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Complete Detail about Master of Business Administration in Financial Management(MBAFM)

by | Sep 19, 2023 | IGNOU Courses & Syllabus | 0 comments

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) stands as a leader in India’s distance education. You name a popular course, and you will find that in IGNOU. Master of Business Administration in Financial Management is one such popular course, that admission seeker students from almost every part of India want to get information about. Read this blog till the end to know all the relevant information regarding MBA in Financial Management.

Course Duration

The minimum duration of this course is two years and the maximum duration is four years.

Age bars for IGNOU students

You will be happily surprised to know that there is no age restriction for this course.

Fees & Eligibility for this course

Fees: You will need to pay only 15,500 rupees for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th semesters. However, the fees for 3rd semester will be slightly higher. You will need to pay 17,500 for the 3rd semester. so the total fee for the course will be charge 64000.

Eligibility: The eligibility criteria for MBAFM follow the norms laid out by the AICTE. For the enrolment of this course, you will need a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum duration of 3 years with at least 50 % marks. However, if you belong to a reserved category, the percentage of marks will be 5% less, i.e., 45%

Courses Offered & Selection of course

Courses Offered: The MBA in Financial Management comprises 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. This division is as follows:
• Nineteen (19) Core courses of 4 Credits each

• Eight (08) courses from the chosen specialization area 4 credits each

• One (01) Project course (MMPP-001 equivalent to 2 courses)

Selection of Courses: As a student of MBA in Financial Management, you need to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the journey of this program. The highlights of the courses are as follows:

• All courses are mandatory in the 1st and 2nd semesters

• Three courses, viz. MMPC-015, MMPC-0016 & MMPP-001 are compulsory in the 3rd semester

• Students have to select four (04) courses from the available specialization courses

• There are (03) compulsory courses in the fourth semester

• Students have to select four (04) more specialization courses

• Students of this course have to select a total of 8 courses in their specialization only in order to get their MBA degree in that specialization

• It is important to mention here that MMPP-001, i.e., the Project Course is equal to two courses. However, it is important to mention here that for registration purposes, MMPP-001(project course) is treated as a single course

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