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IGNOU BAFPS - Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) (1839 Codes)
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Accounting for Managers
Adult Education
Advertising and Integrated Communication
Analytical Chemistry
Applied Science - Energy
Applied Statistics
Audio Programme Production
BAPCH - Psychology
Banking Management
Business Administration
Business Communication
Business Environment
Business and Law
C and Python programming
Child Care
Climate Change
Community Health
Computer Application
Consumer Protection
Consumer Studies
Corporate Social Responsibility
Counselling and Family Therapy
Criminal Justice
Dairy Technology
Data Science and Analytics
Database Management
Development Communication
Disaster Management
Distance Education
Drawing and Painting
Early Childhood and Foundational Stage Education
Ecology, Environment and Tourism
Educational Management
Educational Technology
Electronic Media
Elementary Education
Environment and Sustainable Development
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Environmental and Occupational Health
Event Management
Extension and Development Studies
Facility and Services Management
Fashion Design
Finance and Accounting
Financial Management
Financial Market
Folklore and Culture Studies
Food Nutrition
Food Safety and Quality Management
Foreign Trade
Gandhi and Peace Studies
Gender Studies
Gender and Development
Guidance and Counseling
HIV and Family Education
Higher Education
Hindu Studies
Hindustani Music
Hospital and Health Management
Hotel Operation
Human Environment
Human Resource Management
Human Trafficking
Information System
Information Technology
International Business Operations
Inventory Planning and Warehousing for Engineers
Journalism and Digital Media
Journalism and Electronic Media
Journalism and Mass Communication
Lesson Plan
Library Automation and Networking
Library and Information Science
Life Science
Life Skills
MAAN - Anthropology
MADE – Distance Education
MADVS – Development Studies
MAEDU – Education
MAGD - Gender and Development Studies
MAJMC - Journalism and Mass Communication
MAPC – Clinical Psychology
MAPC – Counselling Psychology
MAPC – Industrial and Organizational Psychology
MAPY - Philosophy
MARD – Rural Development
MAWGS - Women and Gender Studies
MBA - Banking and Finance
MEC - Economics
MGPS - Gandhi and Peace Studies
MPA – Public Administration
MPS – Political Science
MSCCFT - Counselling and Family Therapy
MSCDFSM - Food and Nutrition
MSCIS – Information Security
MSCRWEE - Renewable Energy and Environment)
Managerial Economics
Marketing Management
Maternal and Child Health
Mental Health
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Migration and Diaspora
Nutrition and Child Care
Nutrition and Health Education
Operations Management
Organic Farming
Organizational Behaviour
PGDINDS – Industrial Safety
Panchayat Level Administration and Development
Paralegal Practice
Patent Practice
Pharmaceutical Sales Management
Political Science
Population and Family Health Studies
Pre Primary Education
Public Administration
Quantitative Analysis
Research Methodology
Rural Development
School Leadership and Management
Self and Yoga
Service Management
Social Science
Social Work
Social Work and criminal Justice System
Software Engineering
Solid Wastes Treatment Techniques
Substance Abuse
Sustainability Science
Tourism Management
Tourism Marketing
Tourism Studies
Tribal Studies
Urban Planning and Development
Value Education
Vedic Adhyayan
Vedic Ganit
Water Harvesting
Windows and Linux
Women and Gender Studies
Women's Empowerment and Development
Women‘s Empowerment and Development
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ACC-01 - Organising Child Care Services
ACS-01 - Consumer Studies
AEC-01 - Environmental Chemistry
AED-01 - Export Procedures and Documentation
AFW-01 - Feature Writing
AHE-01 - Human Environment
AHE-01 P - Human Environment Project
AMK-01 - Marketing
AMT-01 - Teaching of Primary School Mathematics
AMT-01 P - Teaching of Primary School Mathematics
ANC-01 - Nutrition for the Community
AOM-01 - Office Organization and Management
AOR-01 - Operational Research
APM-01 - Integrated Pest Management
ASP-01 - Secretarial Practice
AST-01 - Statistical techniques
ATR-01 - Translation
AWR-01 - Writing for Radio
B.ED. - Entrance Exam Guide
B.Ed. English - Lesson Plan
B.Ed. Hindi - Lesson Plan
B.Ed. Mathematics - Lesson Plan
B.Ed. Science - Lesson Plan
B.Ed. Social Study - Lesson Plan
BABG-171 - Understanding B.R. Ambedkar
BANC-101 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology
BANC-102 - Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
BANC-103 - Archaeological Anthropology
BANC-104 - Human Origin and Evolution
BANC-105 - Tribes and Peasants in India
BANC-106 - Human Ecology: Biological and Cultural Dimensions
BANC-107 - Biological Diversity in Human Populations
BANC-108 - Theories of Culture and Society
BANC-109 - Human Growth and Development
BANC-110 - Research Methods
BANC-111 - Human Population Genetics
BANC-112 - Anthropology in Practice
BANC-113 - Forensic Anthropology
BANC-114 - Anthropology of India
BANC-131 - Anthropology and Research Methods
BANC-132 - Fundamentals of Biological Anthropology
BANC-133 - Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology
BANC-134 - Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology
BANE-141 - Physiological Anthropology
BANE-143 - Tribal Cultures of India
BANE-144 - Visual Anthropology
BANE-145 - Applied Anthropology
BANE-146 - Anthropology of Indigenous People
BANE-147 - Urban Anthropology
BANS-183 - Tourism Anthropology
BANS-184 - Public Health and Epidemiology
BAP-01 - Introduction to Organic Farming
BAP-02 - Basic Horticulture
BAPI-01 - Organic Production System
BAPI-02 - Inspection and Certification of Organic Produce
BAPI-03 - Economics and Marketing of Organic Produce
BAPI-04 - Production Technology of Fruit Crops
BAPI-05 - Production Technology of Vegetable Crops
BAPI-06 - Floriculture and Landscaping
BAPI-07 - Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
BBCCT-101 - Molecules of Life
BBCCT-103 - Cell Biology
BBCCT-105 - Proteins
BBCCT-107 - Enzymes
BBCCT-109 - Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Lipids
BBCCT-111 - Membrane Biology and Bioenergetics
BBCCT-113 - Metabolism of Amino Acids and Nucleotides
BBCCT-115 - Human Physiology
BBCCT-117 - Gene Organization Replication and Repair
BBCCT-119 - Hormone: Biochemistry and Function
BBCCT-121 - Concepts in Genetics
BBCCT-123 - Gene Expression and Regulation
BBCCT-125 - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
BBCCT-127 - Immunology
BBCET-141 - Nutritional Biochemistry
BBCET-143 - Basic Microbiology
BBCET-145 - Molecular basis of non-infectious human diseases
BBCET-151 - Plant Biochemistry
BBCS-183 - Tools and Techniques in Biochemistry
BBCS-185 - Bioinformatics
BBYCT-131 - Biodiversity - Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archegoniates
BBYCT-133 - Plant Ecology and Taxonomy
BBYCT-135 - Plant Anatomy and Embryology
BBYCT-137 - Plant Physiology and Metabolism
BBYET-141 - Cell and Molecular Biology
BBYET-143 - Economic Botany and Plant Biotechnology
BCH-12 - Event Planning
BCHCL-132 - Chemistry Lab-I: Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
BCHCT-131 - Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
BCHCT-133 - Chemical Energetics, Equilibria and Functional Group Organic Chemistry-I
BCHCT-135 - Solutions, Phase equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry and Functional Group Organic Chemistry-II
BCHCT-137 - Coordination Chemistry, States of Matter and Chemical Kinetics
BCHET-141 - Analytical Methods in Chemistry
BCHET-147 - Organometallics, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Polynuclear Hyderocarbons and UV, IR Spectroscopy
BCHET-149 - Molecules of Life
BCHS-183 - Laboratory Management Skills
BCOA-01 - Business Communication and Entrepreneurship
BCOC-131 - Financial Accounting
BCOC-132 - Business Organisation and Management
BCOC-133 - Business Law
BCOC-134 - Business Mathematics and Statistics
BCOC-135 - Company Law
BCOC-136 - Income Tax Law and Practice
BCOC-137 - Corporate Accounting
BCOC-138 - Cost Accounting
BCOE-108 - Company Law
BCOE-141 - Principles of Marketing
BCOE-142 - Management Accounting
BCOE-143 - Fundamentals of Financial Management
BCOE-144 - Office Management and Secretarial Practice
BCOG-171 - Principles of Micro Economics
BCOG-172 - Indian Economy
BCOLA-138 - Business Communication
BCOS-183 - Computer Application in Business
BCOS-184 - E-Commerce
BCOS-185 - Entrepreneurship
BCOS-186 - Personal Selling and Salesmanship
BCS-11 - Computer Basics and PC Software
BCS-111 - Computer Basics and PC Software
BCS-12 - Basic Mathematics
BCS-31 - Programming in C++
BCS-40 - Statistical Techniques
BCS-41 - Fundamentals of Computer Networks
