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Preparation of IGNOU PGDDM MPAP-01 Project Synopsis – Important Details

by | Jun 15, 2022 | IGNOU Projects & Synopsis | 0 comments

An IGNOU PGDDM PROJECT Provide comprehensive knowledge to the students on disaster preparation, recuperation and reduction. This IGNOU DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROJECT enables the learners to carry out a risk assessment and susceptibility analysis. Generate community awareness, and strengthen. Inject new skills and sharpen existing skills.

Objectives of IGNOU PGDDM Project

An IGNOU DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROJECT aims to provide knowledge to the students about how to reduce, or avoid the potential losses from hazards and achieve rapid and effective recovery.

There are the following objectives to facilitate a student:-

1. Identify and formulate research problems

2. Prepare a superior research proposal

3. Use the appropriate method for research design

4. Use proper techniques for investigation about research

5. Analyze the data during research

6. Gather and verify the information related to IGNOU DISASTER MANAGEMENT Project

Preparation/ Formulation of IGNOU PGDDM Project

The students have to choose a particular area in which they are interested. Then in consultation with the Guide, they have to select a particular topic for their project work.

The project proposal is bounded by the detailed work to be undertaken by the student.

For preparing the IGNOU PGDDM PROJECT. The following format can be followed by the student.

1. The Title of the Project

2. Background of the Study

3. The rationale of the Study

4. Main Objectives of the Study

5. The speculation of the Study (If any)

6. Research Methodology: Sample, Tests/Tools, and Statistics to be used

7. Conclusion

8. Suggestion

9. References

Topics for IGNOU PGDDM Report

  • Disaster Management: A Case Study of Floods in the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam
  • An Analytical Study on Natural Disasters
  • Environmental Degradation and Human Rights: A Conceptual Framework
  • To Study of Disaster Management at the Local Level – Role of Local Self Government
  • Drought Management: A Case Study of Droughts in Gujarat
  • A Study Report on Unnatural, Man-Made Tragedy: Uttarakhand flood Disaster
  • An Analytical Study on Natural Disasters in Northern part of West Bengal

Preparation of IGNOU PGDDM Report

The size of the undertaking report relies upon the idea of the subject of the project you have chosen. Be that as it may, it is alluring that the undertaking report ought to associate with 100 pages composed in two-fold space. The report ought to be on an A4 size sheet.

The Project Report should be in the Following Format


The main page of the report should be showing the title of the project, name of the Student, address, enrollment number, and year:-

  • Certificate
  • Acknowledgment
  • Table of Contents


This section will present the issue. It should behave the option to give an idea to the reader what the theme is all about, how did the subject develop, and what made the specialist take up the point. The presentation must contain the justification and motivation behind the Research.


Review of Literature is an aggregate assortment of works done by before analysts and distributed as books, diaries, articles. It helps in producing thoughts and creating huge inquiries for the Research work.


The method of reasoning for doing a specific Project is clarified here.


This will essentially comprise the principle targets or motivation behind the research. For instance, to contemplate the impact of the family condition on the self-idea of the understudies. A theory is additionally given which is a speculative explanation about the circumstances and logical results connection between the independent and dependent variables.


The philosophy incorporates Samples, Tests/Tools, and Statistical Analysis. The size and nature of the example will rely upon the point chosen. Tests/devices are to be chosen dependent on the targets of the exploration. The information gathered with the assistance of the tests/instruments is then examined by utilizing suitable factual strategies.


The discoveries of the exploration after the factual research of information are accounted for in even and graphical structure. This is then discussed in the light of the current research contemplates. The ramifications of the discoveries are additionally talked about.


Under this heading, the student needs to finish up the conclusion of the research.


Constraints and limitations of the research are mentioned here.


Based on the research findings, the learner can give suggestions for further research in a particular area.


References have to be written in APA format. These should be alphabetically listed.


A new student of IGNOU may not know how projects are a vital part of the curriculum. Gullybaba help you with your project report. All that you need to do is to select the course which you are pursuing and the list of available ready-made IGNOU Project Reports and synopsis will be made available before you. You can download them easily.

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