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How to Buy & Download Assignments?

More Questions Under Assignments

Can I submit the same assignment from you to university?

No, we always recommend using our all types of assignments responsibly for reference purposes.

Can you provide the assignments without a Watermark?

No, this option is available only in handwritten assignments. If you receive our assignments from any source without a watermark, please report at [email protected], we will reward you for this.

Cash on delivery of GPH assignments is possible?

No, we don’t provide COD on assignments. We do provide COD facility on IGNOU Help Books.

Do you have all the answers to the questions in the assignments?

Yes, we solve all the questions, but in few cases, there may be only the questions that are mandatory to submit. We provide Solutions to Ensure Zero Rejection.

Does IGNOU charge a late fee for submitting solved assignments late?

There is no late fee towards the late submission of Assignments. If you have filled the examination form after the due date, then you will have to pay a fine for each paper.

The expense and Late Fee are just required for the Examination Form. We don’t recommend submitting after the due date, as there are chances that they may not accept your assignment. If not accepted, you will not be able to appear for exams.

To get your IGNOU Handwritten Assignment done, Call us on  +91 9350849407 or  WhatsApp.

How are the Term-End Examination and IGNOU Handwritten Solved Assignments related?

For any degree in IGNOU, candidates need to submit handwritten assignments of every subject for appearing in the term-end examination. If the assignment is not submitted, the candidate will not be permitted to appear for the term-end examinations.

In case candidates miss the assignment submission deadline, they may still be able to submit it late. However, this may entail a late fee for the related Term End Exam. If they have submitted the assignment but miss an exam, they can appear for the exam in any subsequent semester.

How do I get my Soft Copy link after making Payment?
How many marks do I need to pass an IGNOU assignment?
Candidates have to obtain a minimum of 35 marks out of 100 in assignments for the Bachelor Degree programme. Similarly, for the Master Degree programme, they have to obtain a minimum of 40 marks out of 100 in assignments. Or you can say 35% For Bachelor Degree, and 40% for Master Degree/PG Diploma.
How to Secure Good Marks in IGNOU Solved Assignments?

Buy Gullybaba IGNOU solved assignment to secure good marks

Is a refund available for the soft copy of the assignment?

Unfortunately, refunds are not provided for soft copies of assignments.

Is it compulsory to submit IGNOU Assignments?

Yes, it is necessary for each IGNOU student to write and submit their assignments to the Study Centre before the due date. If any student cannot submit, he/she is not allowed to appear in the Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU University.

Assignments are an integral part of the curriculum because the same carry 30% weightage during evaluation. A student for clearing his exam needs 40%, assignments carry a significant weightage in academics.

Each Candidate needs to compose and present a separate Handwritten Solved Assignment before the due date. If they are unable to submit during the allotted time frame, the student must present his/her assignments of the individual courses in the future session; else Student will not be eligible for the course. We strongly recommend taking assignments seriously and submit on time. Don’t wait for the last date, as we do for everything.

Is it possible to submit my IGNOU assignments by Post or Courier?

No, the Assignment can be submitted either by email or in person.

Is it possible to submit the IGNOU Assignment online?

Yes, you can submit the IGNOU assignment online. IGNOU has started receiving Assignments online for TEE June and December

Please provide bank details and all other forms of payment.

Bank Details :

Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
A/C No. 083005000399,
Lawrence Road, Delhi
IFSC Code: ICIC0000830


Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
A/c No. 911020041839686,
Tri Nagar, Delhi
IFSC Code: UTIB0001150

State Bank Of India

Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
A/c No. 00000030454391720,
Shastri Nagar, Delhi
IFSC Code: SBIN0011545

Other Form of Payment :

Paytm –8130732651
Google Pay–8130732651
Phone Pay No.–9313684768

Instamojo direct link

Should I pay a late fee for the late submission of IGNOU handwritten solved assignments?

There are no late fees required to submit IGNOU handwritten solved assignments. If candidates have filled the examination form after the due date, then they will have to pay a fine for each paper as per IGNOU Rules. The expense and late fees are just required for the examination form, not for submitting assignments late.