BCS-42 - Introduction to Algorithm Design
BCS-51 - Introduction to Software Engineering
BCS-52 - Network Programming and Administration
BCS-53 - Web Programming
BCS-54 - Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques
BCS-55 - Business Communication
BCS-62 - E-Commerce
BCSL-13 - Computer Basics and PC Software Lab
BCSL-21 - C Language Programming Lab
BCSL-21-22 MCSL-17 - C & Assembly Language Programme (Lab Manual)
BCSL-22 - Assembly Language Programming Lab
BCSL-32 - C++ Programming Lab
BCSL-33 - Data and File Structures Lab
BCSL-34 - DBMS Lab
BCSL-43 - Java Programming Lab
BCSL-44 - Statistical Techniques Lab
BCSL-45 - Algorithm Design Lab
BCSL-56 - Network Programming and Administration Lab
BCSL-57 - Web Programming Lab
BCSL-58 - Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab
BCSL-63 - Operating System Concepts & Networking Management Lab
BCSP-64 - Project Work
BECC-101 - Introductory Microeconomics
BECC-102 - Mathematical Methods for Economics-I
BECC-103 - Introductory Macroeconomics
BECC-104 - Mathematical Methods for Economics-II
BECC-105 - Intermediate Microeconomics I
BECC-106 - Intermediate Macroeconomics-I
BECC-107 - Statistical Methods for Economics
BECC-108 - Intermediate Microeconomics-II
BECC-109 - Intermediate Macroeconomics-II
BECC-110 - Introductory Econometrics
BECC-111 - Indian Economy-I
BECC-112 - Development Economics-I
BECC-113 - Indian Economy-II
BECC-114 - Development Economics-II
BECC-131 - Principles of Microeconomics-I
BECC-132 - Principles of Microeconomics-II
BECC-133 - Principles of Macroeconomics-I
BECC-134 - Principles of Macroeconomics-II
BECE-02 - Indian Economic Development: Issues and Perspectives
BECE-107 - Industrial Development in India
BECE-141 - Economics of Health and Education
BECE-142 - Applied Econometrics
BECE-143 - Environmental Economics
BECE-144 - Financial Economics
BECE-145 - Indian Economy – I
BECE-146 - Indian Economy – II
BECE-15 - Elementary Mathematical Methods in Economics
BECE-16 - Economic Development: Comparative Analysis and Contemporary Issues
BECE-214 - Agricultural Development in India
BECS-131 -
BECS-184 - Data Analysis
BEDSV-101 - Value Education
BEGA-01 - Introduction to the Media
BEGAE-182 - English Communication Skills
BEGC-101 - Indian Classical Literature
BEGC-102 - European Classical Literature
BEGC-103 - Indian Writing in English
BEGC-104 - British Poetry and Drama 14th-17th Century
BEGC-105 - American Literature
BEGC-106 - Popular Literature
BEGC-107 - British Poetry and Drama: 17th and 18th Centuries
BEGC-108 - British Literature: 18th Century
BEGC-109 - British Romantic Literature
BEGC-110 - British Literature: 19th Century
BEGC-111 - Women's Writing
BEGC-112 - British Literature: The Early 20th Century
BEGC-113 - Modern European Drama
BEGC-114 - Postcolonial Literatures
BEGC-131 - Individual and Society
BEGC-132 - Selections from Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity
BEGC-133 - British Literature
BEGC-134 - Reading the Novel
BEGE-101 - From Language to Literature
BEGE-102 - The Structure of Modern English
BEGE-103 - Communication Skills in English
BEGE-104 - English for Business Communication
BEGE-105 - Understanding Prose
BEGE-106 - Understanding Poetry
BEGE-107 - Understanding Drama
BEGE-108 - Reading the Novel
BEGE-141 - Understanding Prose
BEGE-142 - Understanding Drama
BEGE-143 - Understanding Poetry
BEGE-144 - Understanding The Novel
BEGE-145 - Soft Skills
BEGG-171 - Media and Communication Skills
BEGG-172 - Language and Linguistics
BEGG-173 - Academic Writing & Composition
BEGG-174 - Creative Writing
BEGLA-135 - English in Daily Life
BEGLA-136 - English at the Workplace
BEGLA-137 - Language Through Literature
BEGLA-138 - Reading And Speaking Skills
BEGS-183 - Writing and Study Skills
BEGS-185 - English Language Teaching
BEGS-186 - Business Communication
BERGP-171 - Project
BES-121 - Childhood and Growing Up
BES-122 - Contemporary India and Education
BES-123 - Learning and Teaching
BES-124 - Language Across the Curriculum
BES-125 - Understanding Disciplines and Subjects
BES-126 - Knowledge and Curriculum
BES-127 - Assessment for Learning
BES-128 - Creating an Inclusive School
BES-129 - Gender, School and Society
BES-141 - Pedagogy of Science
BES-142 - Pedagogy of Social Science
BES-143 - Pedagogy of Mathematics
BES-144 - Pedagogy of English
BES-145 - Pedagogy of Hindi
BESC-131 - Education: Concept, Nature and Perspective
BESC-132 - Structure and Management of Education
BESC-133 - Curriculum, Teaching-Learning and Assessment
BESC-134 - Education as a Practice
BESE-131 - Open and Distance Education
BESE-132 - Guidance and Counselling
BESE-133 - Adolescence and Family Education
BESE-135 - Information and Communication Technology
BESE-141 - ICT in Education
BESE-142 - Lifelong Learning
BESE-65 - HIV and AIDS Education
BESE-66 - Adolescence And Family Education
BESL-123 - Drama and Art in Education
BESL-123-124 - Drama and Art in Education & Understanding the Self and Yoga
BESL-124 - Understanding the Self and Yoga
BEVAE-181 - Environmental Studies
BEY-01 - Thermal Science
BEY-02 - Energy Resources
BEY-12 - Electrical and Electronic Sciences
BEY-19 - Real Analysis and Discrete Mathematics
BFD-74 - Communication and Entrepreneurship
BFDI-71 - Fundamentals of Fashion Design
BFDI-72 - Basics of Pattem Making and Sewing
BFDI-73 - Introduction to Fashion Industry
BFO-01 - Basics of Management
BFO-02 - Building Services and Maintenance-I
BFO-03 - Basics of Facility Management
BFO-04 - Building Services and Maintenance-II
BFO-05 - Fire Safety in Facilities
BFO-06 - Professional Ethics
BFO-07 - Safety and Security in Facilities
BFO-08 - Managing Housekeeping Services
BFO-09 - Human Resource Management
BFO-10 - Hygiene, Sanitation and Waste Management
BFO-11 - Managing Facilities-I (Catering Facilities)
BFOC-101 - Introduction to Building and Maintenance
BFOP-01 - Dissertation
BGDG-172 - Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture
BGGCT-131 - Physical Geography
BGGCT-132 - Human Geography
BGGCT-133 - General Cartography
BGGCT-135 - Environmental Geography
BGGET-141 - Geography of India
BGGET-142 - Economic Geography
BGSE-01 - Gender Sensitization
BGYCT-131 - Physical and Structural Geology
BGYCT-133 - Crystallography, Mineralogy and Economic Geology
BGYCT-135 - Petrology
BGYCT-137 - Stratigraphy and Palaeontology
BGYET-141 - Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals
BGYET-147 - Geomorphology and Geotectonics
BHC-11 - Basics of Event Management
BHC-12 - Event Planning
BHC-13 - Event Coordination and Control
BHC-14 - Event Marketing and Promotion
BHC-15 - Event Financing and Accounting
BHDA-101 - Samachar Patra aur Feature Lekhan
BHDAE-182 - Hindi Bhasha aur Sampreshan
BHDC-101 - Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas- Ritikal tak
BHDC-102 - Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas- Aadhunik kal
BHDC-103 - Aadikalin evam Madhyakalin Hindi Kavita
BHDC-104 - Aadhunik Hindi Kavita- Chhayavad tak
BHDC-105 - Chhyavadottar Hindi Kavita
BHDC-106 - Bhartiya Kavyashashtra
BHDC-107 - Pashchatya Kavyashashtra
BHDC-108 - Bhasha Vigyan aur Hindi Bhasha
BHDC-109 - Hindi Upanyas
BHDC-110 - Hindi Kahani
BHDC-111 - Hindi Natak Evam Ekanki
BHDC-112 - Hindi Nibandh aur Anya Gaddh Vidhayen
BHDC-113 - Hindi Ki Sahaityik Patrakarita
BHDC-114 - Prayojanmoolak Hindi
BHDC-131 - Hindi Sahitya ka Itihas
BHDC-132 - Madhyakalin Hindi Kavita
BHDC-133 - Aadhunik Hindi Kavita
BHDC-134 - Hindi Gadya Sahitya
BHDE-101 - Hindi Gadhya
BHDE-106 - Hindi Bhasha: Itihas aur vartman
BHDE-107 - Hindi Sanrachna
BHDE-141 - Asmitamulak Vimarsh aur Hindi Sahitya
BHDE-142 - Rashtriya Kavyadhara
BHDE-143 - Premchand
BHDE-144 - Chhayavad
BHDF-101 - Hindi me Aadhar Pathyakram
BHDG-173 - Samachar Patra aur Feature Lekhan
BHDG-175 - Madhyakalin Bhartiya Sahitya evam Sanskriti
BHDLA-135 - Hindi Bhasha: Vividh Prayog
BHDLA-136 - Hindi Bhasha: Lekhan Kaushal
BHDLA-137 - Hindi Bhasha: Sampreshan Kaushal
BHDLA-138 - Hindi Sahitya: Vividh Vidhayen
BHDS-183 - Anuvad: Siddhan aur Pravidhi
BHDS-184 - Radio Lekhan
BHDS-185 - Television Lekhan (Vaikalpik)
BHIC-101 - History of India-I
BHIC-102 - Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World
BHIC-103 - History of India-II
BHIC-104 - Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World
BHIC-105 - History of India –III (750 – 1206 CE)
BHIC-106 - The Rise of the Modern West-1
BHIC-107 - History of India – IV (c. 1206 – 1550)
BHIC-108 - Rise of the Modern West – II
BHIC-109 - History of India –V (c. 1550 – 1605)
BHIC-110 - History of India From 1757-1857
BHIC-111 - History of Modern Europe - I (c. 1780 - 1939)
BHIC-112 - History of India –VII (c. 1605 – 1750)
BHIC-113 - History of India –VIII (c. 1857 – 1950)
BHIC-114 - History of Modern Europe -II (c. 1780 – 1939)
BHIC-131 - History of India from the Earliest Times up to 300 CE.
