IGNOU BCSL-43 (July 2024 – January 2025) Assignment Questions
Q1: (a) Write java program to find the simple interest on a savings account. Define appropriate class, constructor and methods in your program. Make necessary assumptions.
(b) Write a java program to print first 50 fibonacci numbers . Define appropriate class, constructor and methods in your program.
Q2: (a) Write a program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance implementation. Make suitable provisions of exceptions handling in your program.
(b) Create an applet which take a number as input and display whether the given number is even or odd. If the input number is less than 1 then ask user to re-enter the input. Use appropriate components, layout and formatting in your program.
IGNOU BCSL-43 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Q1. (a) Write java program to find sum of two matrices. Define appropriate class, constructor and methods in your program. Make necessary assumptions.
(b) Write a java program which take age ( in years) of two persons as input and display who is older among them. Make provisions for exception handling in the situation when age entered is either a negative value or more than 150.
Q2. (a) Write a program in java program which read the given text file and display its contents on console. Make suitable provisions of exceptions handling in your program.
(b) Create an applet which take a number between 1-50 as input and display its table. Use appropriate components, layout and formatting in your program.