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All those students of IGNOU who are in the 2022-23 session, desperately want to get 2022-23 IGNOU solved assignments. That assignments are important for the students of IGNOU can easily be understood from the single fact that if any student fails to submit the IGNOU 2022-23 assignments, he or she will be disqualified for attending the term-end examination. Assignments comprise 30% weightage of any IGNOU program. And therefore any student of IGNOU can ill afford to ignore it. Simply put, without assignment, your course will be deemed to be incomplete.

Writing good assignment solutions is both easy and difficult. It is easy if the student knows how to write the answer to a given question, what kind of information should be given, and what to omit. But, if the student tries to fly high without any genuine ground (knowledge of writing assignment), all his/her efforts will turn out to be futile. The good thing is that there are reference books available. You can refer to the books related to your program and get insight into how to write IGNOU 2022-23 Assignments. These books are written by experts in the respected fields with at least a decade-long experience in the respective subject and hence they are well aware of the questions that are asked and how to approach an answer. The reference books are available in both science and arts streams. Therefore, you can reap immense benefits by referring to these books.

Instructions for Writing IGNOU 2022-23 Assignments

Avoid using thin paper: The full-size paper will not leave the impact that you want to make on your examiner. Try to make your paper an examiner’s paradise. Leave sufficient lines after the completion of an answer so that your examiner can write useful comments in the blank areas.

Write in your way: It is one of the most important things you should take into consideration if you want to know how to write IGNOU 2022-23 Assignments. You may get the 2022-23 solved assignment from a prominent player of IGNOU books, but while writing the ancestor of these assignments, you should choose your own language.

Write in Beautiful Handwriting: It is important to note here that IGNOU does not allow you to write through the computer. So, you cannot send typed answers to the assignments. And if your handwriting does not appear legible to your examiner, you will not get the marks you will be expecting. Hence, you will need to write the answers in beautiful writing.

Send your Complete Assignments to Study Centre: The students of IGNOU tend to send their assignments to the IGNOU Centres like the regional centre, Evaluation Division and Registration for evaluation in the lack of information. You need to send your assignment answers to the examination centre, and nowhere else.

It is important to note here that in case you have applied for a change of your study centre, you will need to send your assignment answers to the original study centre if you have not got any confirmation from the university that your study centre has been changed.

How to Write on the First page of 2022-23  IGNOU Assignment?

The students of the IGNOU who have to write 2022-23 assignments have a number of doubts about how to write the first page of the 2022-23 IGNOU Assignment. In order to clear their common doubts, given below is the preview of the page along with the demonstration of the first page.

1. Programme Full Name
2. Course Code
3. Course Title
4. Assignment Code
5. Study Centre
6. Enrollment number
7. Student Name
8. Address
9. Signature
10. Date

[Write information about all the above headings on top of the page]

Demo of the First Page

Program Title…………… Enrollment Number……………
Course Code…………… Name……………
Course Title…………… Address……………
Assignment Code……………  
Study Centre…………… Date……………

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