While advertising in India is already a billion-dollar-industry, the digital advertising segment under its umbrella has emerged as one of the fastest growing in the world. Indeed, the current market trends indicate that digital advertising seems ready to take over print with respect to the market share in the coming years. Even then, traditional mediums like print and television still hold a position of strength in the country today earning robust revenues.A major factor for the growth spurt of digital advertising in India is the rapid penetration of mobile devices along with internet connectivity. India has the lowest rates for mobile data across the world, while also catering to the second-largest smartphone market in the world. Naturally, Indian advertisers are leaning more towards digital with each passing year. In 2016, traditional media had a share of around 88 percent in the overall ad expenditures across the country. In just two years since then, this share fell to 83 percent and was estimated to further drop to 71 percent by 2021 indicating the steady change in the advertising landscape.