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Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment LSE-07 - Taxonomy and Evolution? Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in English and Hindi language.
This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of Life Science, for the January 2024 - December 2024 session. The code for the assignment is LSE-07 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the B.Sc. Degree.
Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.
1. Explain of the following:
i) Botanical garden
ii) Type specimen
iii) Systematic
iv) Vestigial organ
2. Differentiate between:
i) Allopatric and peripatric speciation
ii) Homo habilis and Homo erectus
iii) Homologus and analogus organs
iv) Alpha and Omega taxonomy
3. Short notes:
a) Type specimens
b) Hybrid sterility
c) Phenetic classification
d) Artifical system of classification
4. a) Explain the term homology and analogy with proper examples.
b) Give the full form of :
ii) 1UBS
iii) ICBN
c) What are the keys?
5. a) Differentiate between Homology and Analogy with proper examples.
b) List the principles of Binomial Nomenclature.
6. a) Describe why is it necessary to classify plants and animals.
b) Write the principles of taxonomy and systematics in brief.
c) What is omnispective classification?
7. With the help of an example of host-parasite relationship explain the conceptof Coevolution.
8. Explain industrial melanism and genetic repatterning during isolation with examples.
9. Make a comparison between Homo habilis and Homo erectus.
10. a) Why is the defective allele for sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS) not eliminated from human population by natural selection?
b) Give the significance of Darwin’s contribution towards organic evolution.
1. Differentiate between the following:
i) Natural and phenetic classification
ii) Flora and Monograph
iii) Primary and secondary metabolites
iv) Homologous and analogous organs
2. Discuss the main features of Bentham and Hooker system of classification. Also list its merits and demerits.
3. Write notes on the following:
i) Taxonomic hierarchy
ii) Principles of Binomial Nomenclature
iii) Famous Botanical gardens
iv) Haeckel’s law
4. Describe the various tools/evidences used in taxonomy.
5. a) What are keys? Describe various types of keys and mention, how are they useful?
b) What are wildlife sanctuaries? Describe few famous wildlife sanctuaries of India.
6. What is chemotaxonomy? Describe the various chemical characters used in the studies related to taxonomy.
7. a) Explain the concept of Genetic drift.
b) Describe in brief Australopithecine.
8. What is Speciation? Discuss various kinds of speciation.
9. a) Explain the concept of Kin and group selection.
b) How is alpha taxonomy different from omega taxonomy?
10. Variations in a natural population occur because of mutations and genetic recombination. Justify the statement by providing an elaborate explanation.
1. निम्नलिखित की व्याख्या कीजिए:
i) वानस्पतिक उद्यान
ii) प्ररूप नमूने
iii) सिस्टमैटिक्स
iv) अवशेषी अंग
2. विभेद कीजिए:
i) विस्थनिक जाति उद्भव एवं परिस्थानिक जाति उद्भव
ii) होमो हैबिलिस एवं होमो इरेक्टस
iii) समजात एवं समवृत्ति अंग
iv) अल्फा एवं ओमेगा वर्गिकी
3. टिप्पणी कीजिए:
i) प्ररूप नमूने
ii) संकर बंध्यता
iii) प्रकटलक्षणी वर्गीकरण
iv) वर्गीकरण की कृत्रिम प्रणाली
4. (क) समवृत्ति एवं समजातता की व्याख्या उचित उदारणों सहित कीजिए ।
(ख) निम्नलिखित का पूरा स्वरूप लिखिए:
(i) ICZN
(ii) IUBS
(iii) ICBN
(iv) ICNP
(ग) कुंजिया क्या होती है?
5. (क) समजातता एवं समवृत्ति में उदाहरण सहित अन्तर बनाइए ।
(ख) द्विपदनाम पद्धति के सिद्धातों की सूची बनाइए ।
6. (क) पौधों एवं प्राणियों का वर्गीकरण क्यों आवश्यक है, वर्णन कीजिए।
(ख) वर्गिकी तथा वर्ग विज्ञान के सिद्धान्तों को संक्षेप में लिखिए।
(ग) सर्वलक्षणी वर्गीकरण क्या है?
7. परपोषी - परजीवी संबंध का उदाहरण देते हुए सहविकास की संकल्पना की विवेचना कीजिए ।
8. उदाहरण देते हुए औद्योगिक अतिकृष्णता तथा पृथक्करण के दौरान आनुवांशिक पुनरप्रतिरूपण की व्याख्या कीजिए ।
9. होमो हैबिलियस और होमो इरेक्टस में परस्पर तुलना कीजिए ।
10. (क) प्राकृतिक वरण द्वारा दात्र कोशिका - हीमोग्लोबिन (HbS) के ऐलील को मानव समिष्ट में समाप्त क्या नहीं किया जा सका?
(ख) जैवविकास की अवधारणा के लिए डार्विन के योगदान का महत्व बताइए।
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