IGNOU BEGC-103 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Section A
Q.I Explain the reference to the context the following.
(i) He even poured a little paraffin upon the bitten toe and put a match to it. I watched the flame feeding on my mother.
(ii) And the way it carried off three village houses,
One pregnant woman
And a couple of cows
Named Gopi and Brinda, as usual.
(iii) Fed on God for years
All her feasts were monotonous
For the only dish was always God
And the rest mere condiments.
(iv) Bangle sellers are we who bear our shining loads to the temple fair… Who will buy these delicate, bright Rainbow-tinted circles of light?
Section B
Q. II Answer the following questions in about 350 words each:
1. Give a character sketch of The Master.
2. Discuss the theme of feminism in the novel The Binding Vine.
3. Critically analyze the poem ‘A River’.
4. Discuss both the surface and deeper meaning of ‘The Lost Child’.
Section C
Q. III Answer the following questions in about 600 words each:
1. Discuss the elements of satire, irony and humour in A Tiger for Malgudi, quoting examples from the text.
2. The Binding Vine is a stream of consciousness novel. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answers.
3. Write a detailed note on the rise, development and the main characteristics of the short story.
4. Why is it important for protagonist to learn swimming in the story ‘Swimming lessons’?
5. Discuss the theme of the poem ‘Enterprise’ by Nissim Ezekiel.
IGNOU BEGC-103 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Q.I Explain the reference to the context of the following:
(i) With candles and lanterns.
Throwing giant scorpion shadows
On the sun-baked walls
They searched for him.
(ii) Fed on God for years
All her feasts were
monotonous For the only
dish was always GodAnd
the rest mere condiments.
(iii) And afterwards we climbed a tree, she said,
Not very tall, but full of leaves
Like those of a fig tree,
And we were very innocent about it.
(iv) Some are purple a gold-flocked grey,
For her who has journeyed through life midway,
Whose hands have cherished, whose love has blest
And cradled fair sons on the faithful breast
Q.II Discuss the brief history of short story writing in English in India.
Q.III Analyze the novel The Binding Vine and discuss the techniques followed by Shashi Deshpande in it.
Q.IV Discuss the style and themes of the poems of Kamala Das with special reference to the poemsprescribed in your course.
Q.V Critically analyze the story The Other Woman by Dina Mehta.