BHIC-132 - History of India from C. 300-1206
BHIC-133 - History of India from c.1206 - 1707
BHIC-134 - History of India: 1707-1950
BHIE-141 - History of China (C. 1840 – 1978)
BHIE-142 - History of Modern East Asia : Japan (1868-1945)
BHIE-143 - History of Environment
BHIE-144 - Traditions of History Writing in India
BHIE-145 - Some aspects of European History: C. 1789 – 1945
BHIS-183 - Traditions and Perception of Craft in Bharat
BHMCP-109 - Dissertation
Bihar CET-B.Ed. - Sanyukt Pravesh Priksha Guide
BLEP-01 - Project
BLEP-34 - Project Work
BLI-11 - Libraries: An Introduction
BLI-221 - Library, Information and Society
BLI-222 - Information Sources and Services
BLI-223 - Organising and Managing Information
BLI-224 - ICT Fundamentals
BLI-225 - Communication Skills
BLIE-226 - Management of Library and Information Centre
BLIE-227 - Document Processing: Practice
BLIE-228 - Information Products and Services
BLIE-229 - ICT in Libraries
BLII-12 - Document Processing and Organisation
BLII-13 - Information Sources and Library Services
BLII-14 - ICT in Libraries
BLIS Guide - BLIS-01 to 07
BLIS-(221-222-223-224) - IGNOU BLIS Guide-1 (BLI-221 to 224)
BLIS-(225-226-228-229) - IGNOU BLIS Guide-2 (BLI-225 & BLIE-226, 228, 229)
BMPP-01 - Project
BMTC-131 - Calculus
BMTC-132 - Differential Equations
BMTC-133 - Real Analysis
BMTC-134 - Algebra
BMTE-141 - Linear Algebra
BMTE-143 -
BMTE-144 - Numerical Analysis
BNM-21 - Introduction to Journalism and Digital Media
BNM-22 - Techniques of Reporting
BNM-23 - Media and Information Literacy
BNM-24 - News Writing and Editing
BNMP-21 - Print and Digital Project
BNMP-22 - Electronic Media Project
BNS-101 - Nursing Foundation
BNS-102 - Applied Sciences (Biochemistry, Biophysics, Microbiology and Nutrition and Dietetics)
BNS-103 - Maternal Nursing
BNS-104 - Communicative English
BNS-105 - Behavioural Sciences
BNS-106 - Medical Surgical Nursing
BNS-107 - Paediatric Nursing
BNS-108 - Mental Health Nursing
BNS-109 - Community Health Nursing
BNS-110 - Nursing Administration And Management
BNS-111 - Nursing Education and Research
BPAC-101 - Perspectives on Public Administration
BPAC-102 - Administrative Thinkers
BPAC-103 - Administrative System at Union Level
BPAC-104 - Administrative system at State and District Levels
BPAC-105 - Personnel Administration
BPAC-106 - Understanding Public Policy
BPAC-107 - Comparative Public Administration
BPAC-108 - Public Policy and Administration in India
BPAC-109 - Public Systems Management
BPAC-110 - Urban Local Governance
BPAC-111 - Public Finance and Administration
BPAC-112 - Rural Local Governance
BPAC-113 - Development Administration
BPAC-114 - Contemporary Issues and Concerns in Indian Administration
BPAC-131 - Perspectives on Public Administration
BPAC-132 - Administrative Thinkers
BPAC-133 - Administrative system at Union Level
BPAC-134 - Administrative system at State and District Levels
BPAE-102 - Indian Administration
BPAE-104 - Personnel Administration
BPAE-141 - Right to Information
BPAE-142 - Organisational Behaviour
BPAE-143 - Administrative System in BRICS
BPAE-144 - Social Policies and Administration
BPAG-171 - Disaster Management
BPAG-172 - Governance: Issues and Challenges
BPAG-173 - E-Governance
BPAG-174 - Sustainable Development
BPAS-184 - Logistics Management
BPAS-186 - Stress and Time Management
BPBLA-135 - Modern Indian Language- Punjabi
BPC-01 - General Psychology
BPC-02 - Developmental Psychology
BPC-03 - Research Methods in Psychology
BPC-04 - Statistics in Psychology
BPC-05 - Theories of Personality
BPC-06 - Social Psychology
BPCC-101 - General Psychology
BPCC-102 - Biopsychology
BPCC-103 - Psychology of Individual Differences
BPCC-104 - Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-I
BPCC-105 - Psychological Research
BPCC-106 - Development of Psychological Thought
BPCC-107 - Social Psychology
BPCC-108 - Statistical Methods for Psychological Research - II
BPCC-109 - Developmental Psychology
BPCC-110 - Applied Social Psychology
BPCC-111 - Understanding Psychological Disorders
BPCC-112 - Organizational Behaviour
BPCC-113 - Understanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders
BPCC-114 - Counselling Psychology
BPCC-131 - Foundations of Psychology
BPCC-132 - Introduction to Social Psychology
BPCC-133 - Psychological Disorders
BPCC-134 - Statistical Methods and Psychological Research
BPCE-11 - School Psychology
BPCE-13 - Motivation and Emotion
BPCE-14 - Psychopathology
BPCE-141 - Positive Psychology
BPCE-142 - Forensic Psychology
BPCE-143 - Environmental Psychology
BPCE-144 - Dissertation
BPCE-145 - Counselling Psychology
BPCE-146 - Industrial/Organisational Psychology
BPCE-15 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
BPCE-17 - Introduction to Counselling Psychology
BPCE-18 - Neuropsychology
BPCE-19 - Environmental Psychology
BPCE-21 - Forensic Psychology
BPCG-171 - General Psychology
BPCG-172 - Youth, Gender and Identity
BPCG-173 - Psychology for Health and Well Being
BPCG-174 - Psychology and Media
BPCG-175 - Psychology for Living
BPCG-176 - Psychology of Gender
BPCS-183 - Emotional Intelligence
BPCS-184 - School Psychology
BPCS-185 - Developing Emotional Competence
BPCS-186 - Managing Stress
BPCS-187 - Managing Human Resources
BPCS-188 - Application of Social Psychology
BPHCL-132 - Mechanics: Laboratory
BPHCT-131 - Mechanics
BPHCT-133 - Electricity and Magnetism
BPHCT-135 - Thermal Physics and Statistical Mechanics
BPHCT-137 - Wave and Optics
BPHE-101/PHE-01 - Elementary Mechanics
BPHE-102 - Oscillations and Waves
BPHE-104/PHE-04 - Mathematical Methods in Physics-I
BPHET-141 - Elements of Modern Physics
BPHET-143 - Digital and Analog Circuits and Instrumentation
BPR-04 - Project Work
BPRP-04 - Project Work
BPSC-101 - Understanding Political Theory
BPSC-102 - Constitutional Government and Democracy in India
BPSC-103 - Political Theory: Concepts and Debates
BPSC-104 - Political Process in India
BPSC-105 - Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
BPSC-107 - Perspectives on International Relations and World History
BPSC-109 - Political Processes and Institutions in Comparative Perspective
BPSC-110 - Global Politics
BPSC-111 - Classical Political Philosophy
BPSC-112 - Indian Political Thought-I
BPSC-113 - Modern Political Philosophy
BPSC-114 - Indian Political Thought-II
BPSC-131 - Introduction to Political Theory
BPSC-132 - Indian Government and Politics
BPSC-133 - Comparative Government and Politics
BPSC-134 - Introduction to International Relations
BPSE-141 - Gandhi and the Contemporary World
BPSE-142 - India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World
BPSE-143 - State Politics in India
BPSE-144 - Introduction to South Asia
BPSE-145 - Democracy and Development in Northeast India
BPSE-146 - Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
BPVI-11 - Milk Production and Quality of Milk
BPVI-12 - Dairy Equipment and Utilities
BPVI-13 - Milk Processing and Packaging
BPVI-14 - Dairy Products – I
BPVI-15 - Dairy Products - II
BPVI-16 - Dairy Products - III
BPVI-17 - Quality Assurance
BPVI-18 - Dairy Management and Entrepreneurship
BPY-01 - Indian Philosophy: Part-I
BPY-02 - Logic : Classical and Symbolic
BPY-03 - Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
BPY-04 - Religions of the World
BPY-05 - Indian Philosophy : Part II
BPY-06 - Metaphysics
BPY-07 - Ethics
BPY-08 - Modern Western Philosophy
BPY-09 - Contemporary Western Philosophy
BPY-10 - Epistemology
BPY-11 - Philosophy of Human Persons
BPY-12 - Philosophy of Science and Cosmology
BPYC-101 - Introduction to Philosophy: Perspectives, Issues and Early History
BPYC-102 - Ethics
BPYC-131 - Indian Philosophy
BPYC-132 - Ethics
BPYC-133 - Logic
BPYC-134 - Western Philosophy: Modern
BPYE-01 - Philosophy of Religion
BPYE-02 - Tribal and Dalit Philosophy
BPYE-141 - Metaphysics
BPYE-142 - Social and Political Philosophy
BPYG-171 - Applied Ethics
BPYG-172 - Philosophy of Religion
BRL-02 - Retail Marketing and Communication
BRL-101 - Overview of Retailing
BRL-102 - Introduction to Retail Marketing
BRL-103 - Store Operations
BRL-104 - Retail Management Perspectives and Communication
BRL-105 - Customer Service Management
BRL-106 - Managing Human Resources
BRL-107 - Buying and Merchandising-I
BRL-108 - Retail Operations and Store Management
BRL-109 - Customer Value Management
BRL-110 - IT Application in Retail
BRL-111 - Retails Consumer Behaviour
BRL-112 - Buying and Merchandising-II
BRL-113 - Business Ethics
BRL-114 - Visual Merchandising and Store Planning
BRLP-111 - Retails Consumer Behaviour
BRP-04 - Project Work
BRPA-101 - Radio Lekhan
BSHF-101 - Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Science
BSKAE-181 - Bhartiya Gyan Parampara
BSKAE-182 - Sanskrit Sahitya
BSKC-101 - Laukik Sanskrit Padya Sahitya
BSKC-102 - Sanskrit Saahity ka Aalochanaatmak Vishleshan
BSKC-103 - Laukik Sanskrit Gadya Sahitya
BSKC-104 - Geeta me Aatmprabandhan
BSKC-105 - Laukik sanskrit sahitya (Naatak)
BSKC-106 - Kavyashastr aur Sahityik Aalochana
BSKC-107 - Bharatiy Samajik Sansthan aur Rajya Vyavastha
BSKC-108 - Bhartiya Puralekh, Shilalekh aur Kaal
BSKC-109 - Aadhunik Sanskrt Saahitya
BSKC-110 - Sanskrit Sahitya aur Vishv Sahitya
BSKC-111 - Vaidik Sahitya
BSKC-112 - Sanskrit Vyakaran
BSKC-113 - Srishti Mimansa aur Gyan Mimansa
BSKC-114 - Sanskrt Nibandh aur Sampreshan
BSKC-131 - Sanskrit Padya Sahitya
BSKC-132 - Sanskrit Gadya Sahitya
BSKC-133 - Sanskrit Natak
BSKC-134 - Sanskrit Vyakaran
BSKE-141 - Aayurved ke mul adhar
BSKE-142 - Rangmanch aur Natyakala
BSKE-143 - Sanskrit Parampara Mein Darshan Dharm aur Sanskrit
BSKE-144 - Sahityik Alochana
