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How to Prepare for the IGNOU OMT-101 PROJECT

by | Dec 8, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

Preparation is very crucial stage for IGNOU OMT-101 PROJECT. While selecting a particular topic for this project, the student should not imitate others. Rather, they should choose a particular area, they are passionate or interested. Once they find their area of interest, they can select a particular topic for their project work after consultation with their guide. Mind, the project proposal is the outline of thoughtful observation, careful planning and effective execution by the learners.



Do keep the following in mind while writing your report:

  • Divide your report into sections and sub-sections. This gives a certain coherence to your report and prevents different ideas from spilling into different places.
  • A well-structured report is easily comprehensible. Aims and objectives, should therefore be stated very explicitly even if there is some repetition.
  • Writing an introduction is important as it gives a certain entry point to your report. Similarly, a conclusion helps you wind up your report and enables you to tie up various loose ends.
  • Your report should not read like an assemblage of different sections but should be an integrated and structured whole. In other words, you should divide your report into sections and sub-sections but make sure that they do not read like different pieces independent of each other. They should be related to each other and should form parts of your report.
  • All your arguments should be neatly tied and logically culminated at the end of each section and again in your conclusion. At the same time the interconnections between different sections should be clearly maintained.
  • You should write in your own language using simple words and short sentences as far as possible. A report written in a language not easily comprehendible often distracts the reader from the contents of the report. Treat your language a potent medium to communicate your ideas. The Project will be assessed on the strength of your methodology and ideas.

While you should not copy from other books, articles etc. citations are a legitimate exercise. Please observe the following instructions :

  • The quotation should be relevant and the language should be that of the author.
  • At the end of the quote, you should mention within the brackets, the name of the author and the title of the book along with the year and place of publication and the page numbers.
  • In case you have quoted from a newspaper/magazine/journal, give the name of the magazine/journal, the number of the issue and the month/year of its publication.
  • Avoid lengthy quotes. Brief quotes often beautifully stress the point and blend easily into your text. A quote roughly of the size of about 50 to 100 words is quite reasonable.


The Best Format for BPP OMT-1

  • Title of the Project Proposed
  • Background of the Study
  • Objectives of the Study
  • The hypothesis of the Study as and when applicable
  • Research Methodology: Sample, Tests/Tools, Statistics to be used
  • References/Bibliography


After identifying the area of your interest, you should discuss it with your supervisor and decide the topic you want to work upon.

The supervisor will :

  • acquaint you with such local groups and agencies as may be relevant to your work ;
  • Give you letters of authorization which would enable you to make enquiry and investigations in different offices pertaining to your work;
  • Make accessible to you the library at the study centre for consultation purposes; and
  • Advise you, to the best of his/her efforts, about your theme, location of your data and general work plan.

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