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IGNOU DPLAD BPRP-004 Project Report Synopsis

by | Jun 9, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

  • DPLAD stands for Diploma in Panchayati Level Administration and Development. Panchayati Raj system is one of the oldest systems in India. However, after  independence, lots of recommendations were suggested by the various committees, namely Balwant Rai Mehta Committee, Ashok Mehta Committee, GVK Rao Committee, LM Singhvi Committee, etc. constituted for its revival. The Constitution of India in Article 40 states, “The state shall take steps to organise village Panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government”.

    However, the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992, the Act added  the word “The Panchayat.” This act directs the states to set up village Panchayats and provide them with power and authority and enable them to act as self-government.

    • Further, the election process in the Panchayati Raj institutions will be held independent of the state government’s will.
    • The Act has two parts: compulsory and voluntary. Compulsory provisions must be added to state laws, which include the creation of the new Panchayati Raj systems. Voluntary provisions, on the other hand, are the discretion of the state government.
    • The Act is a very significant step in creating democratic institutions at the grassroot level in the country. The Act has transformed representative democracy into participatory democracy.

    In this course of Diploma in Panchayati Level Administration and Development, the learners have to write a project that involves a survey as well as data collection. If you are among those students who want to have better career options after graduation, this diploma is exclusively yours. Therefore, you should not take it casually.

    Doing project work in DPLAD is even more challenging as it requires staying in a village and experiencing its challenges first hand. You might have to face difficulties in gathering the recent facts, analysing data, tabulating these facts and figures, holding debates over the findings, and then coming up with certain deductions and conclusions.

When should you begin your IGNOU DPLAD Project work?

You should begin IGNOU DPLAD Project Work when and only when you come to know about the fundamental knowledge required about several areas of local administration through the theoretical component of your program. After getting the required information, now is the time to choose an area of your work, pick a problem, and start making the project report.

Once you pick your issue of interest, the next thing is to find as much information as possible through various online and offline sources. Further, if it seems to be practical, you can conduct a study of the current literature on the subject with the able and effective advice of your supervisor/counselor.

Steps involved in IGNOU DPLAD Project (BPR 4)

A systematic approach to project work entails the following steps:

1. Topic selection

  • Never choose a topic on hearsay, on the supposed approval rate of a particular topic, on what your best friend suggests, etc. Instead, choose a topic that belongs to your field of interest, and the career path you desire to pursue. Simply put, it should be your darling topic. In addition to that, try to choose a topic that has some strong connections with contemporary events as well as real-life situations. Mind, examiners also like such subjects.
  • Once you select your topic, never sit on the information that you have. Make comprehensive research. Get involved in research; the internet will prove to be highly effective. If the net connection is not reliable or not available, you can also bank on the library and generate comprehensive content. You may take the help of previous IGNOU AMT 1 Project Works.
  • Do not rely totally on the content that you get in the process. If you find any reference, context, or the entire topic verifiable, consult with an expert, professor, supervisor, or such persons without any delay. You will get significant suggestions and admirable advice for the selected topic.

2. Consultation with your Supervisor

You should immediately consult your supervisor/guide once you finalise on your topic of interest. It is simply because your Guide will help you comprehend the pros and cons of the topic of your study and provide effective monitoring, which in turn will help you prepare an eye-catching and informative project proposal. You can take the help of your Study Centre Coordinator to find your Guide.

3. Create IGNOU DPLAD Synopsis

Creating a project proposal comes at this stage. Mind, your proposal should distinctly define the conceptual framework and incorporate a brief explanation of the problem, objective, sample size, data collection, tabulation, and of course a tentative report structure. It is important to mention here that your Guide must accept your project proposal and its copy must be sent to the Regional Centre through your Study Centre.

4. Data Collection Tools

You should start building data collecting tools once your Guide accepts your project plan. To collect data, you should use several tools such as questionnaire, interview schedules, interviews, and observation guides as well as study formats. Importantly, you must seek your Guide's help in this regard.

5. Collection of Data

The collection of data happens to be one of the most critical components of your project. You should collect data not only from the general public, but also from local leaders as well as officials.