BSKE-150 - Sanskrit Bhasha Vigyan
BSKF-01 - Sanskrit me Aadhar Pathyakram
BSKG-171 - Bhartiya Saundaryashastr
BSKG-172 - Bhartiya Darshan Ke Mool Siddhant
BSKG-173 - Aadhar Sanskrit
BSKG-176 - Bhartiya Samajik Vichardhara Mein Vyakti, Pariwar aur Samaj
BSKG-178 - Praacheen Bhaarateey Raajaneeti
BSKG-180 - Rashtriyata aur Bhartiya Sahitya
BSKLA-135 - Sanskrit Sahitya evam Vyakaran
BSKS-185 - Sanskrit Chhand aur Sangit
BSKS-186 - Abhinay aur Patkatha Lekhan
BSKS-187 - Patanjal Yogasutra
BSKS-191 - Bhartiya Vastukala Pranali
BSOC-101 - Introduction to Sociology-I
BSOC-102 - Sociology of India-I
BSOC-103 - Introduction to Sociology-II
BSOC-104 - Sociology of India-II
BSOC-105 - Political Sociology
BSOC-106 - Sociology of Religion
BSOC-107 - Sociology of Gender
BSOC-108 - Economic Sociology
BSOC-109 - Sociology of Kinship
BSOC-110 - Social Stratification
BSOC-111 - Sociological Thinkers-I
BSOC-112 - Sociological Research Methods -I
BSOC-113 - Sociological Thinkers -II
BSOC-114 - Sociological Research Methods -II
BSOC-131 - Introduction to Sociology
BSOC-132 - Sociology of India
BSOC-133 - Sociological Theories
BSOC-134 - Methods of Sociological Enquiry
BSOE-141 - Urban Sociology
BSOE-142 - Indian Sociological Traditions
BSOE-143 - Environmental Sociology
BSOE-144 - Reading Ethnographies
BSOE-145 - Religion and Society
BSOE-146 - Marriage, Family and Kinship
BSOE-148 - Social Stratification
BSOG-171 - Indian Society: Images and Realities
BSOG-173 - Rethinking Development
BSOG-176 - Economy and Society
BSOS-184 - Techniques of Ethnographic Film Making
BSOS-185 - Society through the Visual
BSSS-183 - Life Skills
BSW-121 - Professional Social Work and its Values
BSW-122 - Society, Social Institutions and Social Problems
BSW-123 - Community Organisation and Communication
BSW-124 - Human Growth, Behaviour and Counselling
BSW-125 - Social Case Work and Social Group Work
BSW-126 - Social Work in Family Setting
BSW-127 - Public Health and HIV/AIDS
BSW-128 - Social Policy and Social Development
BSW-129 - Research Methods in Social Work
BSW-130 - Prevention of Substance Abuse
BSW-131 - Social Welfare Administration and Social Action
BSW-41 - Understanding Tribals
BSW-42 - Tribal Society
BSW-43 - Tribals of South and Central India
BSW-44 - Tribals in North and Northeast Region of India
BSWE-01 - Introduction to Social Work
BSWE-02 - Social Work Intervention With Individuals and Groups
BSWE-03 - Social Work Intervention with Communities and Institutions
BSWE-04 - Introduction to Family Life Education
BSWE-05 - Introduction to HIV/AIDS
BSWE-06 - Substance Abuse and Counseling
BTMC-131 - History of Tourism – I
BTMC-132 - Fundamentals of Management
BTMC-133 - History of Tourism – II
BTMC-134 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business
BTMC-135 - Concept and Impacts of Tourism
BTMC-136 - Tourism Marketing
BTMC-137 - Profile of Modern Tourism
BTMC-138 - Managerial Accounting and Finance in Tourism
BTME-141 - Tourism Undertaking
BTME-143 - Procedure and Operations in the Tourism Business
BTME-144 - Globalization
BTMG-171 - Culture in Indian Subcontinent-I
BTMG-172 - Culture in Indian Subcontinent-II
BTMS-185 - Airport Handling
BTSP-01 - Project on Indian Culture, Environment and Tourism
BTSP-02 - Project on Tourism Marketing
BTTS-183 - An Introduction to Machine Translation
BUDAE-181 - Study of Classical Urdu Ghazal
BUDAE-182 - Study of Urdu Progressive Poetry
BUDC-101 - Study of Urdu Fiction
BUDC-102 - Study of Urdu Non Fiction
BUDC-103 - Study of Modern Urdu Nazm
BUDC-104 - Study of Modern Urdu Ghazal
BUDC-105 - Special study of Allama Shibli Nomani
BUDC-106 - A special study of Khawaja Altaf Hussain Hali
BUDC-107 - Special Study of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
BUDC-108 - Study of Classical Urdu Prose
BUDC-109 - Humor in Urdu literature
BUDC-110 - Criticism and Rhetoric
BUDC-131 - Study of Prose and Poetic form in Urdu Literature
BUDC-132 - Study of Urdu Classical Ghazal
BUDC-133 - Origin and Development of Urdu Language
BUDC-134 - Study of Urdu Nazm
BUDE-141 - Study of Poet Mirza Ghalib
BUDE-142 - Study of Prose Writer Meer Amman Dehlawi
BUDLA-135 - Study of Modern Urdu Prose & Poetry
BULE-01 - Elements of Urdu Structure
BULE-02 - History of Urdu Language
BULE-03 - Urdu Poetry
BULE-04 - Urdu Fiction
BULE-05 - Urdu Non-Fiction Prose
BULE-06 - History of Urdu Literature
BWAP-01 - Project
BWEE-04 - Strategies for Women’s Empowerment
BWEE-05 - Women and Development
BWEE-06 - Organization and Leadership
BWEE-07 - Work and Entrepreneurship
BWEE-08 - Credit and Finance
BWEE-12 - Women and Society: Global Concerns and Local Issues
BWEF-02 - Gender Training Perspectives
BZYCT-131 - Animal Diversity
BZYCT-133 - Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates
BZYCT-135 - Physiology and Biochemistry
BZYCT-137 - Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
BZYET-141 - Immunology
BZYET-143 - Insect Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases
CBKG-01 - Bhartiya Evam Vaishvik Prapreksh Main Kaal Chintan
CBKG-02 - Kaal Ganana Ki Vidhiyan
CBKG-03 - Bhartiya Tatha Vishva Ke Vibhinna Calendar
CBKG-04 - Kaalganana Aur Aitihasik Kaalkram
CBSE Class 10 Mathematics - Sample Papers & Practice Papers
CBSE Class 10 Science - Sample Papers & Practice Papers
CBSE Class 10 Social Science - Sample Papers & Practice Papers
CBSE Class 10 सामाजिक विज्ञान - Sample Papers & Practice Papers
CDM-01 - Foundation Course in Disaster Management
CDM-02 - Disaster Management: Methods and Techniques
CFN-01 - You and Your Food
CFN-02 - Your Food and its Utilisation
CFN-03 - Economics of Food
CHE-01 - Atoms and Molecules
CHE-02 - Inorganic Chemistry
CHE-04 - Physical Chemistry
CHE-05 - Organic Chemistry
CHE-06 - Organic Reaction Mechanism
CHE-09 - Biochemistry
CHE-10 - Spectroscopy
CIT-01 - Fundamentals of Computer Systems
CIT-02 - Introduction to Information Technology
CIT-03 - Web based Technologies and Multimedia Applications
CNCC-01 - Nutrition for the Community
CNCC-02 - Organising Child Care Services
CPIP-104 - Project Work in Consumer Protection
CS-05 - Elements of System Analysis and Design
CS-06 - Introduction To D.B.M.S
CS-60 - Foundation Course In Maths For Computing
CS-610 - Foundation Course In English For Computing
CS-611 - Computer Fundamental
CS-612 - Software Application Skills
CS-62 - 'C' Programming & Data Structure
CS-63 - Introduction to System Software
CS-64 - Introduction To Computer Organization
CS-65 - Windows Programming
CS-66 - Multimedia
CS-67 - RDBMLS Lab
CS-68 - Computer Network
CS-69/BCS-61 - TCP/IP Programming
CS-70 - Introduction To Software Engineering
CS-71 - Computer-Oriented Numerical Techniques
CS-72 - C++ and Object Oriented Programming
CS-73 - Theory Of Computer Science
CS-74 - Introduction To Internet Programming
CS-75 - Intranet Administration
CTE-01 - The Language Learner
CTE-02 - The Structure of English
CTE-03 - Teaching Strategies
CTE-04 - Teaching English-Elementary School
CTE-05 - Teaching English-Secondary School
CTE-101 - The Language and the Learner
CTE-102 - The Structure of English
CTE-103 - Teaching Strategies
CTE-104 - Teaching English-Elementary School
CTE-105 - Teaching English-Secondary School
CVG-01 - Sanskrit Mai Ganitiye Prampara
CVG-02 - Vedic Ankganit
CVG-03 - Vedic Bijganit
CVG-04 - Vedic Rekha Ganit Evam Trikon Ganit
D.El.Ed.-501 - Elementary Education in India: A Socio-Cultural Perspective
D.El.Ed.-502 - Pedagogic Processes in Elementary Schools
D.El.Ed.-503 - Learning Languages at Elementary Level
D.El.Ed.-504 - Learning Mathematics at Elementary Level
D.El.Ed.-505 - Learning Environmental Studies at Primary Level
D.El.Ed.-506 - Understanding Children in Inclusive Context
D.El.Ed.-507 - Community and Elementary Education
D.El.Ed.-508 - Learning in Art, Health and Physical and Work Education at Elementary Level
D.El.Ed.-509 - Learning Social Science at Upper Primary Level
D.El.Ed.-510 - Learning Science at Upper Primary Level
D.El.Ed.-514-513 - Practice Teaching & Workshop Based Activities
DCE-01 - General Principles of Writing
DCE-02 - Feature Writing
DCE-03 - Short Story
DCE-04 - Writing for Media: Radio and Television
DCE-05 - Writing Poetry
DECE-01 - Organizing Child Care Services
DECE-02 - Child Health and Nutrition
DECE-03 - Services and Programmes for Children
DECE-04 - Project Work: Working with Young Children in a Child Care Setting
DNHE-01 - Nutrition for the Community
DNHE-02 - Public Health and Hygiene
DNHE-03 - Nutrition and Health Education
DNHE-04 - Project Work : Nutrition and Health Education
ECO-01 - Business Organization
ECO-02 - Accountancy-I
ECO-03 - Management Theory
ECO-05 - Mercantile Law
ECO-06 - Economic Theory
ECO-07 - Elements of Statistics
ECO-09 - Money, Banking and Financial Institutions
ECO-10 - Elements of Costing
ECO-11 - Elements of Income Tax
ECO-12 - Elements of Auditing
ECO-13 - Business Environment
ECO-14 - Accountancy-II
EEC-07 - Industrial Development in India
EEC-10 - National Income Accounting
EEC-11 - Fundamentals of Economics
EEC-13 - Elementary Statistical Methods and Survey Techniques
EEC-14 - Agricultural Development in India
EEC-19 - Indian Financial System
EHD-01 - Hindi Gadya
EHD-02 - Hindi Kavya
EHD-03 - Hindi Sahitye Ka Itihas Evam Sahitya Pariche
EHD-04 - Madhykaleen Bhartiye Sahitya: Samaaj Aur Sanskriti
EHD-05 - Adhunik Bhartiye Sahitye : Navjagran Aur Rashtriye Aandolan
EHD-06 - Hindi Bhasha : Etihas aur Vartman
EHD-08/BHDE-108 - Prayojanmoolak Hindi
EHI-01 - Modern India 1857-1964
EHI-02 - India: Earliest Times to the 8th Century A.D.
EHI-03 - India: From 8th to 15th Century A.D.
