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IGNOU Project Work Guidelines for DECE programme

by | Dec 9, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

Indira Gandhi National Open University has announced revised guidelines for DECE project and assignment work. Candidates who are going for the project work and assignment of Diploma in Early Child care and Education are advised to follow the given guidelines by the university. Due to the pandemic pre-schools are closed and hence the related project work and assignments of the students might not be completed and hence, the university has revised the pattern of assignments and project submission of the course.

Candidates are advised to complete projects and assignments accordingly and submit them before the scheduled time. Without which they will not get their term-end examination results.

Some important points

  • The guidelines are revised because the pre-schools are closed during the pandemic.
  • These guidelines are for the candidates who are going to submit the project work and assignment for the first time that is for December 2022 and June 2023 term-end examinations.
  • These guidelines are also for the students who have been asked for REDO of the project work or assignments.
  • Candidates are advised to complete their project work for the DECE course according to the revised guidelines only.



Follow UPDATED Revised Guidelines for IGNOU DECE Project Work

  1. The annexure 1A and annexure 1B will have to be attached with your project work should be a revised one and not the previous one. If you will attach the previous one which is present in the project manual your project work will not be accepted and you will be asked to REDO the project.
  2. Students should take into consideration that the marking scheme in annexure 2B is also revised. Hence, students should follow the revised one and not the previous one.
  3. You should also consider the revised version of annexure 3A that is related to the recording of marks.
  4. You should also attach all the details regarding your guide that is annexure number 7.
  5. You should always share all the revised information with your guide to avoid last-minute confusion.


How to make the submissions of the IGNOU project file?

  1. Keep checking the date on the official website of the IGNOU regarding the extension date.
  2. IGNOU gives you Four years to complete the DECE. Due to the pandemic, if you cannot do the alternative project now, you will have to complete it during the period of the registration period or when the pre-school opens.
  1. Remember to submit the project copy either soft or hard copy to IGNOU. It is preferable to submit the soft copy on the portal of the IGNOU official website.


Revised marking schemes for IGNOU project
The revised marking schemes for the project will be in phases; phase1, phase 2, and phase 3 respectively. Make sure you have all the information regarding it.

  • In the first phase marking scheme will be distributed for the two videos of group A and group B. maximum marks for group A video will be 40 whereas for group B maximum marks would be 10.
  • In the second phase marking scheme will be distributed for the activity plan, carrying out the activity\activities, and report of the activity session.
  • In the third phase, marks will be given based on the curriculum of 5 days, for activity in sessions and analysis of YouTube videos respectively.


Always remember that the total marks of the project will be given on a percentage basis. As per the situation of the pandemic decide whether doing the project work with the child or will do by conducting the mock sessions.

Step-wise List of How to complete IGNOU DECE Project

 Step 1:- First read Course 1- ‘Organizing the Child Care Services’ (DECE -1) thoroughly.
Step 2:- Read the Project Manual titled ‘DECE 4 – Project work: Working with Young Children in a Child Care Setting.
Step 3:- The reading of the New Guidelines is very important.
Step 4:- To identify the Guide for the Project work. It is compulsory to identify the guide before the start of the project work as you will have to interact and get evaluate your project from the guide itself based on the new guidelines available on the IGNOU’s official website.


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