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How to Get Direct Admission in MA English (MEG) Second Year?

by | Sep 19, 2023 | IGNOU Courses & Syllabus | 0 comments

For all those students who want to do an MA from a prestigious university and in distance mode, IGNOU happens to be a natural choice. Understandably so because this is arguably the only university that has a range of options when it comes to Selecting the Subject, has respectable positions across the globe, and after the successful completion of this course, students get lucrative job opportunities in diverse fields. In addition to all the attributes of IGNOU mentioned above, there is one big benefit that Indira Gandhi National Open University provides. If students complete its Post Graduation Diploma in Writings from India, or PGDWI program, they can directly take admission to the MA(English) (MEG) Programme under the lateral entry scheme.

The Courses of IGNOU that Provide Lateral Entry:

Post Graduate Diploma in Writings from India (PGDWI)

The Post Graduate Diploma In Writings from India delves deep into the richness of Indian English literature, spotlighting iconic authors such as Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao, Anita Desai, Salman Rushdie, and Mahesh Dattani, to name a few. This course not only highlights the significance of Indian writings in English but also takes learners on a journey through the evolution of English Studies in the Indian context. From the birth of Indian English poetry and novels to the diverse versions of the English language spoken worldwide, the curriculum presents a comprehensive view.

Furthermore, it critically explores the challenges faced in imparting and grasping English literature, challenges the traditional Western literary narrative, and emphasizes the budding Indian literary canon while discussing the idea of mental decolonization. Students gain insights into Indian literature translated into English from regional languages.

An essential part of the curriculum includes a comprehensive study of literary theories and critiques, spanning from classical and romantic critiques to modern-day theories like feminism and deconstruction. Upon successfully concluding the Advanced Diploma on Indian Writings, students are eligible for lateral entry to the MA (English) program.

Eligibility: Bachelor's degree / a higher degree from a recognized University
Medium of Instruction: English

Course Code and Titles
MEG 05        Literary Theory & Criticism
MEG 07         Indian English Literature
MEG 10         English Studies in India
MEG 14         Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation

Post Graduate Diploma in British Literature (PGDBLT)

The Post Graduate Diploma in British Literature introduces students to different types of British Literature like Poetry, Drama, and the Novel. The course includes British Poetry from the medieval times to the Modern and Postmodern era, while providing an overview of British Poetry.

It does also offer a detailed overview of the evolution and development of life on the British stage, from Christopher Marlowe to T S Eliot. It then recounts the development of the British novel from its beginnings in the early eighteenth century till the later decades of the twentieth century, while focusing on a number of aspects of the novel as a genre, and discussing each novel against its social and cultural contexts.

Lastly, the course looks at an integral part of the curricula at colleges and universities across the globe—literary theory and criticism, beginning with classical criticism, including romantic criticism, new criticism, feminist theories, deconstruction, and ending with contemporary theories.

: Bachelor's degree / a higher degree from a recognized University
Medium of Instruction: English

Course Code  and Titles
MEG 05       Literary Theory & Criticism
MEG 01       British Poetry
MEG 02       British Drama
MEG 03       British Novel

Post Graduate Diploma in The Novel (PGDNOV)

The Post Graduate Diploma in the Novel looks at the genre of the novel and focuses on three crucial literary traditions of the novel. The course is focused on the writings of the greatest British novelists and their finest works, on several aspects of the novel as a genre, and discusses each novel in its social and cultural contexts.

The programme also exposes learners to the major novelists in American Literature with the help of a study of their representative novels and traces the development of the Australian novel, and its colonial history up to the recent times.

Lastly, it aims at an integral part of the curricula at colleges and universities across the globe — literary theory and criticism, beginning from classical times, including romantic criticism, new criticism, feminist theories, deconstruction and contemporary theories.

After successful completion of this Post Graduate Diploma in The Novel (PGDNOV) programme the student can be admitted to the MA (English) (MEG) programme under the lateral entry scheme as per the rules of the University.