EHI-04 - India from 16th to Mid 18th Century
EHI-05 - India from Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century
EHI-06 - History of China and Japan: 1840-1949
EHI-07/BHIE-107 - Modern Europe - Mid Eighteenth to Mid Twentieth Centuries
EPA-01 - Administrative Theory
EPA-03 - Development Administration
EPA-05 - Financial Administration
EPA-06 - Public Policy
EPS-02/12/BPSE-212 - Government and Politics in India
EPS-03 - Modern Indian Political Thought
EPS-06 - Government and Politics in East And South East Asia
EPS-07 - International Relations
EPS-08 - Government and Politics in Australia
EPS-09 - Comparative Government and Politics
EPS-1/11 - Political Ideas and Ideologies
EPS-15 - South Asia: Economy, Society and Politics
ERD-01/BRDE-101 - Rural Development: Indian Context
ES-331 - Curriculum and Instruction
ES-332 - Psychology of Learning & Development
ES-333 - Educational Evaluation
ES-334 - Education and Society
ES-335 - Teacher and School
ES-341 - Teaching of Science
ES-342 - Teaching of Mathematics
ES-343 - Teaching of Social Studies
ES-344 - Teaching of English
ES-345 - Teaching of Hindi
ES-361 - Educational Technology
ES-362 - Computer in Education
ES-363 - Guidance and Counselling
ES-364 - Distance Education
ESO-01/11 - The Study of Society
ESO-02/12 - Society in India
ESO-03/13 - Sociological Thought
ESO-04/14 - Society and Stratification
ESO-05/15 - Society and Religion
ESO-06/16 - Social Problems in India
FBG-01 - Foundation Course In Bengali
FEG-01/BEGF-101 - Foundation Course in English-I
FEG-02 - Foundation Course in English-II
FHD-02 - Hindi Main Aadhar Pathyakram
FPB-01 - Foundation Course in Punjabi
FST-01 - Foundation Course in Science and Technology
FUD-01 - Foundation Course in Urdu
IBO-01 - International Business Environment
IBO-02 - International Marketing Management
IBO-03 - India's Foreign Trade
IBO-04 - Export Import Procedures and Documentation
IBO-05 - International Marketing Logistics
IBO-06 - International Business Finance
JMC-01 - Introduction to Communication
JMC-02 - Mass Media and Society
JMC-03 - Reporting, Writing and Editing
LSE-01 - Cell Biology
LSE-02 - Ecology
LSE-03 - Genetics
LSE-05 - Physiology
LSE-06 - Developmental Biology
LSE-07 - Taxonomy and Evolution
LSE-09 - Animal Diversity-I
LSE-12 - Plant Diversity-I Notes
LSE-13 - Plant Diversity-II
M.Ed. Entrance - Exam Guide
MAE-01 - Understanding Adult Education
MAE-02 - Policy Planning and Implementation of Adult Education in India
MAE-03 - Knowledge Management, Information Dissemination and Networking in Adult Education
MAE-04 - Extension Education and Development
MAE-05 - Population and Development Education
MAE-06 - Adult Learning and 21st Century Skills
MAEE-01 - Sustainable Development
MAEE-02 - Basics of Legal Awareness
MAN-01 - Social Anthropology
MAN-02 - Archaeological Anthropology
MANE-01 - Human Genetics
MANE-02 - Human Growth and Development
MANE-03 - Comparative Ethnography
MANE-04 - Gender and Society
MANE-05 - Environmental Anthropology
MANE-06 - Social Stratification
MANE-07 - Tribes in India
MANE-1 -
MANI (Project)-01 - Anthropology and Methods of Research
MANI (Project)-03 - Practicing Anthropology
MANI-01 - Anthropology and Methods of Research
MANI-02 - Physical Anthropology
MANI-03 - Practicing Anthropology
MANI-04 - Gender and Society
MANP-01 - Field work Dissertation
MBC-01 - Concepts of Biochemistry
MBC-02 - Cell and Molecular Biology
MBC-03 - Bioanalytical Techniques
MBC-04 - Enzymes and their applications
MBC-05 - Concepts and connections in metabolism
MBC-06 - Recombinant DNA Technology and its applications
mbce -
MBCE-12 - Plant Biochemistry
MBCE-13 - Human Physiology
MBCE-14 - Microbiology
MCDP-01 - Project Work
MCDP-02 - Project Work
MCFT-01 - Human Development and Family Relationships
MCFT-02 - Mental Health and Disorders
MCFT-03 - Counselling and Family Therapy: Basic Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives
MCFT-04 - Counselling and Family Therapy: Applied Aspects
MCFT-05 - Counselling and Family Therapy: Research Methods and Statistics
MCFT-06 - Applied Social Psychology
MCFT-07 - Counselling and Family Therapy: Applications and Interventions
MCFTE-01 - Marital and Family Therapy and Counselling
MCFTE-02 - Child and Adolescent Counselling and Family Therapy
MCFTE-03 - Substance Abuse Counselling and Family Therapy
MCFTL-05 - Counselling and Family Therapy: Research Methods and Statistics Supervised Practicum
MCFTP-02 - Dissertation
MCH-11 - Inorganic Chemistry-I
MCH-12 - Organic Chemistry-I
MCH-13 - General Physical Chemistry
MCH-14 - Mathematics for Chemists
MCH-15 - Biology for Chemists
MCH-16 - Inorganic Chemistry-II
MCH-17 - Organic Chemistry-II
MCH-18 - Quantum Chemistry and Group Theory
MCH-19 - Green Chemistry
MCO-01 - Organization Theory and Behaviour
MCO-03 - Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis
MCO-04 - Business Environment
MCO-05 - Accounting for Managerial Decisions
MCO-06 - Marketing Management
MCO-07 - Financial Management
MCO-15 - India‘s Foreign Trade and Investment
MCO-21 - Managerial Economics
MCO-22 - Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
MCO-23 - Strategic Management
MCO-24 - Business Ethics and CSR
MCOM (REVISED) IBO-02 - International Marketing Management
MCS-11 - Problem Solving and Programming
MCS-12 - Computer Organization and ALP
MCS-13 - Discrete Mathematics
MCS-14 - Systems Analysis and Design
MCS-15 - Communication Skills
MCS-201 - Programming in C and Python
MCS-202 - Computer Organisation
MCS-203 - Operating Systems
MCS-206 - Object Oriented Programming using Java
MCS-208 - Data Structures and Algorithms
MCS-21 - Data and File Structures
MCS-211 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
MCS-212 - Discrete Mathematics
MCS-213 - Software Engineering
MCS-214 - Professional Skills and Ethics
MCS-215 - Security and Cyber Laws
MCS-216 - DAA and Web Design Lab
MCS-217 - Software Engineering Lab
MCS-218 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MCS-219 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
MCS-22 - Operating System Concepts and Networking Management
MCS-220 - Web Technologies
MCS-221 - Data Warehousing and Data Mining
MCS-224 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
MCS-225 - Accountancy and Financial Management
MCS-226 - Data Science and Big Data
MCS-227 - Cloud Computing and IoT
MCS-23 - Introduction to Database Management Systems
MCS-230 - Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision
MCS-231 - Mobile Computing
MCS-24 - Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming
MCS-31 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
MCS-32 - Object Oriented Analysis and Design
MCS-33 - Advanced Discrete Mathematics
MCS-34 - Software Engineering
MCS-35 - Accountancy and Financial Management
MCS-41 - Operating Systems
MCS-42 - Data Communication and Computer Networks
MCS-43 - Advanced Database Management Systems
MCS-44 - Mini Project
MCS-51 - Advanced Internet Technologies
MCS-52 - Principles of Management and Information Systems
MCS-53 - Computer Graphics and Multimedia
MCSE-03 - Artificial Intelligence and knowledge Management
MCSE-04 - Numerical and Statistical Computing
MCSE-11 - Parallel Computing
MCSL-16 - Internet Concepts and Web Design
MCSL-17 - C and Assembly Language Programming (Lab Course)
MCSL-205 - C and Python Lab
MCSL-209 - Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
MCSL-216 - DAA and Web Design Lab
MCSL-217 - Software Engineering Lab
MCSL-222 - OOAD and Web Technologies Lab
MCSL-223 - Computer Network and Data Mining Lab
MCSL-228 - AI and Machine Learning Lab
MCSL-229 - Cloud and Data Science Lab
MCSL-25 - Lab
MCSP-232 - Project
MCSP-60 - Project Work
MDCP-07 - Project Work
MDEP-420 - Project Work
MDEP-520 - Project Work
MDIP-01 - Project Work
MDR-101 - Rural Development: Indian Context
MDVP-117 - Project Work
MEC-01/MEC-101 - Microeconomic Analysis
MEC-02 - Macroeconomic Analysis
MEC-03 -
MEC-03/MEC-103 - Quantitative Methods
MEC-04 - Economics of Growth and Development
MEC-06 - Public Economics
MEC-07 - International Trade and Finance
MEC-08/MEC-108 - Economics of Social Sector and Environment
MEC-09/MEC-109 - Research Methods in Economics
MEC-102 - Macroeconomic Analysis
MEC-104 - Economics of Growth and Development
MEC-105 - Indian Economic Policy
MEC-106 - Public Economics
MEC-107 - International Trade and Development
MEC-203 - Quantitative Methods
MEC-205 - Indian Economic Policy
MECE-01 - Econometric Methods
MECE-03 - Actuarial Economics: Theory and Practice
MECE-04 - Financial Institutions and Markets
MECE-103 - Actuarial Economics
MECP-101 - Project Work
MECP-102 - Project Work
MED-01 - Understanding the Environment
MED-02 - Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges
MED-03 - Energy and Environment
MED-04 - Towards Participatory Management
MED-05 - Integrated Environment Management: Urban and Rural
MED-06 - Natural Resource Management: Physical and Biotic
MED-07 - Agriculture and Environment
MED-08 - Globalisation and Environment
MEDS-71 - Introduction to Population Studies
MEDS-72 - Population Theories, Policies and Programme
MEDS-73 - Social Groups and Family Health
MEDS-74 - Population and Development: Issues and Challenges
MEDS-75 - Research Methodology in Population and Family Health Studies
MEDSE-46 - Development: Issues and Perspectives
MEDSP-04 - Project Work-I
MEDSP-45 - Project Work
MEDSP-51 - Project Work in CSR
MEG-01 - British Poetry
MEG-02 - British Drama
MEG-03 - British Novel
MEG-04 - Aspects of Language
MEG-05 - Literary Criticism and Theory
MEG-06 - American Literature
MEG-07 - Indian English Literature
MEG-08 - New Literature in English
MEG-09 - Australian Literature in English
MEG-10 - English Studies in India
MEG-11 - American Novel
MEG-12 - A Survey Course In 20th Century Canadian Literature
MEG-13 - Writing From the Margins
MEG-14 - Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation
MEG-15 - Comparative Literature: Theory and practice
MEG-16 - Indian Folk Literature in English Translation
MEG-17 - American Drama
MEG-18 - American Poetry
MEG-19 - Australian Novel
MER-01 - Business Environment
