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by | Jan 13, 2024 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

Are you an ambitious student looking to boost your managerial skills and business acumen? The IGNOU MMPP-1 Project is here to revolutionize your MBA journey! This program is crafted for professionals and students like you who are eager to dive deep into the world of leadership, business strategies, and professional excellence.

The primary objective of this course is to equip learners with the skills necessary to analyse and systematically tackle organizational issues using a variety of interdisciplinary concepts, tools, and methods. The project should centre on a topic that aligns with the learner’s area of focus within their MBA program, if possible.

This project, part of the updated IGNOU MBA curriculum, carries a credit value of two and typically requires around 180 hours to complete. IGNOU expects that the MMPP-1 Project Report will be presented in a typed and bound format for ease of evaluation. As you embark on writing your MMPP-1 project report, it’s important to aim for a comprehensive exposition, generally ranging between 15,000 to 20,000 words (equivalent to about 80-100 pages). This word count should be a guiding factor in selecting an appropriate and manageable project topic within the MBA program, ensuring that you can comprehensively articulate your findings and insights within the prescribed limit.


New Guidelines, Same Excellence

IGNOU has same format for synopsis and report as previous MBA program had, but with new guideline has been added to submit synopsis and your final report for ODL Students of MBA, MBAFM (Financial Management), MBAHM (Human resources), MBAMM (Marketing Management), MBAOM (Operational Management), MBF (Banking & Finance), MBASM (Service Management) MBA (Online) Programmes.

Flexible Submission, Strict Deadlines

Learners enrolled in the program have the flexibility to submit their Synopsis at any time throughout the year. However, it's important to note that the submission of the Project Proposal to the Regional Centre should be done only after registering for MMPP-001. This procedure is designed to ensure that students have a sufficient timeframe, typically around 8-9 months, to complete and submit their project work before the end of the 4th semester. If the project is not submitted within this time, students may be required to re-register for MMPP-01 and pay the associated fee again.

There are some critical deadlines to be aware of:

  • Project Proposals should ideally be submitted to the Regional Centre within 6 months of registering for MMPP-001. If the submission happens later than this, the Regional Centre cannot guarantee timely processing of the proposals. Consequently, students who delay beyond this period risk missing the timeline for the submission of their final Project Report.

Furthermore, regarding the acceptance of the Project Proposals:

  • Once the Project Proposal is received at the regional centre, it undergoes a review process. If it is deemed complete in all aspects and includes all necessary documents, it will be accepted. Upon acceptance, a unique Project Proposal number (PP. No.) is assigned to each learner's synopsis. This number is significant as it will be used for any future correspondence with the Regional Centre regarding the project.

It's crucial for learners to adhere to these guidelines and timeframes to ensure a smooth and successful completion of their project work within the stipulated academic schedule.


Selection of topic by the student: Select any topic of your choice, preferably in their area of specialisation, Comprehensive case study (covering single organisation/multifunctional area problem formulation, analysis and recommendations) or Field study (empirical study).

Selection of Guide: Contact a person who has experience in that area and is interested in guiding and provide fulfils the specified eligibility criteria. A person can be Management Faculty in the School of Management Studies/Academic Counsellors at study centre (Management Programme) or anyone outside person who have experience in particular area (HR, FINANCE, MARKETING OR OPERATIONAL) with experience of 5+ years and Masters’ degree in Management (Like MBA) or allied disciplines having a minimum of 5 years of experience in the relevant area (for example, if you are taking up a marketing topic then the supervisor should have 5 years’ experience in marketing area, after her/his Masters). However, if you choose to identify your own guide, then the bio-data of proposed guide is to be attached along with synopsis for approval.

Preparation of Synopsis: After selection of the guide and finalising the topic, the Project Proposal (Synopsis) should be prepared in consultation with the guide. The proposal of the proposed project should essentially have the following:

(i)              Introduction: a brief background about the subject chosen for study.

(ii)            Rationale: why a particular topic has been chosen for the project work.

(iii)          Objectives: This is the most important aspect of any project. It should mention clearly and precisely the things which you hope will be able to know/achieve at the end of the study. These may be clearly stated in behavioural terms.

Objectives need to be expressed in a neutral manner, without any implicit assumptions about the findings of the research.

Objectives of the Study (Sample)

The objectives of this study are:

  • To study the financial performance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • To explore the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • To analyse the factors affecting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • To investigate the influence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(iv)           Research Methodology:

  • Research Design
  • Nature and source of data/information.
  • Sample and sampling technique.
  • Rationale of chosen organisation and the sample.
  • Tools and Techniques to be used for data collection.
  • Method/s to be used for data collection.
  • Data handling and analysis.
  • Statistical tools to be used for analysis.
  • Limitation of the proposed project, if any.


