It was during the tenure of Rajiv Gandhi, in the year 1985, that IGNOU was established. The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established with the intention of providing quality education for serving the Indian Population by means of Distance and Open Education. It is one of the largest universities in the world serving millions of Indians by providing a higher quality of education, irrespective of their section/segment in the society. The IGNOU is currently operated by Central Government, by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (HRD). In this essay, I would like to share the in-detail procedure and information about IGNOU.
How to Change IGNOU Regional or Study Centre?
What is the Regional Centre and Study Centre?
Regional Centre:
- They are the main source for the students to the university.
- It acts like the head of that region.
- They look into the admissions of the students.
- They provide study materials, needed essentials and other necessaries for the students.
- They help students with queries with respect to admission and other policies.
- IGNOU has a total of 67 regional Centres.
Study Centre:
- The Study Centres are used for classes, providing lab facilities, and providing necessary components/equipment for that respective course.
- They conduct examinations for the students.
- The IGNOU Assignments and attendance are taken care of by the Study Centre.
How to Change Regional or Study Centre?
As discussed in the first paragraph, the main intention of establishing IGNOU is to provide quality education to interested persons by means of “Distance Education”. It is very important to enroll in the Regional Centre and complete all the needed formalities. And later it is the role of the Study Centre to conduct online/in-class lectures and practicals. It is evident that many people migrate/move from place to place for various reasons. So, to fulfill the gap between distance and education, the IGNOU has done an excellent job by setting up many regional Study Centres. It would turn quite easy for anyone to continue the same course/subject even at the time of your transfer to another place.
To Change Regional Centre-
The IGNOU is having many RC(regional centers), at least one in each state. If studying at one regional center and wants to change to another center then he/she can apply for the change of the Regional Centre. The request must be raised at the current regional center where he/she wants to transfer to the desired regional center. And it is the responsibility of the student to carry their study certificate with respect to completed assignments from the current study center to the changing one. The students must obtain a “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” from the concerned RC and SC where the student wants to transfer. The process of transfer will be done by RC after proper verification of the student's course details, fee details, assignment details, marks details, attendance details, and other important activities of the students. So, once the procedure is followed in a synchronized order, then he/she is free to study at other centres.
To Change Study Centre-
As discussed earlier, each state is having one RC and more than one SC. And to further change the study center, the student must fill out the application form and submit it to IGNOU. The application form for the change of study center can be found on the IGNOU official website or at the regional center. The application form contains many details, which need to be filled out by the students. The form wishes to seek the details like,
- Enrollment number.
- Date of change.
- Name of the student.
- Residential address of the student.
- The medium of the study.
- Program of the study.
- New study center code.
- Signature with the date.
The above application form can be filled out in online mode at the IGNOU website or physically at the regional center. And after providing the information to IGNOC, they will do the background check at the students' RC, SC, and further, carry forward the necessary proceedings.