MER-02 - Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
MER-03 - Business Ideation and Opportunity Identification
MER-04 - Business Development and Entrepreneurial Competencies
MER-05 - IPR and Technology Commercialization
MER-06 - Management of New and Small Enterprises
MER-07 - Government Initiatives and MSME Development
MER-08 - Finance and Accounting
MER-09 - Marketing Management
MER-10 - Organizational Management and Labour Relations
MER-11 - Start Up, Incubation and Business Ethics
MER-12 - Business Research Methods and Applications
MER-13 - IT and Entrepreneurship
MER-14 - Innovation and Strategic Management
MER-15 - Social Entrepreneurship
MES-04 - Head Teachers as School Leaders
MES-05 - Human Resource Development
MES-06 - Managing Teaching – Learning
MES-07 - School Governance and Financial Management
MES-08 - Leadership for Better Schools
MES-101 - Higher Education: Its Context and Linkages
MES-102 - Instruction in Higher Education
MES-103 - Higher Education: The Psycho-social Context
MES-104 - Planning and Management of Higher Education
MES-11 - Understanding Education
MES-111 - Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education
MES-112 - Design and Development of Self-Learning Print Materials
MES-113 - Learner Support Services
MES-114 - Management of Distance Education
MES-115 - Communication Technology for Distance Education
MES-12 - Education: Nature and Purposes
MES-13 - Learning, Learner and Development
MES-131 - Educational Technology: An Overview
MES-132 - Computer in Education
MES-133 - Selection and Intergration of Technology in Educational Processes
MES-134 - Design, Development and Delivery of Courseware
MES-14 - Societal Context of Education
MES-15 - Operational Dimensions of Education
MES-16 - Educational Research
MES-31 - Educational Technology : An Overview
MES-32 - Communication and Information Technology
MES-33 - Computer Technology
MES-34 - Designing Courseware
MES-41 - Growth and Development of Educational Management
MES-42 - Dimensions of Educational Management
MES-43 - Organisational Behaviour
MES-44 - Institutional Management
MES-45 - School Education
MES-46 - Higher Education
MES-47 - Open and Distance Education
MES-48 - Alternative Education
MES-51 - Education: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives
MES-52 - Psychology of Learning and Teaching
MES-53 - Educational Management, Planning and Finance
MES-54 - Methodology of Educational Research
MES-56 - Educational Technology
MES-81 - Introduction to Pre-School Education
MES-82 - Human Development during Early Childhood
MES-83 - Principles of Childhood Education
MES-84 - Practices in Modern Pre-School Education
MESE-61 - Open and Distance Learning Systems
MESE-62 - Vocational Education
MESP-01 - Dissertation
MESP-105 - Project Work
MESP-135 - Project Work
MESP-49 - Project Work
MESP-68 - Project Work
MESP-85 - Project Work
MEV-01 - Introduction to Environmental Health
MEV-02 - Environmental and Occupational Hazards
MEV-03 - Environmental Law and Management
MEV-04 - Environmental Toxicology
MEV-05 - Occupational Health and Safety
MEV-11 - Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Ecology
MEV-12 - Earth Processes
MEV-13 - Environmental Chemistry
MEV-14 - Sustainable Natural Resource Management
MEV-15 - Environmental Pollution, Control and Management
MEV-16 - Environmental Impact Assessment
MEV-17 - Environmental Legislations
MEV-18 - Environmental Health and Ecotoxicology
MEV-19 - Research Methodology for Environmental Science
MEV-21 - Introduction to Climate Change
MEV-22 - Impacts of Climate Change
MEV-23 - Mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change
MEV-24 - Climate Change Assessment Tools
MEV-25 - Climate Change and Society
MEVE-01 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Environmental Health
MEVE-02 - Health Care
MEVE-03 - Agriculture and Allied Sector
MEVE-04 - Industrial Sector
MEVE-05 - Disability Studies and Occupational Health
MEVE-11 - Global Climate Change
MEVE-12 - Environmental Management
MEVE-13 - Environmental Biotechnology
MEVE-14 - Biodiversity Conservation and Management
MEVE-15 - Disaster Management
MEVE-16 - Urban Environment
MEVE-17 - Environment and Society
MEVE-18 - Instrumentation Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
MEVE-19 - Environmental Issues
MEVP-01 - Project Work
MEVP-11 - Dissertation/Project
MEVP-12 - Project Work
MFC-01 - Folklore and Culture: Conceptual Perspectives
MFC-02 - Tradition, Identity and Cultural Production
MFC-03 - Cultural and Societal Transformation
MFC-04 - Tribes of India: Identity, Culture and Lore
MFC-05 - Project Work
MFC-06 - Folklore: Canon, Multimediality, Interdisciplinarity and Social Epistemology
MFC-07 - Theories and Pedagogy of Folklore
MFC-08 - Folk Representations
MFC-09 - Approaches to Folklore
MFN-01 - Applied Physiology
MFN-02 - Nutritional Biochemistry
MFN-03 - Food Microbiology and Safety
MFN-04 - Advance Nutrition
MFN-05 - Clinical and Therapeutic Nutrition
MFN-06 - Public Nutrition
MFN-07 - Entrepreneurship and Food Service Management
MFN-08 - Principles of Food Science
MFN-09 - Research Methods and Biostatistics
MFN-10 - Understanding Computer Applications
MFNP-11 - Internship Programme
MFNP-12 - Dissertation
MFP-01 - Equity Markets
MFP-02 - Equity Derivatives
MFP-03 - Commodity Markets
MFP-04 - Currency and Debt Markets
MFP-05 - Professionals in Financial Markets Practice
MGG-01 - Introduction to Geograhical Thought
MGG-02 - Geomorphology
MGG-03 - Regional Geography of India
MGG-04 - Population and Settlement Geography
MGG-05 - Climatology
MGG-06 - Economic Geography
MGG-07 - Environmental Geography
MGG-08 - Advances in Geographical Thought
MGG-10 - Urban Geography
MGGP-01 - Project
MGP-01 - Gandhi: The Man and His Times
MGP-02 - Philosophy of Gandhi
MGP-03 - Gandhi‘s Social Thought
MGP-04 - Gandhi's Political Thought
MGP-05 - Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution
MGPE-06 - Gandhi's Economic Thought
MGPE-07 - Non-Violent Movements After Gandhi
MGPE-08 - Gandhian Approach to Peace and Conflict Resolution
MGPE-09 - Gandhi in the 21st Century
MGPE-10 - Conflict Management, Transformation and Peace Building
MGPE-11 - Human Security
MGPE-12 - Women and Peace
MGPE-13 - Civil Society, Political Regimes and Conflict
MGPE-14 - Gandhi, Ecology and Sustainable Development
MGPE-15 - Introduction to Research Methods
MGPE-16 - Human Rights: Indian Perspective
MGPE-17 - Project Work
MGSE-04 - Gender issues in Agriculture, Rural livelihoods and Natural Resource Management
MGSE-09 - Gender Issues in Work, Employment and Productivity
MGSP-02 - Field based Research Project
mgy -
MGY-05 - Techniques in Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing
MGY-06 - Spatial Analysis and Modelling
MGY-07 - Applications of Geoinformatics
MGY-09 - Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS
MGY-10 - Computer Programming for Digital Image Processing and GIS
MGY-101 - Introduction to Geoinformatics
MGY-102 - Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
MGY-103 - Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographic Information System
MGY-11 - Geo-environmental Applications of Geoinformatics
MGYP-31 - Dissertation/ Project Work
MHD-01 - Hindi Kavya-1 (Aadi Kavya, Bhakti evam Riti Kavya)
MHD-02 - Aadhunik Hindi Kavita
MHD-03 - Upanyas evam Kahaniyan
MHD-04 - Naatak evam anya gaddh vidhayen
MHD-05 - Sahitya Siddhant aur Samalochana
MHD-06 - Hindi Bhasha aur Sahitya ka Itihas
MHD-07 - Bhasha Vigyan aur Hindi Bhasha
MHD-09 - Kahani Swaroop aur Vikas
MHD-10 - Premchand ki Kahaaniyan
MHD-11 - Hindi Kahani
MHD-12 - Bhartiya Kahaani
MHD-13 - Upanyas: Swaroom aur Vikaas
MHD-14 - Hindi Upanyas-1 (Premchand Ka Vishesh Addhyan)
MHD-15 - Hindi Upanyas-2
MHD-16 - Bhartiya Upanyas
MHD-17 - Bharat ki chintan pramprayen aur dalit sahitya
MHD-18 - Dalit Sahitya ki Awadharana aur Swaroop
MHD-19 - Hindi Dalit Sahitya ka vikaas
MHD-20 - Bhartiya Bhashaon me dalit sahitya
MHD-21 - Meera ka vishesh addhyan
MHD-22 - Kabeer ka vishesh addhyan
MHD-23 - Madhyakalin Kavita-1
MHD-24 - Madhyakalin Kavita-2
MHI-01 - Ancient and Medieval Societies
MHI-02 - Modern World
MHI-03 - Historiography
MHI-04 - Political Structures in India
MHI-05 - History of Indian Economy
MHI-06 - Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages
MHI-08 - History of Ecology and Environment in India
MHI-09 - Indian National Movement
MHI-10 - Urbanisation in India
MHI-101 - Ancient and Medieval Societies
MHI-102 - Modern World
MHI-103 - Historiography and Research Methods
MHI-104 - Political Structures in India
MHI-105 - History of Indian Economy-1: From the Earliest Times to c. 1700
MHI-106 - Evolution of Social Structures in India through the Ages
MHI-107 - History of Indian Economy-2: C.1700 to 2000
MHI-108 - Environmental Histories of the Indian Subcontinent
MHI-109 - Indian National Movement
MHI-110 - Urbanisation in India-1: From Earliest Times to C. 1300
MHI-111 - Urbanisation in India-2: c. 1300-1950
MHN-01 - Hindu Addhyan Ki Awadharna Evam Swaroop
MHN-02 - Addhyan Ke Mool Srot
MHN-03 - Gyan Mimansa
MHN-04 - Tatwa Mimansa
MHN-05 - Dharm Evam Karm-Vimarsh
MHN-06 - Sanskrit Bhasha Evam Sahitya ka Parichaya
MHN-07 - Samaj evam Sanskriti
MHN-08 - Kala - Kaushal evam Arthniti
MHN-09 - Raj- Vyavastha tatha Prashasan
MHN-10 - Vividh Vidha-Parampara
MHV-07 - Bhaag-1 Janasanchaar Ka Saamaany Adhyayan aur Bhaag-2 Samaachaar Patr Aur Pheechar Lekhan
MHV-08 - Redio Maadhyam
MHV-09 - Television Lekhan
MHV-10 - Cinema Lekhan
MHYP-08 - Research Project and Hotel Internship
MIRP-01 - Project
MIS-21 - Safety Philosophy and Principles of Accident Prevention
MISP-21 - Project
MJM-01 - Introduction to Broadcasting and Programming
MJM-02 - Production and Presentation
MJM-03 - Recording and Editing
MJM-20 - Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication
MJM-21 - Reporting Techniques
MJM-22 - Writing and Editing for Print Media
MJM-23 - Broadcast and Online Journalism
MJM-24 - Media and Society
MJM-25 - Media Ethics and Laws
MJM-26 - Print Media
MJM-27 - Electronic Media
MJM-28 - Digital Media
