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by | Dec 8, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

The size of the project report depends on the nature of the theme of the project you have selected. However, it is desirable that the project report should be around 100 pages typed in double space. The report should be in A4 size sheet.

S. No. Parts Description
1 TITLE The first page of the report should contain the name of the candidate, enrollment number, year, address and title of the project.

1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgment
3. Table of Contents

2 INTRODUCTION This section should introduce problem.  It should give an idea to the reader what the topic is all about, emergence of the topic emerge, and the reason researcher took up the topic. Rationale and purpose of the research must also find mention.
3 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE It is a collective body of works performed by earlier researchers and published in the form of books, journals, articles. Besides helping in generating ideas, it does also develop valuable questions about research work.
4 SIGNIFICANCE Here, the underlying principles of conducting a particular project is mentioned.
5 OBJECTIVE /HYPOTHESIS This section contains the principle purpose of the research. For example, to study the effect of family environment on the self-concept of the students. A hypothesis is also provided which is a tentative statement about the cause and effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
6 METHODOLOGY It includes Sample, Tests/Tools, and Statistical Analysis. The size and nature of the sample will vary on the selected topic. The  objectives of the research decides the tests/tools. The data are collected through tests/tools and the analyzed through appropriate statistical techniques.
7 RESULT AND DISCUSSION After the statistical analysis of data, the findings of the research are given in tabular and graphical form. After that, these findings are discussed with respect to the existing research studies. Apart from these, the repercussions of these findings are also examined.
8 CONCLUSION As the name suggests, this section concludes the findings of the research.
9 DELIMITATION This section contains the limitations and constraints of the research conducted.
10 SUGGESTIONS This is learner’s column for suggestions for carrying out future researches.
11 REFERENCES (APA STYLE) References should be alphabetically and written in APA format.

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