IGNOU BPYG-172 Philosophy of Religion - Latest Solved Assignment
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IGNOU BPYG-172 (June 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions
1. Write a note on the psychological theory of Origin of Religion.
Critically analyze William James’ views on Religious Experience.
2. Critically analyze the feminist approach to philosophy of religion.
Write a note on the evidential problem of evil.
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 200 words each.
a) Write a note on the univocal way of religious language.
b) How Rudolf Otto proves the validity of Religious experience? Briefly Discuss.
c) Discuss Indian version of secularism.
d) Write a note on the kalam argument.
4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each.
a) What are the basic problems with Naturalistic theory of origin of Religion?
b) Distinguish between theology and Philosophy of Religion.
c) Write a brief note on the Fine-tuning argument.
d) Write a note on the basic assumptions of Monotheism.
e) Write a short note on the Best of Possible worlds Theodicy.
f) Briefly discuss the challenges of Agnosticism.
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each.
a) Revelation as the source of ultimate knowledge 4
b) Prayer
c) Myth
d) Atheism
e) Religious Inter-dialogue
f) Omnipotent
g) Religious Language
h) Culturisation
IGNOU BPYG-172 (July 2022 – January 2023) Assignment Questions
1. Write a note on the Sociological theory of Origin of Religion.
Write a note on the William James’ views on Religious Experience.
2. Write a note on the feminist approach to philosophy of religion.
Discuss briefly some of the salient features of Religion.
3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 250 words each.
a) Write a note on the analogical way of religious language.
b) How Rudolf Otto proves the validity of Religious experience? Briefly Discuss.
c) Do you think that Indian version of secularism is different from the general understanding of secularism? Give reasons to support your answer.
d) Write a note on the logical problem of evil.
4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each.
a) What are the basic problems with Naturalistic theory of origin of Religion?
b) How religion and Philosophy of Religion is related? Briefly Discuss.
c) Write a brief note on the Fine-tuning argument.
d) Write a note on the basic assumptions of Pantheism.
e) Write a short note on the Soul building theodicy.
f) Briefly discuss the challenges of Agnosticism.
5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each.
a) Reason as the source of ultimate knowledge
b) Prayer
c) Myth
d) Monotheism
e) Best of Possible worlds Theodicy
f) Problem of Evil
g) Religious Fundamentalism
h) Culturisation
BPYG-172 Assignments Details
University | : | IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) |
Title | : | Philosophy of Religion |
Language(s) | : | English |
Code | : | BPYG-172 |
Degree | : | |
Subject | : | Philosophy |
Course | : | Generic Electives (GE) |
Author | : | Gullybaba.com Panel |
Publisher | : | Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. |