MJM-29 - Advertising and Public Relations
MJM-30 - Communication and Media Studies
MJM-31 - Communication Research Methods
MJMP-120 - Major Project Work (Dissertation)
MJMP-20 - Major Project Work
MJY-01 - Bhartiya Jyotish ka Parichay evam Etihasikta
MJY-02 - Siddhant Jyotish evam Kaal
MJY-03 - Panchang evam Muhurt
MJY-04 - Kundali Nirman
MJY-05 - Jyotirvigyan
MJY-06 - Gadit, Grahan, Vedh evam Yantradi Vichar
MJY-07 - Sanhita Jyotish
MJY-08 - Fal Vichar
MLE-11 - Criminal Justice System
MLE-12 - Indian Penal Code
MLE-13 - Criminal Justice Processes
MLE-14 - Criminal Justice Administration
MLE-15 - Challenges to Criminal Justice System
MLE-16 - Criminal Justice Research and Advocacy
MLEP-17 - Project Work
MLI-01 - Introduction to Computers
MLI-02 - Library Automation
MLI-03 - Information Systems
MLI-04 - Networking and Internet Technology
MLI-05 - Internet Resources
MLI-06 - Content Development
MLI-07 - Programming
MLI-101 - Information, Communication and Society
MLI-102 - Management of Library and Information Centres
MLIE-101 - Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials
MLIE-102 - Research Methodology
MLIE-103 - Academic Library System
MLIE-104 - Technical Writing
MLIE-105 - Informatrics and Scientometrics
MLIE-106 - Public Library System and Services
MLII-101 - Information Sources, Systems and Services
MLII-102 - Information Processing and Retrieval
MLII-103 - Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies
MLII-104 - Information Communication Technologies: Applications
MLIP-02 - Project Work
MLIP-08 - Project Work
MMPB-01 - Bank Financial Management
MMPB-02 - International Banking Management
MMPB-03 - Information Technology and Digital Banking
MMPB-04 - Risk Management in Banks
MMPB-05 - Marketing of Financial Services
MMPB-06 - Corporate Governance in Banking and Financial Sector
MMPC-01 - Management Functions and Organisational Processes
MMPC-02 - Human Resources Management
MMPC-03 - Business Environment
MMPC-04 - Accounting for Managers
MMPC-05 - Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
MMPC-06 - Marketing Management
MMPC-07 - Business Communication
MMPC-08 - Information Systems for Managers
MMPC-09 - Management of Machines and Materials
MMPC-10 - Managerial Economics
MMPC-11 - Social Processes and Behavioural Issues
MMPC-12 - Strategic Management
MMPC-13 - Business Laws
MMPC-14 - Financial Management
MMPC-15 - Research Methodology for Management Decisions
MMPC-16 - International Business Management
MMPC-17 - Advanced Strategic Management
MMPC-18 - Entrepreneurship
MMPC-19 - Total Quality Management
MMPC-20 - Business Ethics and CSR
MMPF-01 - Working Capital Management
MMPF-02 - Capital Investment and Financing Decisions
MMPF-03 - Management Control Systems
MMPF-04 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
MMPF-05 - International Financial Management
MMPF-06 - Management of Financial Services
MMPF-07 - Equity Markets
MMPF-11 - Management of Insurance Services
MMPH-01 - Organizational Theory and Design
MMPH-02 - Human Resource Development
MMPH-03 - Human Resource Planning
MMPH-04 - Industrial and Employment Relations
MMPH-05 - Organisational Development and Change
MMPH-06 - Organisational Dynamics
MMPH-07 - Compensation and Reward Management
MMPH-09 - International Human Resource Management
MMPM-01 - Consumer Behaviour
MMPM-02 - Sales Management
MMPM-03 - Product and Brand Management
MMPM-04 - International Marketing
MMPM-05 - Marketing of Services
MMPM-06 - Marketing Research
MMPM-07 - Integrated Marketing communication
MMPM-08 - Rural Marketing
MMPM-09 - Retail Management
MMPO-01 - Operations Research
MMPO-02 - Project Management
MMPO-03 - Operations Management
MMPO-04 - Management Information Systems
MMPO-05 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MMPO-06 - Material Management
MMPO-07 - Maintenance Management
MMPO-08 - International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MMPP-01 - Project Work
MMPP-01 (BF) - Project Work
MMPP-01 (FM) - Project Course
MMPP-01 (HM) - Project Course
MMPP-01 (MM) - Project Course
MMPP-01 (OM) - Project Course
MNM-01 - Broadcast and Digital Journalism
MNM-02 - Audio Production
MNM-03 - Digital Photography and Videography
MNM-04 - Audiovisual Production
MNMP-01 - Project Work (Electronic Media)
MNMP-12 - Internet Research Project
MNMP-21 - Project Work
MPA-01 - Understanding Natural Disasters
MPA-02 - Understanding Man-made Disasters
MPA-03 - Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis
MPA-04 - Disaster Preparedness
MPA-05 - Disaster Response
MPA-06 - Disaster Medicine
MPA-07 - Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Recovery
MPA-11 - State, Society and Public Administration
MPA-12 - Administrative Theory
MPA-13 - Public Systems Management
MPA-14 - Human Resource Management
MPA-15 - Public Policy and Analysis
MPA-16 - Decentralisation and Local Governance
MPA-17 - Electronic Governance
MPA-18 - Disaster Management
MPA-31 - Physical Geography
MPA-32 - Ecology and Environment
MPA-34 - Disaster Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
MPA-37 - Occupational Health and Safety Management
MPA-38 - Pandemic Preparedness and Response
MPAP-01 - Project Work
MPAP-02 - Project Work
MPC-01 - Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory
MPC-02 - Life Span Psychology
MPC-03 - Personality: Theories and Assessment
MPC-04 - Advanced Social Psychology
MPC-05 - Research Methods in Psychology
MPC-06 - Statistics in Psychology
MPC-51 - Fundamentals of Mental Health
MPC-52 - Mental Disorders
MPC-53 - Mental Health in Special Areas
MPC-54 - Services for the Mentally Ill
MPCE-11 - Psychopathology
MPCE-12 - Psychodiagnostics
MPCE-13 - Psychotherapeutic Methods Notes
MPCE-15 - Internship
MPCE-16 - Project Work
MPCE-21 - Counselling Psychology
MPCE-22 - Assessment in Counseling and Guidance Notes
MPCE-23 - Interventions in Counseling
MPCE-24 - Practicum in Counselling Psychology
MPCE-25 - Internship
MPCE-26 - Project Work
MPCE-31 - Organisational Behaviour
MPCE-32 - Human Resource Development
MPCE-33 - Organisational Development
MPCE-35 - Internship
MPCE-36 - Project Work
MPCE-46 - Applied Positive Psychology
MPH-01 - Mathematical Methods in Physics
MPH-02 - Classical Mechanics-I
MPH-03 - Electromagnetic Theory
MPH-04 - Quantum Mechanics-I
MPH-05 - Electronics
MPH-06 - Classical Mechanics II
MPH-07 - Classical Electrodynamics
MPH-08 - Quantum Mechanics II
MPS-01 - Political Theory
MPS-02 - International Relations: Theory and Problems
MPS-03 - India: Democracy and Development
MPS-04 - Comparative Politics: Issues and Trends
MPSE-01 - India and the World
MPSE-02 - State and Society in Latin America
MPSE-03 - Western Political Thought
MPSE-04 - Social and Political Thought in Modern India
MPSE-05 - State and Society in Africa
MPSE-06 - Peace and Conflict Studies
MPSE-07 - Social Movements and Politics in India
MPSE-08 - State Politics in India
MPSE-09 - Canada: Politics and Society
MPSE-10 - Dissertation
MPSE-11 - The European Union in World Affairs
MPSE-12 - State and Society in Australia
MPSE-13 - Australia's Foreign Policy
MPY-01 - Indian Philosophy
MPY-02 - Western Philosophy
MPYE-01 - Logic
MPYE-02 - Ethics
MPYE-03 - Epistemology
MPYE-04 - Philosophy of Human Person
MPYE-05 - World Religions
MPYE-06 - Dalit Philosophy
MPYE-07 - Research Methodology in Philosophy
MPYE-08 - Metaphysics
MPYE-09 - Philosophy of Science and Cosmology
MPYE-10 - Philosophy of Religion
MPYE-11 - Philosophy of Art (Aesthetics)
MPYE-12 - Tribal Philosophy
MPYE-13 - Philosophy of Technology
MPYE-14 - Philosophy of Mind
MPYE-15 - Gandhian Philosophy
MPYE-16 - Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
MPYP-01 - Dissertation
MRD-04 - Research Methods in Rural Development
MRD-101 - Rural Development – Indian Context
MRD-102 - Rural Development Programmes
MRD-103 - Rural Development: Planning and Management
MRD-201 - Rural Development : Indian Context
MRD-202 - Rural Development Programmes
MRD-203 - Rural Development: Planning and Management
MRDE-02 - Voluntary Action in Rural Development
MRDE-03 - Land Reforms and Rural Development
MRDE-04 - Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
MRDE-101 - Rural Social Development
MRDE-201 - Rural Social Development
MRDE-202 - Rural Health Care
MRDE-203 - Communication and Extension in Rural Development
MRDP-01 - Dissertation
MRWP-02 - Major Project
MS-01 - Management Functions and Behaviour
MS-02 - Management of Human Resources
MS-03 - Economic and Social Environment
MS-04 - Accounting and Finance for Managers
MS-05 - Management of Machines and Materials
MS-06 - Marketing for Managers
MS-07 - Information Systems for Managers
MS-08 - Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications
MS-09 - Managerial Economics
MS-10 - Organizational Design, Development and Change
MS-100 (FM) - Project Work
MS-100 (HRM) - Project Work
MS-100 (MBF) - Project Work
MS-100 (MM) - Project Work
MS-100 (OM) - Project Work
MS-11 - Strategic Management
MS-21 - Social Processes and Behavioural Issues
MS-22 - Human Resource Development
MS-23 - Human Resource Planning
MS-24 - Employment Relations
MS-25 - Managing Change in Organizations
MS-26 - Organizational Dynamics
MS-27 - Wage and Salary Administration
MS-28 - Labour Laws
MS-29 - International Human Resource Management
MS-41 - Working Capital Management
MS-42 - Capital Investment and Financing Decision
MS-422 - Bank Financial Management
MS-423 - Marketing of Financial Services
MS-424 - International Banking Management
MS-425 - Electronic Banking and IT in Banks
MS-426 -
MS-43 - Management Control Systems
MS-44 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
MS-45 - International Financial Management
MS-46 - Management of Financial Services
MS-494 - Risk Management in Banks
MS-495 - Ethics and Corporate Governance in Banks
MS-51 - Operations Research
MS-52 - Project Management
MS-53 - Production/Operations Management
MS-54 - Management of Information System
MS-55 - Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MS-56 - Materials Management
MS-57 - Maintenance Management
MS-58 - Management of R&D and Innovation
MS-61 - Consumer Behaviour