Eligibility: Bachelor's degree / a higher degree from a recognized University
Medium of Instruction: English

Course Code and Titles
MEG 05       Literary Theory & Criticism
MEG 03       British Novel
MEG 11       American Novel
MEG 19       Australian Novel

Post Graduate Diploma in Writings from the Margins (PGDWM)

The primary objective of the Post Graduate Diploma in Writings from the Margins is to raise awareness among students about marginalized literatures that are emerging. This program delves into the challenges experienced by marginalized communities in our society, exploring and analyzing various forms of expression such as fiction, poetry, drama, autobiography, critical thought, and language. It specifically focuses on both Dalit and Tribal narratives.

This program offers a comprehensive exploration of Indian Literature by analyzing important texts in various genres like short fiction, poetry, playwriting, and non-fictional prose that have been translated into English. Additionally, it delves into the fascinating realm of folklore by examining representative oral and written folk literature from around the world while also acquainting learners with folk and tribal versions of Indian Bhasha literature. Furthermore, the program covers an essential component of college and university curricula worldwide —literary theory and criticism — spanning classical times to contemporary theories such as romantic criticism, new criticism feminist theories deconstructionism.

Upon the successful completion of the Post Graduate Diploma in Writings from the Margins (PGDWM) programme, students are eligible to enroll in the MA (English) (MEG) programme through the lateral entry scheme, in accordance with university regulations.

Eligibility: Bachelor's degree / a higher degree from a recognized University
Medium of Instruction: English

Course Code and Titles

MEG 05        Literary Theory & Criticism
MEG 13        Writings From the Margins
MEG 14        Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation
MEG 16        Indian Folk Literature

Post Graduate Diploma in American Literature (PGDAML)

The main objective of the Post Graduate Diploma in American Literature is to raise awareness among students about the various genres and facets of American literature. By studying the works of prominent American novelists, participants will gain exposure to the American novel, followed by an exploration of American drama and its unique elements such as text, context, and performance.

The course then turns its readers' attention to introducing learners to the specificities of American poetry from its origin to the modern period. Lastly, it looks at an integral part of the curricula at colleges and universities across the globe — literary theory and criticism, beginning from classical times, including romantic criticism, new criticism, feminist theories, deconstruction, and contemporary theories.

Upon successful completion of the Post Graduate Diploma in American Literature (PGDAML) program, students are eligible to enroll in the MA (English) (MEG) program through the lateral entry scheme, following the University's regulations.

Eligibility: Bachelor's degree / a higher degree from a recognized University
Medium of Instruction: English

Course Code and Titles

MEG 05        Literary Theory & Criticism
MEG 06        American Literature
MEG 11        American Novel
MEG 17        American Drama
MEG 18        American Poetry

Post Graduate Diploma in New Literatures in English (PGDNLEG)

The curriculum for the Post Graduate Diploma in New Literatures in English encompasses various courses centered on postcolonial studies and new literature. Through an examination of significant representative texts, our aim is to familiarize students with major works while highlighting the richness and variations within these literatures by relating them to developments in critical theory.

Furthermore, the course strives to demonstrate the impact of historical, social, and political forces on this literature, as well as the influence of ethnic backgrounds. Our selection includes works from Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean, Australia, and Canada. The Australian Literature course delves into the multicultural nature of the nation and acquaints students with the original inhabitants' writings while tracing the origins of settlers and exploring the foundational writers who shaped its literary landscape alongside the challenges they faced.

The program then takes the learners into the world of 20th Century Canadian Literature giving them knowledge about the contexts of Canadian Writing, recent Canadian Poetry, Margaret Atwood‘s life and works, French Canadian Writing, the Canadian novel Canadian South-Asian Diasporic Writing, Canadian Short story, Canadian Drama, and the development of Canadian Criticism. Lastly, the course takes a peep at an integral part of the curricula at colleges and universities across the globe —literary theory and criticism, beginning from classical times, including romantic criticism, new criticism, feminist theories, deconstruction, and contemporary theories.

After successful completion of this Post Graduate Diploma in New Literatures in English (PGDNLEG) program the student can be admitted to MA (English) (MEG) program under the lateral entry scheme as per the rules of the University.

Eligibility: Bachelor's degree / a higher degree from a recognized University
Medium of Instruction
: English

Course Code and Titles

MEG 05        Literary Theory & Criticism
MEG 08        New Literatures in English
MEG 09        Australian Literature
MEG 12        A Survey Course in 20th-Century Canadian Literature
MEG 19        Australian Novel

So, get enrolled in any of the courses discussed above, and be able to save your time.

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