IGNOU BEGS-185 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Section A
Write short notes on the following:
a) general scholastic ability
b) multiple intelligences
Section B
Answer the following questions in 150 words each:
1. Discuss the Characteristics of the unprivileged Learner
2. Discuss speech and language difficulties among primary school children
3. Discuss the procedures for learning autonomous learners.
Section C
Answer the following questions in 250 words each:
1. Discuss the problems faced by the underprivileged Learners in learning English.
2. Discuss the reading difficulties in children.
3. Discuss the features of classroom discussion.
4. Write a detailed note on negotiated interaction.
IGNOU BEGS-185 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Section A
Write short notes on the following:
a) language learning aptitude
b) multiple intelligences
c) difficulties in auditory discrimination
d) problems with higher order reading skills
e) convergent thinking verses divergent thinking
Section B
Answer the following questions in 150 words each:
1. Write a brief history of the education of the underprivileged?
2. Discuss problems with higher order reading skills.
3. Discuss the uses of research tools.
Section C
Answer the following questions in 250 words each:
1. Discuss the procedures for supporting autonomous learning.
2. Discuss the learner characteristics that influence learning at school.
3. Discuss specific reading difficulties and their remediation.