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MMPP-01: The process for the evaluation and final approval of the synopsis

by | Nov 23, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

The Project Course MMPP-01 is equal to two courses. But, it is important to mention here that no separate registration is required. One registration is sufficient for both the courses. Importantly, no additional materials are provided by the university and it simply means that students have to manage on their own.

The objective of this course is to help students develop the skill to apply the multidisciplinary concepts, along with tools and techniques for analysing and logically approaching the problems related to a particular organisation.

The students tend to get confused when it comes to selecting a topic to carry out their project study. They feel themselves clueless. If you are also among those students who find it quite difficult to select a topic, here is the solution.

No student can start working on project course unless he or she has successfully submitted its synopsis. Therefore, anyone can understand the significance of synopsis. Your synopsis must be your original work.

Given below is the process for the evaluation and final approval of the synopsis:


  1. Topic Selection:

You should not select a topic based on hearsay. Rather, you should pick the topic from your specialisation in MBA. Choose the topic that piques your interest and you have wealth of information available on this topic both online and offline. Mind, the title of your topic must cover the key information about the thesis and convey the subject matter in the project.

2.Selection of Guide

After the selection of topic, what comes next is selection of Guide. Guide happens to be the key person in the entire process of project making. So, you should put adequate amount of time and find a Guide who is eligible to be a Guide— active professional, adequately experienced and keenly interested in guiding you. The eligibility criteria of Guide is already specified by the university. and hence you can search easily.

3.Preparation of Synopsis:

As and when you select a Guide, the next thing is to prepare your Project Proposal with the able and effective guidance of your Guide. Make sure that the proposal of your proposed project contains the following headings:

(i) Introduction: In this section, you should briefly mention the background of your topic chosen.

(ii) Rationale: In this section, you should mention the justification for your project work.

(iii) Objectives: This section happens to be one of the most important aspects of a project. Here, write about the things that you hope, will be able to know/achieve by carrying out this project.

(iv) Research Methodology: This section includes Research Design, the Nature and Source of data/information, Sample and sampling technique, Tools and Techniques, Method/s to be used for data collection, Data handling and analysis, Limitation of your proposed project, if applicable.

When you become able to create a synopsis, you should not directly submit it. Before submitting your synopsis, you should make sure that:

  • The synopsis bears the sign of your Guide along with you yourself with date.
  • Your synopsis must contain the detailed Bio-date of your Guide, duly signed in original by the Guide with date.

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