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IGNOU BPHE-101/PHE-01 Elementary Mechanics - IGNOU Solved Assignment (Latest)

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IGNOU - BPHE-101/PHE-01 (Jan 24 - Dec 24, Jan 23 - Dec 23) Solved Assignment

Are you looking to download a PDF soft copy of the Solved Assignment BPHE-101/PHE-01 - Elementary Mechanics? Then GullyBaba is the right place for you. We have the Assignment available in English language. This particular Assignment references the syllabus chosen for the subject of Physics, for the January 2024 - December 2024 session. The code for the assignment is BPHE-101/PHE-01 and it is often used by students who are enrolled in the B.Sc. Degree. Once students have paid for the Assignment, they can Instantly Download to their PC, Laptop or Mobile Devices in soft copy as a PDF format. After studying the contents of this Assignment, students will have a better grasp of the subject and will be able to prepare for their upcoming tests.


BPHE-101/PHE-01 (January 2024 – December 2024) Assignment Questions

1. A box of mass 50 kg is placed on an inclined plane. When the angle of the plane is increased to 30º, the box begins to slide downwards. Calculate the coefficient of static friction between the plane and the box. Draw the free body diagram

2. A bullet of mass 20 g, travelling at a speed of 350 ms-1 , strikes a steel plate at an angle of 30º with the plane of the plate. It ricochets off at the same angle, at a speed of 320 ms-1 . What is the magnitude of the impulse that the steel plate gives to the bullet? If the collision with the plate takes place over a time Δt = 10-3 s, what is the average force exerted by the plate on the bullet?

3. A truck of mass 2000 kg moving on a highway experiences an average frictional force of 800 N. If its speed increases from 25 ms-1 to 35 ms-1 over a distance of 500 m, what is the force generated by the truck.

4. An automobile travelling at 80 km hr-1 has tyres of radius 80 cm. On applying brakes, the car is brought to a stop in 30 complete turns of the tyres. What is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the wheels? How far does the car move while the brakes are applied?

5. An insect of mass 20 g crawls from the centre to the outside edge of a rotating disc of mass 200g and radius 20 cm. The disk was initially rotating at 22.0 rads-1 . What will be its final angular velocity? What is the change in the kinetic energy of the system?

6. The position vector of two particles of mass 4.0 kg and 2.0 kg are, respectively,  where t is in seconds and the position in metres. Determine the position vector of the centre of mass of the system, the velocity of the cm and the net force acting on the system.

7. A solid cylinder of mass 3.0 kg and radius 1.0 m is rotating about its axis with a speed of 40 rad s-1 . Calculate the torque which must be applied to bring it to rest in 10s. What would be the power required?

8. A proton undergoes a head on elastic collision with a particle of unknown mass which is initially at rest and rebounds with 16/25 of its initial kinetic energy. Calculate the ratio of the unknown mass with respect to the mass of the proton.

9. A satellite going around Earth in an elliptic orbit has a speed of 10 km s-1 at the perigee which is at a distance of 227 km from the surface of the earth. Calculate the apogee distance and its speed at that point.

10. a) A pendulum bob of mass 50 g is suspended on a string from the ceiling of an elevator which is moving downwards with an acceleration 1.5 ms-2 . Draw the free body diagram using the non-inertial frame of reference and determine the tension in the string. (Take g = 10 ms-2 )
b) What should be the radius of a space station spinning with an angular speed of 2 rpm such that an astronaut inside the station experiences artificial gravity with g = 10 ms-2 ?

IGNOU BPHE-101/PHE-01 (January 2023 – December 2023) Assignment Questions


BPHE-101/PHE-01 Assignments Details

University : IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Title :Elementary Mechanics
Language(s) : English
Code : BPHE-101/PHE-01
Degree :
Subject : Physics
Course : Core Courses (CC)
Author : Panel
Publisher : Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Assignment Submission End Date-upto

The IGNOU open learning format requires students to submit study Assignments. Here is the final end date of the submission of this particular assignment according to the university calendar.

  • 30th April (if Enrolled in the June Exams)
  • 31st October (if Enrolled in the December Exams).

What’s Included

In this section you can find other relevant information related to the Assignment you are looking at. It will give you an idea of what to expect when downloading a PDF soft copy from GullyBaba.

  • All Solved Answers By IGNOU Experts.
  • Available for 3 Times for Download.
  • Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF.
  • Print Ready Format: A4 (21 x 29 x .20 cm (Width x Length x Height)
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