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IGNOU Issues List for December 2022 Term End Practical Exams

by | Jan 6, 2023 | IGNOU Exams | 0 comments

If you are a student of BLI-224 and BLIE-229p, there is big news for you. IGNOU has released the list for December 2022 Term End Practical Exams. This list is of 4 pages. As the list has been issued by Indira Gandhi National Open University, you must take it seriously. It is simply because if you want to complete your degree program, then your must get the passing marks in practicals. Having passing marks is a must for getting degree.

Import Information related to BLI-224 P & 229P(Computer Practical)

1. Attendance of BLI-224P & BLIE-229P (Computer Practical) is mandatory. Please make a note of dates and time allotted to you for Computer Practical.
2. You are requested to come only at your allotted date & time.
3. You are required to stick to the guidelines
4. You are required to sit as per the direction given by MRO in LAB1/2 and Temporary Lab.
5. In case you need any help or assistance, feel free to contact for any guidance: Assitant/HOI/ PIC/ APIC/ Mobile No.8506935890/9868416315/ 9810382676.
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