Core Courses (CC)
IGNOU MEG-04 English Topics Covered
Block 1 - What is Language?
- Unit 1 - The Nature of Language
- Unit 2 - Looking at Data-I
- Unit 3 - Looking at Data-II
- Unit 4 - Language and Thought
Block 2 - History of English Language
- Unit 1 - An Introduction
- Unit 2 - Changes in Sounds and Spelling
- Unit 3 - Changes in Vocabulary
- Unit 4 - Changes in Grammar
Block 3 - (A) English Phonetics and Phonology-I
- Unit 1 - The Speech Mechanism
- Unit 2 - The Description and Classification of Consonants and Vowels
- Unit 3 - Phonetic Transcription and Phonology
- Unit 4 - The Consonants of English
Block 4 - (B) English Phonetics and Phonology-II
- Unit 1 - The Vowels of English (R.P)
- Unit 2 - Word Accent, Stress and Rhythm in Connected Speech
- Unit 3 - Intonation
Block 5 - English Morphology
- Unit 1 - The Study of Words
- Unit 2 - Word-Formation in English-I
- Unit 3 - Word-Formation in English-II
- Unit 4 - Word-Formation in English-III
Block 6 - English Syntax
- Unit 1 - Basic Notions of Syntactic Constituents and Phrase Structure 5
- Unit 2 - Types of Clauses and Sentences
- Unit 3 - Grammatical Punctions, Cases, and Thematic Roles
- Unit 4 - The Syntax of Inflectional Elements: Tense & Agreement
- Unit 5 - Pronouns, Reflexives, and Other Bound Elements
- Unit 6 - Syntax of Scope: Adverbs, Quantifiers, and Negation
Block 7 - Language in Use-I
- Unit 1 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics
- Unit 2 - Speech Community and Multilingualism
- Unit 3 - Bilingualism
- Unit 4 - Language Standardization
Block 8 - Language in Use-II
- Unit 1 - Multilingual Use of Codes
- Unit 2 - Language Planning
- Unit 3 - Conversational Analysis
- Unit 4 - Learner Factors in Second Language Acquisition-I
- Unit 5 - Learner Factors in Second Language Acquisition-II
Block 9 - The Spread of English
- Unit 1 - Variation and Varieties
- Unit 2 - Consolidation and Standardization of English
- Unit 3 - The Spread and Rise of Englishes
- Unit 4 - Indian English
Block 10 - Stylistics
- Unit 1 - Language Variation-The context of Situation
- Unit 2 - The Connection Between Linguistics, Literary Criticism and Stylistics
- Unit 3 - Style and Content
- Unit 4 - Analysing Texts-I
- Unit 5 - Analysing Texts-II
- Unit 6 - Analysing Texts-III
Buy MEG-04 Help Book IGNOU MEG-04 (July 2024 - January 2025) Assignment Questions
1.What are the characteristics of human language? Discuss each in detail.
2.Write short notes on the following:
a. Back-formation
b. Compounding
3. Discuss the significance and types of motivation in the context of second language learning.
4. Word is “a minimum free form.” Elaborate.
5.Write a critical note on “Indianness” in Indian English. Give relevant examples.
IGNOU MEG-04 (July 2023 - January 2024) Assignment Questions
1. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Theories on the origin of language
(ii) The Articulatory System
2. Examine the salient features of the Sapir-Whorf hypotheses.
3. Discuss in detail the changes in English sounds with reference to changes in consonant sounds, the vowel system and spellings.
4. Discuss with examples the main speech mechanism with reference to three systems: the Respiratory System, the Phonatory System and the Articulatory System.
5. What do you think is the role of English vis-à-vis the Indian languages in modern India?
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