IGNOU BPYC-102 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
1. Write about Moral Experience and Discuss on the basis of Teleological theories.
What is Ethical Subjectivism? Explain David Hume’s Ethical Subjectivism.
2. What is Moral Action, according to Immanuel Kant? What are the Philosophical views on Moral Action?
Write a note on,
a) Natural Moral Law and Human Dignity
b) Aristotle and Virtue Ethics
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each.
a) Differentiate between categorical and hypothetical imperatives of Immanuel Kant. Give example of each.
b) How does Socrates’ idea that Virtue is knowledge explain the nature of virtue?
c) Write a note on Bio-Ethics.
d) The Significance of RM Hare’s Prescriptivism in Moral Philosophy
4. Answer any four of the following four questions in about 150 words each.
a) Write a note on the Normative Ethics.
b) Write a note on Ethical Naturalism
c) What are the different approaches to understanding moral content?
d) Write a note on the four cardinal virtues of Plato.
e) Write a note on the philosophical views of Moral Relativism.
f) Write a note on Critical Appraisal of Utilitarianism.
g) Write a note on the ethical teachings of Jainism.
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each.
a) Consequentialism
b) Ethical Non-Cognitivism
c) Descriptive Relativism
d) Error Theory
e) Anthropocentric Ethics
f) Hedonism
g) Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
h) Emotivism