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Now you can apply online for admission to IGNOU till February 10

by | Feb 3, 2023 | IGNOU News and Notifications | 0 comments

Extract Free books will be sent to the candidates seeking admission by post from Indira Gandhi National Open University Ground Garhi, New Delhi to their address. More information for entry can be obtained from the government college.

Expansion. The last date for online admission for the 2023 session in the IGNOU Study Center run in the Government College of Badaun has been extended to February 10. The last date for re-registration has also been extended to February 10.

Dr Sanjeev Rathore, Coordinator, of IGNOU Study Center said that to get online applications, one has to login to the IGNOU website and apply on IGNOU Study Center Code Code 47043 located in Government College under Aligarh Code 47, Regional Center of IGNOU.

These are diploma courses

The courses available at the centre include six postgraduate courses of two-year duration, including BA and BCom courses, Hindi, a post-graduate diploma in public administration, sociology, political science, MCom subjects and village development, he said. Online applications can be made for admission to five postgraduate diplomas of one-year duration and four multidisciplinary certificate courses of six months duration.

Books will be available for free

Dr. Rathore said that free books will be sent to the candidates seeking admission by post from Indira Gandhi National Open University Ground Garhi New Delhi to their address. As per IGNOU rules, any degree or post-graduate diploma can be accompanied by a certificate course of six months duration.
For SC and ST candidates, admission to BA and B.Com. courses are being done free of cost. College Principal Dr Shraddha Gupta said that more information for admission to the courses available at the centre can be obtained from the IGNOU Study Center of the college.

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