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How to choose guide for IGNOU MBA project?

by | Aug 8, 2023 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

The process of your synopsis, and project report begins as soon as you enter in 3rd Semester of your IGNOU MBA Program. In order to prepare your project, you will need a Guide for sure. A situation of panic and problems arise in the case of those IGNOU students who do not get a Guide for their synopsis and project. The importance of a Guide can easily be understood from a single fact if you are an IGNOU student, and you do not have any Guide, your synopsis might not get approved.

Selection of Guide

Once you have a clear understanding of the industry you are going to work on, get in touch with an individual who possesses relevant experience and a passion for guiding, provided that person meets the specific eligibility requirements.

Who can be your Guide?

• Management Faculty in the School of Management Studies at Headquarters.

• All Approved Academic Counsellors of the Management Programme having relevant experience at the Study Centres are recognized as supervisors for guiding the project.

If you fail to Get the Guide, through the above two sources, then you can select

• The Management Faculty has 5 years of PG Teaching Experience. The Professionals holding a Master's degree in Management or allied disciplines having a minimum of 5 years of experience in the relevant area(for example, if you are taking up a marketing topic, then the supervisor should have 5 years of experience in marketing, after his/her Masters.

However, if you choose to identify your own guide, then the bio data of the proposed guide is to be attached along with a synopsis for approval.

So, as and when your Guide gets selected, but your Guide does not happen to be an academic counsellor, then in that case University makes you fill a remuneration form. After getting this remuneration form filled, the university makes a payment of Rs. 500 to that Guide.

However, if your Guide is too good a person, does not hanker after money, then he or she will not insist you to fill out the remuneration form and give him or her that amount. Getting the amount of Rs. 500 is not easy either. You may need to go from one place to another in university and that too for several days, to get that petty sum of rupees credited to your Guide's account.

However, the final decision is of the person whom you engage for the Guide. Importantly, a Guide cannot coach more than 5 students at a time.

Who Can not be your Guide?

Spouse, Direct Relatives, and Blood Relatives are strictly a no-no for becoming your Guide. So, if you are too tempted by any of your relatives to make him or her your Guide, just drop the idea.

How to Select a Guide?

It is advisable for IGNOU students to opt for guides who have the expertise and current involvement in the relevant field corresponding to their chosen topic. For example, if the topic falls under finance, it is essential that the guide possesses specialized knowledge and experience in finance. Furthermore, project guides are also requested to restrict their guidance exclusively within their core specialization area.

If you fail to find a Guide from the sources mentioned above, you can take the help of the online source. This platform can prove to be a bridge between you and your Guide. Make your Profile on that online source and start finding out Suitable Profiles. Once you find someone suitable, write a request email mentioning your details and guidance which you may require.

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