Format of IGNOU DPLAD Project Report

Your report must contain data analysis, inferences from your study, and conclusions reached. It should be the interpretation of all the occurrences in the course of project making. Ideally, a project report should include the following:

  • An Introduction: This section should explain the problem, its significance, and the objective of your study.
  • Review of literature: This section should contain the summary of a review of such materials that might have assisted you in finding a knowledge gap that was consequently submitted to the investigation as a project part.
  • Methodology: This section incorporates objectives, hypotheses(if applicable), the instruments utilised for data collection, the sort of research, how data was interpreted, and the constraints of the study.
  • Study Area: Description of your research area along with the state, district, block, or whatever applies to your study area. You should also add features as much as it applies to the study.
  • Study report: In this section of your project report, you should project all the collected data in tabular form. In addition to this, you should also add data analysis and interpretation.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations: As the title suggests, this section happens to be the final chapter of the project report and incorporates conclusions along with suggestions/recommendations to overcome the difficult situation.

Submission of IGNOU DPLAD Project Report

After your report gets complete in all aspects, the next step is to submit it to the university for the assessment as per the procedures. You can make it published in a journal later on for other academic reasons.

Preparation/Formulation of IGNOU DPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development) BPRP 004 Project Report/Dissertation/Thesis

The nature of the theme of your selected project largely decides the size of your project. Ideally, your project should be in an A4 size sheet and around 100 pages and typed in double space.

The Report should be in the following format.

S. No. Parts Description
1 TITLE The first page of the report should indicate the title of the project, name of the candidate, address, enrollment number, and year.
1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgment
3. Table of Contents
2 INTRODUCTION This section will introduce the problem. It should be able to give an idea to the reader of what the topic is all about, how did the topic emerge, and what made the researcher take up the topic. The introduction must contain the rationale and purpose of the research.
3 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A review of literature is a collective body of works done by earlier researchers and published in the form of books, journals, and articles. It helps in generating ideas and developing significant questions for the research work.
4 SIGNIFICANCE The rationale for carrying out a particular project is explained here.
5 OBJECTIVE /HYPOTHESIS This will consist of the main objectives or purpose of the research. For example, to study the effect of family environment on the self-concept of the students. A hypothesis is also provided which is a tentative statement about the cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
6 METHODOLOGY The methodology includes Samples, Tests/Tools, and Statistical Analysis. The size and nature of the sample will depend on the topic selected. Tests/ tools are to be selected based on the objectives of the research. The data collected with the help of the tests/ tools are then analysed by using appropriate statistical techniques.
7 RESULT AND DISCUSSION The findings of the research after the statistical analysis of data are reported in tabular and graphical form. This is then discussed in light of the existing research studies. The implication of the findings is also discussed.
8 CONCLUSION Under this heading, the learner has to conclude the findings of the research.
9 DELIMITATION Constraints and limitations of the research are mentioned here.
10 SUGGESTIONS Based on the research findings, the learner can give suggestions for further research in a particular area.
11 REFERENCES (APA STYLE) References have to be written in APA format. These should be alphabetically listed.

Why Guide is required for IGNOU DPLAD BPRP 004 Synopsis and Project Report?

The learner will require a Guide/Supervisor for carrying out the Project.

The eligibility criteria to be a Guide/Supervisor are as follows:

a) From Study Centre/ Regional Centre/ otherwise direct can from Maidan Garhi also.

b) Phil/PhD. in Panchayat Level Administration with a minimum of two years of Undergraduate/Post Graduate teaching experience.


c) Master’s Degree in Panchayat Level Administration with a minimum of two years experience at Post Graduate level.


d) Master’s Degree in Panchayat Level Administration with a minimum of five years of teaching experience at the Undergraduate level.

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the last dates for IGNOU DPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development) BPRP 004 Synopsis and Project Report Submissions?



Note:  IGNOU has the discretion to change the date. So, you are advised to remain in touch with the official site.

Q2. What are the criteria for submission of IGNOU DPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development) BPRP 004 Synopsis?

AnsThe  process of submission of IGNOU DPLAD Synopsis is as follows:

  • The learner prepares the IGNOU project report proposal/synopsis and submits it at the study center.
  • The project proposal is submitted in A4 size paper typed in double space along with a consent letter of the Guide and the pro forma for approval.
  • The learner retains a copy of the synopsis. Proposals not accompanying the above papers will not be considered for approval.
  • The proposal is submitted before the last date of submission.
  • The Program In-Charge of the Study Centre examines the proposals and gives approval/disapproval.
  • If it is disapproved, it is conveyed to the learner, and modification is suggested. The learner makes the suggested modifications and resubmits the synopsis to the study center.

Q3. What are some important points to remember during submission of the IGNOU DPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development) BPRP 004 Synopsis?

