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Format of IGNOU DECE Project Work

by | Dec 9, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

The goal of the IGNOU DECE Project is to provide you with the essential abilities to deal with young children, up to the age of six, and to help you develop and manage day care and preschools. As a result of using the IGNOU DECE Project, you will have a greater understanding of a nursery school’s or preschool’s work environment. It is beneficial if you have prior experience working in a childcare facility. We are unable to provide work experience at a childcare centre, nevertheless. Although this will aid you in getting acquainted with the daily routine and aspects of creche care, DECE-3 has created practical work around the house to support you.

What exactly is IGNOU DECE Project Work?

Working in a preschool/nursery school for at least 30 days and up to 90 days (depending on your pace and schedule of work) and engaging in play activities with the children is regarded IGNOU DECE Project Work. To do this, you will be placed in a University-approved nursery school/preschool and assigned to a nursery school teacher who will act as your Guide during your IGNOU DECE Project Work.

The Best Format of IGNOU DECE Project Work (DECE-4)


IGNOU DECE Project Guidelines share several key components. These components are as follows:


The dissertation title should be clear, concise, and indicative of the substance of the report. The following essential guidelines should be followed while designing a dissertation title:

– Make use of a brief but important title.

– It should be interesting enough to draw the reader in.

– With the exception of the articles (a and an), and prepositions (in, of, from, to, with regard to, at, and so on), all words in the title should be capitalised.

– Acronyms, chemical formulae, brand names, and technical terminology should be avoided in the title.


An abstract is a one-page or fewer explanation of the research endeavour, including the research question, the purpose for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the procedure, and the researcher’s results and major conclusions based on the research.

It is essential to understand that an abstract is meant to help the reader understand the substance of a report without having to read the entire report.

Keep in mind that while writing the abstract, you should make certain that it answers three key questions. These are some examples:

1) What is the research question, and what is the topic of this paper? (Include the general problem, goal, and scope of the investigation.)

2) How did you carry out your research? (Descriptions of techniques may include the design, methodology, sample, and any equipment used.)

3) What have you learned? (Summary of findings, focusing just the most important findings)

An abstract generally comprises key terms relating to the study’s research. However, make sure there are no references to bibliographies, tables, or figures. Keep in mind that the abstract should be written in short, succinct sentences, in the past tense, and, to the greatest degree possible, in passive voice, since it relates to finished work.


The introduction tells the reader about the investigation’s unique topic. The major goal of the introduction is to create the necessary background or backdrop for your research challenge, to explain your topic choices, and to clearly state the investigation’s aims or hypothesis. To begin, offer a broad overview/concept of the subject of your research. Citations to relevant primary literature and other technical sources may be included in this method. A brief review of the literature, focusing on influential studies and findings relevant to your study, may be included to provide some context for the reader (who may or may not be familiar) about what is known and what is not known about the subject of investigation, thereby identifying the general ‘gap’ in the literature.

The introduction should focus on or narrow down to the specific issue under inquiry after establishing a broad framework. The importance of examining, investigating, and resolving a certain topic should be justified by using relevant references and citations from original literature.

Finally, the general/specific goals or hypotheses of your investigation, as well as the material under consideration, should be stated clearly yet briefly. The research objective(s) is a succinct statement of the study’s specific aims, defining the study’s significant variables and their potential interactions, as well as the characteristics of the population of interest. Study objectives/questions can be wide in scope or sufficiently detailed to concentrate your IGNOU DECE Project Report. The objectives/hypotheses from the proposal stage should be repeated in the finished dissertation.

Review of Related Literature

The literature review is a critical assessment of previous research on a specific issue that is frequently prepared by you to contextualise your research challenge or to identify gaps and flaws in earlier studies to support your inquiry. It includes undertaking a systematic review of articles relevant to the chosen study topic.

As you may have guessed, the process of doing a literature review begins before establishing the research issue or problem and continues till the IGNOU DECE Project Report is submitted/published. You should have already performed a comprehensive and thorough assessment of the literature, which includes articles in nutrition, health, and dietetic journals, as well as textbooks, monographs, bulletins, and other works on your specific study topic, before drafting your proposal. This review would have helped you present a summative review/critique of your research problem in the report in terms of: — level of research, knowledge developed in the field of study, and thus presenting what is already known and what remains to be investigated in the specific area of research; — comprehending and expressing fundamental definitions, ideas, principles, and variables;

Your literature review could be organised in a number of different ways. Subheadings might help you organise and cohere your evaluation. After determining the relevance of your research topic and its current degree of development, you may devote several subsections to related topics, concepts, and so on.

The literature review should be exceedingly extensive, thorough, and exhaustive.

Remember that your literature review should influence your research subject, study objectives/questions, and approach. Furthermore, the literature review will be useful when presenting your findings and drawing suitable conclusions from them.

Research Methodology

This section is primarily designed to demonstrate that you have a meaningful and practical approach for investigating and testing your objectives / working hypotheses / propositions based on your comprehension of the literature.

Simply put, the material section of your IGNOU DECE Project Report is in charge of identifying and documenting the materials, methods, procedures, techniques, and equipment used to perform the research. The goal of this section is to identify the approach, explain the tasks, and design your study work plan. This will help any reviewer or examiner determine whether your technique was/is appropriate and applicable, as well as provide proper information to any other researcher who wants to duplicate the experiment.

Results & Interpretations

This section summarises the conclusions of your inquiry, which may contain text, tables, and figures. Concentrate on selecting and clearly presenting the most significant outcomes. Include the sample size as well as the sample size acquired after cleaning the data or removing ambiguities. This information should be supplied if the sample size was considerably different from the usual. Include any findings from exploratory research as well.

Analysis & Discussions

It is important to persuade the reader of the potential relevance of your study. This is accomplished by utilising the discussion section. The discussion section provides a concise summary of the study’s questions, methodology, and findings. It discusses how this research contributed new information, if any, broke new ground or opened new avenues of exploration, and/or constrained and added to established understanding. This is the only section where you can speculatively explain your interpretations of the findings. The discussion section, as you will learn, is the hardest to write.

To have a meaningful discussion, we must be well-versed in the relevant literature, up to date, and have a solid academic grasp and knowledge of the relevant subject/topic/concept/idea under consideration.

Summary and Conclusions

In the ‘Summary and Conclusion’ section of your IGNOU DECE Project Report, interpret, analyse, and qualify the findings of your study and draw conclusions from them.

In the Findings section, summarise the study’s conclusions based on the analysis and data gathered. Indicate the extent to which the stated objectives were fulfilled by evidence or logical development. If the research was motivated by theories, state whether the findings confirmed or contradicted these ideas. Provide alternative interpretations for the findings if required. Outline the study’s strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.

In the Summary section, provide a summary of the whole article that is constructed in such a way that it may stand alone. It should be four to five pages long.


The recommendation section is the final section of the IGNOU DECE Project Report and should include some practical recommendations for researchers and scholars, such as additional research, changes to research methods or theoretical concepts, or how the research should be conducted differently as a result of your findings and research. As appropriate, provide suggestions for improvements to academic practise, professional practise, or organisational policies, practises, and conduct.

With the recommendations, our report is nearly finished. However, don’t forget to read over the bibliography and appendices.


A bibliography is a collection of references/publications/citations that are cited while producing a report, book, article, or assignment. They are generally organised by author, date, or subject. The bibliography/reference part of your IGNOU DECE Project Report should come at the end (after the section on suggestions). In the bibliography, you would provide an alphabetical list of all sources, i.e. writings/publications/citations, that were used or consulted in the creation of your study and report.

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