Information technology in India is an industry which includes two basic features: Offerings related to IT and Business process out sourcing(BPO). IT sector has made a huge progress in its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India. In 1998, IT sector contributed 1.2% of GDP. In 2012, thecontributionofITsectorincreasedto7.5%ofGDP.Thesectorreported revenuesofUS$160billionin2017asperdatareportedbyTheNational Association of Software and Services Companies(NASSCOM).More than 60%ofIndiaITexportswereaccountedtoUnitedStatesofAmerica (Information Technology in India, Wikipedia, 2018). The National Association of Software and Services Companies(NASSCOM) was set upin1988.Itis the association for IT sector in India and is a not for profitorganization.Ithasmorethan1800members. The objectives of NASSCOM is to build a sustainable and developing business and technology services segment in India.