Happy workers are productive workers and productive workers are likely to be happy. Employee job satisfaction is essential to face the dynamic and ever-increasing challenges of maintaining productivity of the organization by keeping their workforce constantly engaged and motivated (Singh and Jain, 2013). According to Spector (2003), job satisfaction is an attitudinal variable that reflects how people feel about their jobs overall as well as about various aspects of them. In simple terms, job satisfaction is the extent to which people like their jobs; job dissatisfaction is the extent to which they dislike their jobs. There have been two approaches to the study of job satisfaction- the global approach and the facet approach. The global approach treats job satisfaction as a single, overall feeling towards the job. The other approach is to focus on job facet, or different aspects of the job, such as reward (pay or fringe benefits), other people on the job (supervisors and coworkers), job conditions and the nature of the work itself.