The process for submitting the synopsis involves specific components to ensure proper evaluation and approval:

    • Required Components:
      • Performa for Approval of Synopsis: This must be duly filled, signed by both the student and the guide, and dated. The Performa can be downloaded from the IGNOU website under 'PROFORMA FOR APPROVAL OF PROJECT PROPOSAL (MMPP-001)'  (
      • Bio-data of the Guide: A detailed and signed bio-data of the guide, along with the date, is required. However, this is not necessary if the guide is an approved counsellor.
    • Submission Process:
      • The student should prepare the synopsis in the specified format and send the 'Performa for Approval of Project Proposal (MMPP-001)' along with one copy of the proposal and the guide's signed bio-data.
      • For ODL Students: The submission should be made to 'The Regional Director' of the respective Regional Centre. Addresses can be found in the Student Handbook & Prospectus on IGNOU's website (
      • To seek approval, the project proposal can also be forwarded to the concerned Regional Centre. The email IDs of all Regional Centres are available at
      • For MBA (Online) Students: Submissions should be made to 'The Regional Director' of their designated Regional Centre through the LMS Portal at
      • Feedback / Communication to the Learner
        • Post-Submission Process:
          • The synopsis will be evaluated by an expert, and written communication regarding the status of approval or non-approval will be sent to the learner within two to three months of receipt by the Regional Centre.
          • If the proposed guide is not approved, the student will be notified accordingly. In such cases, the student must choose a new guide and resubmit the proposal with the new guide's signature. This will be treated as a new proposal.
          • Similarly, if a student wishes to change their guide for any reason, they must submit a new project proposal with the signature of the new guide on the new project proposal proforma, as it will also be considered as a new proposal.


After the Approval of synopsis received, the Project work may be undertaken;

Preparation of Project Report: Once you have carried out the study as envisaged in the approved synopsis then a report of the work done needs to be prepared. The length of the report may be about 50 to 60 double spaced typed pages not exceeding approximately 18,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits).

Structure of Project Report (CHAPTERIZATION):

  • Cover Page:must have the Name and Enrolment No. of the Student and the Name of the Guide, along with the Title of the Project.
  • Approved Proposal (i.e., Project Proposal, approved proforma and bio-data of the guide) properly bound in the project.
  • Certificateof Originality- duly signed by the student and the guide with date
  • Acknowledgement page (whom you want to acknowledge who guided you and others who inspired you to complete your final project report).
  • Detailed Table of Contents with Page Nos.
  • Introduction:to the Project and Review of Literature along with brief details of the organisation/s under study. It may give details about Rationale, Statement of problem, Objectives of the Project, and Scope of the study.
  • Research Methodology:It may give details about Research Design, Nature and Source of data/information collected, Sample and Sampling method with rationale, Details of the tools (Questionnaire OR Interview schedule), Data collection, Statistical tools used for Data Analysis.
  • Result and Discussion: This should present the results in tabular or graphical format. The Interpretation of the data and results/findings may be given elaborately.
  • Summary and Conclusion
  • Recommendations
  • Limitations of the Project, Direction for further research (optional)
  • Reference/Bibliography
  • Annexures/Appendices (Questionnaire used etc.)


One typed copy of the Project Report is to be submitted to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. As soon as, you submit the Project Report, a PR. No. would be allotted. Student should quote this PR. No. while corresponding with Registrar (SED) regarding Project Report thereafter.

Project Report can be submitted any time throughout the year. If a Project Report is submitted between 1st December to 31st May, then the result will be declared along with June Term-end Examinations. If a Project Report is submitted between 1st June to 30th November, then the result will be declared along with December Term-end Examinations.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this MBA program, we encourage you to reach out to us for more information. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your education and career. We understand that pursuing an MBA is a significant investment, and we want to ensure that you have all the information you need to feel confident in your decision. Whether you have questions about the curriculum, the application process, or financing options, our team is here to assist you. Don't hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help!

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Contact us: Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

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Address: 2525 / 193, Tota Ram Bazar, Near Hanuman Mandir, Tri Nagar, Delhi, India, Delhi


Get perfect MBA Project synopsis and Report with viva support

Will be approved with 100% Guaranteed (if Not approved, money will be refunded).

Around 10-20 Pages for synopsis and 70-150 Pages for final report

No Repeated Synopsis/Proposal (Topics as per your choice)

As per Project Guidelines


Our devotedGullybaba team of professional writers is wholeheartedly committed to delivering the finest MBA projects for you. We have team of experienced writers from various fields who are specialize in helping out with IGNOU projects and synopsis for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. We understand the ins and outs of IGNOU requirements, making sure our support is top-notch for students. What sets us apart is our commitment to always get better. We actively listen to feedback and use it to improve our services continuously. This means that our help with IGNOU project reports is always up-to-date and aligned with the latest academic standards. We're not just here to meet expectations but to exceed them by constantly improving and providing the best assistance for students.