MS-611 - Rural Marketing
MS-612 - Retail Management
MS-62 - Sales Management
MS-63 - Product Management
MS-64 - International Marketing
MS-65 - Marketing of Services
MS-66 - Marketing Research
MS-68 - Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising
MS-91 - Advanced Strategic Management
MS-92 - Management of Public Enterprises
MS-93 - Management of New and Small Enterprises
MS-94 - Technology Management
MS-95 - Research Methodology for Management Decisions
MS-96 - Total Quality Management
MS-97 - International Business
MSC-04 - Quantum Mechanics-I
MSC-05 - Electronics
MSDP-18 - Project
MSEP-28 - Project Work
MSK-01 - Sanskrit Sahityashastra evam Sahitya
MSK-02 - Vyakaran
MSK-03 - Darshan: Nyaya, Vedant, Sankhya aur Mimansa
MSK-04 - Aadhunik Sanskrit Sahitya aur Sahityashastra
MSK-05 - Vaidik Wandmay evam Bhartiya Sanskriti aur Sabhyata
MSK-06 - Bhasha Vigyan, Anuwaad evam Nibandh Lekhan
MSK-07 - Hityashastra: Kavyaprakash Dhvanyalok aur Dashrupak
MSK-08 - Sanskrit Sahitya: Gaddhya, Paddhya evam Natak
MSK-21 - Sanskrit vadmay mein vigyan parampara
MSK-22 - Sanskrit Vadmay: Pramukh Vaigyanik Siddhant
MSK-23 - Sanskrit me Rasayan, Dhatu, Chikitsa evam vanaspati Vigyan ka Prayogik
MSK-24 - Sanskrit Abhiyantriki Krishi Vigyan evam Paryavaran Vigyan
MSK-25 - Laukik Sanskrit Sahitya Mein Vigyan
MSKE-09 - Ved: Vaidik Sanhitayen aur Vaidik Vyakaran
MSKE-10 - Tritiya Patra: Darshanshastra: Brashmsootra, Yogsootra, Nyaysootra
MSO-01 - Sociological Theories and Concepts
MSO-02 - Research Methods and Methodologies
MSO-03 - Sociology of Development
MSO-04 - Sociology in India
MSOE-01 - Sociology of Education
MSOE-02 - Diaspora and Transnational Communities
MSOE-03 - Sociology of Religion
MSOE-04 - Urban Sociology
MST-01 - Foundation in Mathematics and Statistics
MST-02 - Descriptive Statistics
MST-03 - Probability Theory
MST-04 - Statistical Inference
MST-05 - Statistical Techniques
MST-11 - Real Analysis, Calculus and Geometry
MST-12 - Probability and Probability Distributions
MST-13 - Survey Sampling and Design of Experiments-I
MST-14 - Statistical Quality Control and Time Series Analysis
MST-15 - Introduction to R Software
MST-16 - Statistical Inference
MST-17 - Applied Regression Analysis
MST-18 - Multivariate Analysis
MST-19 - Epidemiology and Clinical Trials
MST-20 - Survey Sampling and Design of Experiments-II
MST-21 - Classical and Bayesian Inference
MST-22 - Linear Algebra and Multivariate Calculus
MST-23 - Research Methodology
MSTE-01 - Industrial Statistics-I
MSTE-02 - Industrial Statistics -II
MSTE-03 - Biostatistics-I
MSTE-04 - Biostatistics-II
MSTP-11 - Project/Dissertation
MSW-01 - Origin and Development of Social Work
MSW-02 - Professional Social Work: Indian Perspectives
MSW-03 - Basic Social Science Concepts
MSW-04 - Social Work and Social Development
MSW-05 - Social Work Practicum and Supervision
MSW-06 - Social Work Research
MSW-07 - Case work and Counselling: Working with Individuals
MSW-08 - Social Group Work: Working with Groups
MSW-09 - Community Organisation Management for Community Development
MSW-10 - Introduction to Philanthropic Social Work
MSW-12 - Introduction to Life Characteristics and Challenges
MSW-13 - Introduction to Psychological Basis of Counselling
MSW-14 - Relevance of Social Case Work in Counselling
MSW-15 - Basics of Counselling
MSW-16 - Fields of Counselling
MSW-17 - Contemporary Methods and Values of Social Work
MSW-31 - Social Work Intervention in Correctional Settings
MSW-32 - Social Work and Criminal Justice
MSWE-01 - HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Discrimination and Prevention
MSWE-02 - Women and Child Development
MSWE-03 - Disaster Management
MSWE-07 - International Social Work
MSWE-10 - Social Work in African Context
MSWP-01 - Project Work
MTE-01 - Calculus
MTE-02 - Linear Algebra
MTE-03 - Mathematical Methods
MTE-04 - Elementary Algebra
MTE-05 - Analytical Geometry
MTE-06 - Abstract Algebra
MTE-07 - Advanced Calculus
MTE-08 - Differential Equations
MTE-09 - Real Analysis
MTE-10 - Numerical Analysis
MTE-11 - Probability and Statistics
MTE-12 - Linear Programming
MTE-13 - Discrete Mathematics
MTE-14 - Mathematical Modelling
MTM-01 - Management Functions and Behaviour in Tourism
MTM-02 - Human Resource Planning and Development in Tourism
MTM-03 - Managing Personnel in Tourism
MTM-04 - Information Management Systems and Tourism
MTM-05 - Accounting and Finance for Managers in Tourism
MTM-06 - Marketing for Tourism Managers
MTM-07 - Managing Sales and Promotion in Tourism
MTM-08 - Managing Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism
MTM-09 - Understanding Tourism Markets
MTM-10 - Tourism Impacts
MTM-11 - Tourism Planning and Development
MTM-115 -
MTM-12 - Tourism Products: Design and Development
MTM-13 - Tourism Operations
MTM-14 - Tourist Transport Operations (Road Transport)
MTM-15 - Meetings, Incentives, Conference and Expositions (MICE)
MTM-16/MTTM-16 - Dissertation
MTT-31 - Anuvaad evam Rupantaran ke Vividh Ayaam
MTT-32 - Anuvaad, Rupantaran evam Mudrit Madhyam
MTT-33 - Script Lekhan, Rupantaran evam Drishya-Shravya Madhyam
MTT-51 - Anuvad: Siddhant Aur Parampara
MTT-52 - Anuvad: Prakriya Aur Pravidhi
MTT-53 - Anuvad:Bhashik Aur Samajik-Sanskritik Sandarbh
MTT-54 - Prashasanik Evam Vanijyik Anuvad
MTT-55 - Anuvad: Sahitya Aur Jansanchar
MTTM-01 - Management Functions and Behaviour in Tourism
MTTM-02 - Human Resource Planning and Development in Tourism
MTTM-03 - Managing Personnel in Tourism
MTTM-04 - Information Management Systems and Tourism
MTTM-05 - Accounting and Finance for Managers inTourism
MTTM-06 - Marketing for Tourism Managers
MTTM-07 - Managing Sales and Promotion in Tourism
MTTM-08 - Managing Entrepreneurship and Small Business in Tourism
MTTM-09 - Understanding Tourism Markets
MTTM-10 - Tourism Impacts
MTTM-11 - Tourism Planning and Development
MTTM-115 - MICE Management
MTTM-12 - Tourism Products: Design and Development
MTTM-13 - Tourism Operations
MTTM-14 - Tourist Transport Operations (Road Transport)
MTTM-15 - Meeting, Incentives, Conferences and Expositions (MICE)
MTTP-06 - Anuvad Pariyojana
MUD-01 - History of Urdu Language and Literature
MUD-02 - Urdu Ghazal
MUD-03 - Urdu Fiction
MUD-04 - Urdu Non-Fiction
MUD-07 - Urdu Nazm
MUD-08 - Classical Urdu Poetry
MUD-09 - Criticism and Research
MUD-10 - Special Study of Meer Taqi Meer and Mirza Ghalib
MVA-29 - Research Methods and Dissertation
MVE-01 - Introduction to Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
MVE-02 - Pharmacology and Toxicology
MVE-03 - Pharmaceutics
MVE-04 - Drugs Regulatory Affairs
MVE-05 - Introduction to Management
MVE-06 - Sales Management
MVP-01 - Food Fundamentals and Chemistry
MVP-02 - Food laws and Standards
MVP-03 - Principles of Food Safety and Quality Management
MVP-04 - Food Safety and Quality Management Systems
MVP-05 - Food Toxicology and public health
MVP-06 - Food Biotechnology
MVP-07 - Recent trends in Food Technology and safety
MVP-09 - Research methodology
MVPI-01 - Food Microbiology
MVPP-01 - Project Work
MVPP-02 - Dissertation
MVPP-03 - Project Work
MVPP-04 - Project Work
MVS-01 - Ved-vedang parichay
MVS-02 - Sanhita evan brahman
MVS-03 - Aaranyak evam upanishad
MVS-04 - Nirukt evam pratishakhy
MVS-05 - Chhandas evan kalp
MVS-06 - Vedadhyayan parampara
MVS-07 - Vaidik devatatv evan vigyan
MVS-08 - Vedik ganit evam srishtivigyan
MVS-11 - Vastrushastra ka swaroop evam Itihas
MVS-12 - Grihpind Vichar Evam Griharambha
MVS-13 - Grih evam Vyavshayik Vastu
MVS-14 - Prasad, Gram evam Nagar Vastu
MWGP-01 - Project Work
MWGP-101 - Project Work
MWRP-01 - Project
MZO-01 - Molecular Cell Biology
MZO-02 - Genetics and Animal Biotechnology
MZO-03 - Comparative Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
MZO-04 - Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution
MZO-05 - Genomics and Proteomics
MZOE-01 - Parasitology
MZOE-02 - Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare Ethics
MZOE-03 - Aquaculture
NIOS-201 Class-10 - Hindi
NIOS-202 Class-10 - English
NIOS-211 Class-10 - Mathematics
NIOS-212 Class-10 - Science and Technology
NIOS-213 Class-10 - Social Science
NIOS-449 - Basic Life Sciences
NIOS-449-450-451 - Practical Manual
NIOS-450 - Maternal & Child Health Care
NIOS-451 - Prevention And Management Of Disease And Emergency
OMT-01 - Project Work
OMT-101 - Preparatory Course In General Mathematics
ONR-01 - Introduction to Water Harvesting
ONR-02 - Basics of Hydrology
ONR-03 - Water Harvesting, Conservation and Utilization
OPENMAT - IGNOU Openmat Management Entrance Guide
OSS-101 - Preparatory Course In Social Sciences
PCO-01 - Preparatory Course In Commerce
PDPET-521 - Elementary Education: Context, Concerns and Challenges
PDPET-522 - Understanding Elementary School Child
PDPET-523 - Curriculum and Teaching Learning Process
PDPET-524 - Pedagogy of Elementary School Subject
PDPET-525 - School – Based Activities (SBA)
PDPET-525, 526 and 527 - School – Based Activities (SBA), Workshop – Based Activities (WBA) and Practice Teaching (PT)
PGDHHM-06 - Project Work
PGDT-05 - Anuvad Pariyojana
PHE-04 - Mathematical Methods in Physics-I
PHE-05 - Mathematical Methods in Physics-II
PHE-06/BPHE-106 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
PHE-07 - Electric and Magnetic Phenomena
PHE-09 - Optics
PHE-10 - Electrical Circuits and Electronics
PHE-11 - Modern Physics
PHE-13 - Physics of Solids
PHE-14 - Mathematical Methods in Physics-III
PHE-15 - Astronomy and Astrophysics
PHE-16 - Communication Physics
PTS-01 - Project on Indian Culture, Environment and Tourism
PTS-02 - Project on Tourism Marketing
PTS-04 - Project on Indian Culture: Perspective for Tourism
PTS-05 - Project on Ecology, Environment and Tourism
PTS-06 - Project on Tourism Marketing
RDD-05 - Research and Project Work
RDD-06 - Rural Health Care
RDD-07 - Communication and Extension in Rural Development
TS-01 - Foundation Course in Tourism
TS-02 - Tourism Development: Products, Operations and Case Studies
TS-03 - Management in Tourism
TS-04 - Indian Culture: Perspective for Tourism
TS-05 - Ecology, Environment and Tourism
TS-06 - Tourism Marketing
TS-07 - Human Resource Development