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Important Information Regarding Facilitative Guidelines

by | Dec 9, 2022 | IGNOU Exams | 0 comments

The word ‘Facilitative’ means  acting to make things easier to do. So, you can very well understand what the phrase ‘Facilitative Guidelines’ means. These guidelines make the things related to report, dissertations, etc. easier to accomplish. In this way, these guidelines assume great significance for the students.

Given below are some of the information regarding Facilitative Guidelines presented in Q and A format.

Q. 1 What are the things that need to be taken into consideration while submitting the Practicum file/Internship Report?
Ans.  There are some important things that need to be taken into consideration at the time of submission of the Practicum file/Internship Report. Here are those:

  •  The learners must make it sure that the Supervised Practicum file/ Internship Report submitted by them(at SED, IGNOU HQ) contains the duly authenticated internal assessment marks given by the Academic Counsellor.

If it is not so, the Practical File/Internship Report will not be accepted by SED for external evaluation.

  • Learners may submit the hard copy of the Supervised Practicum File/ Internship Report at SED; they can also submit through online mode(soft copy).

But, here it is important to note that the submission of soft copy through online mode must ONLY done at the “Online Submission Link for Projects/ Dissertation/ Field Work Journals/ Internship Reports” made available at the University website for the purpose.

Supervised practicum files/ Internship Reports sent through email would not be accepted by SED, IGNOU HQ for external evaluation.

Q.2 Are Dissertations, Practicum files and Internship Report sent at same place? If not, specify the centre/division.
Ans.  No, Dissertations, Practicum files and Internship Report are not sent at same place. While the supervised Practicum files and Internship Report are needed to be sent at the Student Evaluation Division, or SED at IGNOU HQs for external evaluation, the Dissertation needs to be submitted to the Regional Centre for external evaluation and viva-voce.

Q.3 What is the percentage of weightage given by the Academic Counsellor/ Supervisor in the case of Dissertation?
Ans. In the case of Dissertation, the internal assessment marks given by the Academic Counsellor/Supervisor at the Study Centre/Programme Study Centre account for 40% weightage.

Q.4 Why academic counsellor is required?
Ans. The academic consellor is required to give internal evaluation marks on the practical file/Internship Report/Dissertation Report.

Q.5 What is the evaluation process for all the courses? Elucidate.
Ans. The evaluation process for all the courses remains the same. Thus, in the case of Supervised Practicum Courses and internship, the duly authenticated internal assessment marks given by the Academic Counsellor at the Study Centre/Programme Study Centre, contained in the practical file/Internship Report submitted by the learner to the Student Evaluation Division(SED) at IGNOU HQs for external evaluation, account for 50% weightage in the final score of the respective course.

Q.6 Is collection of the primary data essential for dissertation?
Ans. For dissertation, collection of primary data is not essential. You may complete the Dissertation using only the secondary data. You need to select a research topic related to conselling and family therapy. In order to complete your Dissertation, you may use the online material available for doing review of literature.

Q.7 What is the weightage of summative internal assessment marks in dissertation course?
Ans.The summative internal assessment marks given by the Academic Counsellor/Supervisor carry 40% weightage.

Q.8 What is the weightage of viva-voce marks in dissertation course?
Ans. There is 20% weightage for viva-voce marks.

Q.9 How does the oral examination hold?
Ans. The oral examination or viva-voce is organised by the Regional Centre, online or offline following all safety guidelines as prescribed by the government.

Q.10 What are the things you need to take into consideration while choosing the respondents in supervised practicum courses?
Ans. For choosing respondents, you need to first look into your home surroundings. You may conduct the activity through face-to-face interaction, maintaining social distancing and taking other safety measures recommended; including wearing marks, or given the changing times. You can do it by using a digital technology/online mode or telephonic conversation. For example, you may observe a child/family setting through the use of technology.

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