IGNOU EEC-10 (July 2018 – January 2019) Assignment Questions
Answer any two questions.
- Explain the procedure of derivation of national balance sheet. Explain the method of estimating national capital.
- Explain the flow-of-funds accounts in an economy. What is the procedure for constructing flow-of-funds accounts of a nation?
- How do national income accounts deal with the effect of environment on the economy?
- Examine the view that GNP is an inadequate measure of economic welfare.
Answer any three questions.
- Distinguish between the income and production accounts of a firm.
- Distinguish between consumer goods and producer goods. Why is it difficult to impute the value of service of consumer durables?
- What do you understand by unregistered manufacturing? How is gross value added of this sector estimated? What are the sources of data for this sector for India?
- What do you understand by the term public sector? How are the components of the social sector considered in the national accounting?
- Discuss some of the concepts in the 1993 SNA regarding treatment of Central Bank and about women’s contribution to work.
- What do you understand by ‘quality of life’? How a does national income provide an accurate measure of ‘quality of life’?
Answer any three questions.
- What is the secondary sector of an economy?
- What do you understand by intermediate product?
- What is personal income?
- What do you understand by Gender Empowerment Measure?
- How would you differentiate between public sector and pubic administration?
- What were the basic components of the ‘Physical Quality of Life Index’ indicator of economic welfare