Here, IGNOU candidates are provided with all the information regarding IGNOU Handwritten Solved assignment. We hope the above article helps them.

To get your IGNOU Handwritten Assignment, Call us on  +91 9350849407 or  WhatsApp.

To whom can I submit IGNOU Assignments?

IGNOU Coordinator of Your Study Centre.

Types of Assignments: What are they?

(i) Typed in soft copy pdf which is instantly downloadable after payment. Click “Your Downloads” section after logging into your Account and download the assignments.

(ii) Handwritten scan soft copy pdf which can be ordered, through 9350849407.

(iii) Handwritten copy through Courier, these are specially made only for you.

You can order the above two by filling this form :

What if assignments are not available on

You can request with your subject code on WhatsApp on 9350849407. Please you this format “I need code(e.g. EHI-01), when can I get it?”.

What is the money back guarantee on IGNOU assignments?

IGNOU Assignments: if you failed in assignments you can take a full refund and New Term assignments FREE of cost. We guarantee the best quality among all assignment providers; you are entitled to a FULL Refund if you get better quality at the same price as us. All quality decisions in this regard will be of our expert team.

Project / Synopsis: Please Refer to Project FAQs.

IGNOU Help Books/Study Guides: Please Refer to Help Books/Study Guides FAQs.

What is the price of Hardcopy Handwritten Assignments by Courier and PDF both?

For All Medium assignments @ Rs. 450 per subject. Includes courier in India, Stationery, Pen, Ruled Sheet Expenses.

Handwritten PDF @ Rs. 100 per subject.

what is the validity of the Soft Copy Assignment to download

The soft copy link of the assignment is available for Download Max 3 Times

What is the weightage of Assignments to Pass the Exams?

Assignments have 30% weightage in each IGNOU program, so candidates can’t ignore them. They have to write the best assignment solution to get higher marks in the result, and it also increases your performance report in your grade card. Without assignments, your course is incomplete, and you must submit it to complete it.
Assignments are given 30% weightage to pass an exam. But to pass assignment alone you need to secure 35% for bachelors and 40% for masters.

Why are your Prices Higher than others?

Quality always has its cost. And we always recommend buying best, if buying best gets you more marks, even 10% more than also your money investment can get you so many benefits in higher studies, jobs, or profession.
There is not much difference between our pricing and others; in some cases, in few cases, our pricing is lesser than others. And the time and energy you save while dealing with an 18+ Years old company is BONUS.

Why should I purchase my Assignments from Gullybaba only?

We are the No.1 and Largest Company for IGNOU Self-help books in the World. We are Delivering Quality Support Materials for Good Marks in lesser time and effort to IGNOU Students Since 2000 consistently. Now Pvt. Ltd. Company, with ISO 9001, and 140001 Certifications. Gullybaba is started by Ex-IGNOU Student, 20 Years Back.

Why Choose GullyBaba Assignments?

Assignments from GullyBaba Publishing
Answers that are verified and accurate.
Beautiful handwriting (in case of Handwritten Assignments).
On-time delivery guaranteed (Softcopy – Instant Download. Hardcopy – You can Choose Shipping Days from Options)
Easy-to-understand language and illustrations.
A well-designed, beautiful, high-quality product.
Based on IGNOU Guidelines.
Successfully Delivering in 30 Countries.
For Every Sale We Support Plantation
Handwritten Assignments hardcopy is not resold to another Student.
At last, Refer Gullybaba Assignments if you are looking for Mine of Marks.

Would you be able to send me both a soft copy and a hard copy of Solved Assignments?

Yes, we can provide in both modes. Hardcopy Courier and Print Prices @ Rs. 75 per subject Extra. If the price of assignment for a subject is Rs. 50, then Total Handwritten Hard Copy will be {Assignment Cost + Courier Charges + Handwriting Charging}.

Call or WhatsApp on +91 9350849407 to order Assignments through Courier.


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Or Call us Now (Mon-Sat 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM) at 9350849407

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