IGNOU BEGG-171 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Section A
Answer the questions given below:
1. Discuss the different kinds of communication.
2 Discuss the merits of direct mail advertising.
3. Explain the process involved before scripting news for broadcast.
4. Discuss the various uses of computer networks.
Section B
Answer the questions given below:
1. Discuss the new trends in Print Media.
2. Discuss the role of ethics in advertising by giving suitable examples.
3. State the different styles of editorial writing with suitable examples.
4. Discuss the various aspects involved while creating content for the Web.
IGNOU BEGG-171 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Section A
Short answer questions based on Blocks 1 and 2(Answer each question in 300 words)
1. What do you understand by communication?
2 List some negative impacts of the internet.
3. List some characteristics of radio.
4. Role of ASCI.
Section B
Short answer questions based on Blocks 3 and 4(Answer each question in 300 words)
1. List some of the popular formats in television.
2. Discuss the characteristics of News writing for Broadcast.
3. Identify the main elements of World wide Web.
4. Trace the brief history of the Internet.
Section C
Long answer questions based on Blocks 1 to 4(Answer each question in 500 words)
1. What do you understand by the term “E-mail”? What are the golden rules for E-mail communication?
2. What do you understand by Cyber crimes? What preventive measures can one take to keep one safe from cyber crimes?
3. What is editing? Why do we need to edit?
4. Discuss the steps involved in structuring a TV advertisement.