In order to make learners able to complete, for December 2022 and June 2023 Term-End Examination, the practicals of several Supervised Practicum courses, Internship, and Dissertation of the program Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy (MSCCFT) and Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy (PGDCFT); considering the challenges in doing the field work because of COVID-19 pandemic, guidelines denoting modifications in the practical activities that are required to be carried out and the best alternative way of doing the same, are mentioned below. However, prior to starting the Facilitative Guidelines, it is important to refresh the following:
❖ MCFTL-001 (2 Credits)
❖ MCFTL-002 (2 Credits)
❖ MCFTL-003 (2 Credits)
❖ MCFTL-004 (2 Credits)
❖ MCFTL-008 (2 Credits)
MCFTL-005 (2 Credits) Primary data collection is not very much needed. You may complete MCFTL-005 with the help of only secondary data, and through online material available in order to carry out a review of the literature and write the report of your mini research.
You may do Any Three practicals of each 2-credit Supervised Practicum course. Each practical will carry 50 marks.
In order to select the respondents, it is imperative to first look into your surroundings. You may either carry out the activity through face-to-face interaction (maintaining social distancing and exercising other safety steps as recommended; including wearing masks) or considering the changing times, do so with the judicious use of a digital technology/online mode or telephonic conversation. For example, if the need arises, you may observe a child/ family setting through the use of technology.
You are required to carry out only the following three practicals:
i) Write a report about an organization working in the field. Do this review by paying a visit to its webpage through online mode only. This report will carry 50 marks.
ii) On YouTube or any other online mode, watch out for a counselling session (in the domain of the elective course) and write an investigative report of the same. Write down and include in the report: the exact URL of the counselling session along with an individual; the type of counselling method that you have used; the comprehensive mention of the case; the emotional environment in the counselling session; your thorough analysis of the session; your recommendations, conclusions, and reflections. This report will carry 100 marks.
iii) On YouTube or any other online mode, watch out for a family therapy session (in the domain of the elective course) and write an investigative analysis of the same. Write down and include in the report: the exact URL of the family therapy session; the type of family therapy method used; the details of the case; the emotional environment in the family therapy session; your thorough analysis of the session; your recommendations, conclusions, and reflections. This report will carry 100 marks.
You need to do the following:
i) On YouTube or any other online mode, watch out for two counselling sessions and write an analytical report of each.
Write down and include in each report exact the URL of the counselling session with an individual; the type of counselling method used; the details of the case; the emotional environment in the counselling session; your critical analysis of the session; your recommendations, conclusions, and reflections. Each report will carry 100 marks.
ii) On YouTube or any other online mode, write down TWO family therapy sessions and make an analytical report of each.
Write down and include in each report the exact URL of the family therapy session; the type of family therapy method used; the details of the case; the emotional environment in the family therapy session; your critical analysis of the session; your recommendations, conclusions, and reflections. Each report will carry 100 marks.
For the Dissertation, primary data collection is not very much. You are free to complete the Dissertation with the use of secondary data only. Please select a research topic related to counseling and family therapy. You may use online material available for doing a review of literature, and secondary data/sources for finishing your Dissertation.
The summative internal assessment marks given by your Academic Counsellor/Supervisor carry 40% weightage. Marks given by the external evaluator will carry 40% weightage, and 20% weightage would be for viva-voce marks. The viva can be organized by the Regional Centre online or offline following all safety guidelines as prescribed by the Government
Most important: Don’t Panic. Relax, and Look After Yourself and Your Family In These Crucial Times. Stay safe, stay healthy. It is requested that if your registration is getting over, then do try to complete the practical courses, Internship, and Dissertation and submit the Files and Reports for external evaluation in time for December 2021/June 2022 TEE.
Wish you all the best!!! Program coordinators (PGDCFT & MSCCFT)