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IGNOU Project Submission Last date for TEE June Announced

by | May 17, 2023 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

There is big news for the Students of the Term End Examination in June 2023. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has announced the last date for submission of projects for the Term-End Examination (TEE) June 2023. The last date for submission of the project report has been fixed as May 31st, 2023.

IGNOU Adopts "Online Mode" for the submission of Final Project.

The students of IGNOU were in fix regarding the acceptance of their project reports. But, now it is crystal clear. In order to make it easier for students, the university will now allow the submission of final project essays, fieldwork journals, and internship reports through online mode. Below are the guidelines that students should follow.

Learners are expected to prepare project reports based on the approved project proposal according to the new project guidelines available on page number 3 in the news and announcements of the home page of IGNOU.

Important Points Regarding the Submission of Projects

1. Incomplete project report submission will not be accepted by the university and hence not considered for evaluation.

2. After the last date is over, incomplete submissions will be removed from the portal. You will have to re-upload your submission for the next session. Importantly, the reports received through email will not be evaluated.

3. If any learner submits an incomplete project report, once the last date of submission is over, then in that case IGNOU shall not entertain any correspondence with the request of granting some more time or any such request.

4. Learners need to ensure that while submitting the final project report through online mode, the proposal proforma is duly approved with the original "summary" and bio data of the project guide, and the originality certificate is duly signed by both the student as well as the Project guide with a date to be included (as and when applicable).

5. Learners can ensure that when uploading the project online mode, the scanned pages are clear and the blurred sequence is not correct, the pages are well published and not dimmed; The orientation of the pages is the same - there should not be a change between the portal and the landscape.

6. Prior to submitting the project online mode, the learners will need to obtain approval in the prescribed proforma of the guide/supervisor.
In order to obtain the approval of Synopsys, the project proposal may be forwarded to the concerned schools, regional centres> regional networks> regional centres (all are available on the e-mail id http://www of the RC).

The respective school > about IGNOU > School of Studies (e-mail IDs of all faculties are available on http://

7. Learners can ensure that the CSWCJS/PGDCOUN/BSW/BSWG/MSW/MSWC program fieldwork journal is duly completed after completing the internal assessment marks from the respective study centres. In order to get more information in this regard, the learners can contact the Programme Coordinator.

8. Learners can ensure that the original project report for a subject/course is to be scanned in a single PDF format file, to make the Regional Centre/Student Assessment Division able to download it in a single PDF format file for further action.

o The first page of the PDF file should contain the correct details of the learner as given below:
o Project Report/ Essay/ Internship/ Title of fieldwork
o Name of the learner
o Program code
o Enrolment number mentioned in the ID card (not the control/registration number)
o Regional Centre Code
o Course code/attached project
o Mobile number and e-mail ID
o If the project report is not found to be in conformity with the project guidelines, it will not be considered and no communication will be sent in this regard. The examinees themselves will be responsible for this.

9. Oral examination of the project report will be conducted under certain guidelines by the respective faculties under the Regional Centre. Students are advised to contact the concerned Regional Centre.

10. In case of any queries regarding the submitted project/dissertation/field work journal/internship report, students are advised to contact the respective Regional Centre's email ID (email ID mentioned at point no. 6)/ Type on the SED (Project section). Email ID.

11. The project appraisal fee entry cycle applicable for projects from January 2023 will be as follows:

o Project work up to 4 credits: Rs. 300
o Project work over 4 credits: Rs. 500

The students of IGNOU need to submit their fees along with the semester exam form.
The student needs to submit the receipt of the fee paid along with the project report while submitting the hard copy or uploading it on the online portal.

(If the required fee is not paid along with the TEE form, the project report cannot be considered)

IGNOU Best Study Material Such as Help Books, Solved Assignments or Project Reports

Gullybaba is the publishing house that has been the Constant Companion of IGNOU Students for more than two decades. This is a one-stop solution for all your project-related help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. 1 How can I get support from Gullybaba for my project-related work?

Ans. Getting help from Gullybaba is like child's play. All that you need to do is to open its official website, i.e., You may also call on ............... for further assistance and guidance related to your project-related needs.

Q.2 How do I need to make my project that will not get rejected by IGNOU?

Ans. You should make sure that your project is as per the project guidelines mentioned in the booklet that was sent to you earlier with the Student Learning Material(SLM)

Q. 3 I do not know the process of submission of my project online. Will you please help me in this regard?

Ans. The original documents of your project have to be scanned and converted into PDF Format for submission. Also, you need to follow the guidelines for the cover page of the project.

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