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Preparing IGNOU MESP-105 Project Report and Synopsis | Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)

by | Jun 28, 2024 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis, IGNOU Tips and Tricks | 0 comments

IGNOU’s PG Diploma in Higher Education is a useful program for those who aspire to succeed in academic or educational leadership roles. The course is structured in such a way that it enhances your teaching skills and enables you to explore various pedagogical theories and methodologies to succeed in your professional career. An important aspect of this course at IGNOU is its project work which is mandatory to complete to obtain a diploma certificate. If you are a student of this course and are struggling to complete the IGNOU MESP-105 Project then don’t worry. In this guide, we’ll tell you the complete process of conducting the MESP-105 research project effectively.

About IGNOU MESP-105 Project

IGNOU has outlined complete guidelines to prepare the MESP-105 project. The project work of the PGDHE program includes Project Proposal and Project Report. If you’re not aware of the difference between both, don't worry we'll explain everything properly. So a project proposal is the basic requirement of the MESP-105 Project. A Project Proposal is also known as Synopsis. It is a mini document that outlines your proposed study and tells the process, methods, and tools you’ll adopt to complete the project work. Once you prepare a project proposal then you have to write a complete project report on it. Below we have discussed this in detail. 

Preparation of MESP-105 Project Proposal

As we have mentioned, the project proposal outlines your proposed study, it presents a systematic plan for completing the project work. Before preparing a project proposal you have to find a problem which requires research and then frame a relevant topic in consultation with your guide. A guide is a person who assists you in completing your project work, helps you find relevant sources for the study, and gives feedback on your proposed study. So after identifying the problem, get a good topic and start preparing your MESP-105 Project Proposal. Below are some of the key components you have to mention in your proposal. 

  • Write a clear Introduction with a background of the study 
  • State the research problem 
  • Clearly state the significance of the study 
  • Write the objectives of your study 
  • Formulate hypotheses (if any)
  • Explain the methodology you’ll adopt such as research design, data collection methods, tools, statistical analysis, etc 
  • In the last add references 

The above mentioned are some of the key components you must mention in your project proposal. Once you complete your project, get it reviewed by your guide. Keep a note that taking a guide's approval is necessary to move forward with writing a comprehensive report on it. 

Writing Comprehensive MESP-105 Project Report

Once you get approval on your MESP-105 Project Proposal, the next task comes which is to write a comprehensive report on it. A project report is a detailed version of your Synopsis, covering all the important elements mentioned in the project guidelines. Below is the general format of the MESP-105 research report. 

Preliminary Section

  • Title Page: It should include the title of the project, your name, enrolment number, and other details.
  • Acknowledgment Pages: After the title page you have to attach some important pages such as declaration, originality certificate, Proforma approval of synopsis, acknowledgment, and table of contents. 

Body of the Report

  • Introduction: This section should give an idea to the reader what the topic is all about, its background, gaps, and the need for the study. 
  • Review of Literature: A Review of Literature is a collection of works done previously on similar topics. Mention all the studies you took help from to understand your topic. 
  • Significance of the Study: Mention the significance of your study, and why the topic or problem matters. 
  • Objectives: Write down all the objectives which you wish to achieve through your study.  
  • Research Methodology: It is a process or method which tells how you have completed the study. It should mention the Sampling, Techniques, Tests/Tools, Statistical Analysis, etc. 
  • Result & Discussion: After conducting the study, write findings and interpret them here. This section should present key findings in a graphical form such as a table, charts, graphs, etc. 
  • Conclusion: This is the last part of your project, summarize your project properly, discuss key findings in short, and conclude your study with future recommendations for research. 
  • References: Mention all references in APA format. 
  • Annexure: Attach the annexure (if any)  


These are the key components of the MESP-105 Project Report. You must divide your project report into headings and subheadings for proper navigation. Your project should be around 70-80 pages typed in double space. Also, make sure to prepare two copies of your project report, send one copy to IGNOU, and keep one with you for future reference. While sending the report make sure to attach the required pages such as the declaration, originality certificate, acknowledgment, etc. 

Topics for IGNOU MESP-105 Project

Below we have provided some topics so that you can understand the MESP-105 project in a better way. If you are having trouble finding a relevant topic, check it out. Apart from these topics, you can also choose other topics but make sure it is in line with your program and project guidelines.

  • Leadership Qualities and Self-Perception of Students Pursuing their Higher Education.
  • Study of the Status of Inclusive Education in Government Schools of Delhi.
  • The Study of Relationship between Depression and Academic Achievement in Graduate and Postgraduate Students.
  • Usage and Impact of Mobile Phones upon the Students of Professional Courses.
  • Social Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Students at IGNOU.
  • Effect of Counseling on the Academic Achievement, Need-Achievement and Study Habits of Underachievers.
  • Cognitive Abilities of Students Pursuing their Higher Education.
  • A Study about Management Education in Selected Business Schools

Are You Looking for a MESP-105 Project?

Are you a working professional, housewife, or a student engaged in two or more courses and not getting enough time to prepare the MESP-105 Project Report and Synopsis? If yes then do not worry, Gullybaba is a reputable company that understands your problems and provides you with Customized IGNOU MESP-105 Projects. We have professional writers and subject matter experts who have years of experience preparing IGNOU projects. Now forget all your project tension and let us complete your project work. Connect with us to get meticulously crafted MESP-105 Projects. 

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How can I select a suitable topic for my MESP-105 Project?

If you’re struggling to find a suitable topic for your MESP-105 project then consult with your Guide, they’ll help you find a good topic. Moreover, we have given a few topics in the blog, you can refer to them. 

What are the guidelines for the MESP-105 Project Report and Synopsis?

First of all, you have to find a problem that needs research and then finalize a topic. After this, formulate a project proposal, get it approved, and move ahead with writing a comprehensive report on it. Important parts to be mentioned in the project include introduction, literature, objectives, rationale, methodology, results, discussion, and references.

How can Gullybaba help me with the MESP-105 Project?

Gullybaba is a renowned name when it comes to helping IGNOU Students. Gullybaba offers personalized assistance by providing custom-tailored MESP-105 Projects. We have an expert team who meticulously prepares well-researched projects that meet IGNOU guidelines. We give a 100% approval guarantee. 

What kinds of IGNOU services does Gullybaba offer?

Apart from providing customized projects, Gullybaba also offers IGNOU Help Books, Solved Assignments, and Previous Year Solved Question Papers. Gullybaba is your one-stop destination for all kinds of IGNOU material help. 

How can I purchase the MESP-105 Project from Gullybaba?

You can connect with us through our website, we have given our numbers and mail. You can directly call us or Message us through WhatsApp

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