Ans: Some important points need to be taken into mind during the submission of the IGNOU DPLAD Project. The learner needs to submit only one copy of the Project Proposal and retain another copy for future possible use/reference.

The learner should write IGNOU DPLAD neatly on the envelope and submit it at the Study Centre. Before submitting the proposal, the learner must ensure the inclusion of:

  • Pro forma for Approval of Project Proposal duly filled and signed by both, the learner and the guide/supervisor.
  • Detailed Bio-data of the Supervisor/Guide duly signed by him/her (in the case where the Academic Counselor is not the Guide).
  • Consent letter of the Supervisor/Guide.
  • Synopsis of the Project.

Q4. How to Select Topic Wisely for IGNOUDPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development) BPRP 004 Synopsis and Project Report?

Ans: The topic you choose must pique your interest and you must have deep knowledge about that. It is simply because if you choose a topic recommended by others, the chances are that this topic will not be in your area of interest and hence you will not be able to get your project report accepted. Make sure that your project has all the important headlines and topics and it does not exceed the 1200 words' limit.

Q5. Any idea of methodology before conducting a research investigation?


  1. Type of data to be collected for methodology
  2. Tools of data collection (questionnaires, interviews)
  3. Sources to be used(bibliography)
  4. Fieldwork
  5. Whether to take attachment with some organizations
  6. Tabulation and Analysis of data
  7. The time frame of the study
  8. Cost estimates.

Q6. What will be the style of report writing?

Ans: Your project should be logically creative. Your words should be simple as far as possible and the language used should be straightforward to understand. You should write in the present tense and avoid using any abbreviations.

Q7. Minimum Marks to Get Pass?

Ans: The total marks of this project synopsis (IGNOU DPLAD (Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development) BPRP 004) is 100. To get past this, we should obtain a minimum of 40% out of 100.

Why Gullybaba's DPLAD BPRP 04 Project?

At times, it might prove to be an arduous task to choose a project, when there are so many projects already available in the market. To make our students' vision clear here is why GPH:

  • 100 % Approval Guaranty for Our Customised Project: One of the greatest reasons students opt for GPH Projects is that it has a 100% approval guarantee. If you opt for our DPLAD BPRP 04 project, there will be a guarantee of its approval. If it gets rejected (Though in the rarest of the rare cases!) we will give you another project without any extra expenses on your side
  • Based on IGNOU's Guidelines: Our projects strictly adhere to the guidelines of IGNOU. If you go through our projects and compare them to that of others, you will yourself come to know how devotedly we follow IGNOU guidelines.
  • Availability of both Ready-made and Customized Projects: We have both formats of projects available. You may refer to and use ready-made or customised projects as per your requirement as per your specific needs and requirements. For the ready-made project, you can refer to the webpage

Our Ready-made Material for DPLAD BPRP 04 Projects

Some Other Important Reasons

  • You may not have enough time to create a project as you are a Working Professional.
  • If you are a Full-time Housewife and have many chores to do or small children to care for, you might not be able to get the time to write a project.
  • Perhaps you are a student taking two or more courses at the same time.
  • If you are caught in an emergency or other such situation, you might not have enough time to complete the project report.
  • If you don't have sufficient knowledge about how to properly write their project report.

We Will Provide You the Following:

Synopsis First: This is an outline of your complete and well-researched project which is an editable Word document without any watermarks so that you can make the necessary changes to ensure success.

Project after Approval of Synopsis: A professional and well-formatted Project Report with a thesis template that is internationally recognised, provided in a format that is fully editable in Microsoft Word so that you can make changes and customise it as per your specifications.

Are you Looking for DPLAD BPRP 04 Customized Project?

Gullybaba is the one-stop source for all your BTS customized projects in particular and IGNOU Projects in general. The only thing that you need is to provide us with the topic of your DPLAD BPRP 04 project. You will get it done at the earliest.

Gullybaba’s IGNOU projects and synopsis are of good quality work and with in-depth subject knowledge. We have streamlined all our processes to save students' time so that they get a memorable experience.

If you are working and have less time looking to buy ready-made projects or customised project solutions, then always remember to buy this from good sources. There are many students reporting bad quality, and money got wasted. Bad quality may cost you time, money, and effort.


Good is not good when better is required. If you do not want to fall prey to the foul practices, opt for our project. Our two decades of seamless services are the best testament to our abilities to serve you better.

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