For the last 23 years, Gullybaba have proudly held the top spot in the publishing industry. Our commitment shines through as we supply a diverse range of materials, such as IGNOU Reference Books, IGNOU Study Materials, IGNOU Guide Books, Solved Assignments, and Project Report Synopses for various courses. Serving as a reliable friend, advisor, and mentor, we're thrilled to be the preferred resource for students on their academic journey.



Q1: How do I choose a topic for my project synopsis?

A1: You can select any topic of your interest, ideally within your area of specialization. This could be a comprehensive case study focusing on a single organization or multifunctional area, involving problem formulation, analysis, and recommendations, or an empirical field study.

Q2: What are the guidelines for selecting a guide for my project?

A2: Your guide should have expertise in the chosen topic area and meet specific eligibility criteria. They can be a Management Faculty from the School of Management Studies, an Academic Counsellor at a study centre, or an external person with over 5 years of experience in a relevant field (e.g., HR, Finance, Marketing, Operations) and a Master's degree in Management or allied disciplines. If you identify your own guide, attach their bio-data with the synopsis for approval.

Q3: How do I know if my guide is suitable for my project?

A3: Ensure that your guide has relevant experience (at least 5 years) in the specific area of your project topic and possesses a Master’s degree in a related field. Their experience should align with your project's focus area.

Q4: What are the required components for submitting my project synopsis?

A4: The submission must include:

Q5: How do I submit my project synopsis?

A5: Prepare your synopsis in the specified format and send it along with the 'Performa for Approval of Project Proposal (MMPP-001)' and your guide's signed bio-data. For ODL students, submissions should be made to 'The Regional Director' of your respective Regional Centre. The addresses are available in the Student Handbook & Prospectus on the IGNOU website. For MBA (Online) students, submit through the LMS Portal at

Q6: What happens after I submit my synopsis?

A6: Your synopsis will be evaluated by an expert. You will receive written communication about the status of approval or non-approval within two to three months from the Regional Centre.

Q7: What should I do if my proposed guide is not approved?

A7: If your proposed guide is not approved, you will be notified by the Regional Centre. In such a case, you must select a new guide and resubmit the proposal with the new guide's signature. This will be considered a new proposal.

Q8: Can I change my guide after submitting my synopsis?

A8: Yes, if you wish to change your guide for any reason, you must submit a new project proposal with the signature of the new guide on a new project proposal proforma. This will be treated as a new submission.

Q9: Where can I find the email IDs of the Regional Centres?

A9: The email IDs of all Regional Centres are available on the IGNOU website at this link.

Q10: How long does it take to receive feedback on my synopsis?

A10: It typically takes two to three months to receive feedback after the synopsis is received by the Regional Centre.

Q11: Is it mandatory to submit the bio-data of my guide?

A11: Yes, unless your guide is an approved counsellor. In that case, submitting their bio-data is not necessary.

Q12: How long should my final project report be?

A12: The project report should be about 80 to 100+ double-spaced typed pages, not exceeding approximately 18,000 words, excluding appendices and exhibits.


Q13: Where should I submit my typed project report?

A1: You should submit one typed copy of your project report to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.

Q14: Will I receive any acknowledgment or number after submitting my project report? A2: Yes, once you submit your project report, a Project Report Number (PR. No.) will be allotted to you. You should use this number in all future correspondence with the Registrar (SED) regarding your project report.

Q15: Can I submit my project report at any time of the year?

A15: Yes, the project report can be submitted at any time throughout the year.

Q16: When will the results of my project report be declared?

A16: If your project report is submitted between 1st December and 31st May, the results will be declared along with the June Term-end Examinations. If it's submitted between 1st June and 30th November, results will be declared with the December Term-end Examinations.

Q17: Is there a specific format for the project report?

A17: The project report should be typed, but specific formatting guidelines (other than what has been previously provided for the structure and content) should be obtained from your program handbook or academic advisor.

Q18: Do I need to send any additional documents along with my project report?

A18: Generally, only the project report is required. However, it's advisable to check the latest guidelines provided by IGNOU or consult with your academic advisor for any additional requirements.

Q19: How can I ensure that my project report has been successfully received and processed?

A19: After submission, you will receive a PR. No. as acknowledgment. You can use this number to follow up with the Registrar (SED) if needed.

Q20: Is there an option for online submission of the project report?

A20: The standard procedure requires submission to the Registrar (SED) at the specified address. For any online submission options, you should check the latest guidelines on the IGNOU website or contact your regional centre.

Q21: What if I need to make changes to my project report after submission?

A21: Once submitted, changes to the project report are typically not allowed. Ensure that your report is final and complete before submission.

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