IGNOU BHC-11 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Long Answer Questions
Attempt any One of the following:
1) Discuss the categorization of events based on the key services they provide? Give suitable examples.
2) Write an essay on the characteristics of events.
3) Give a detailed account of the methods of communication that an event manager uses.
Medium Answer Questions
Attempt any Two of the following:
1) Explain the significance of Human Resource Management (HRM) in events? Write about recruitment, selection and placement, and performance appraisal in HRM
2) Describe the steps in preparing a business plan for an Event Management Company?
3) Why do some start-up Event Management Companies fail?
4) Discuss the demand and scope of events. In a few words write about the demand for any one event you visited (eg. trade fair, exhibition, festival, etc).
5) How are entertainment and art events important to the event industry today? Discuss any one entertainment event from you own experience.
Short Answer Questions
Write short notes on any Five of the following:
1) Regional and Mega events
2) Break-even analysis
3) Twelve advantages of events
4) Communication requirements in events
5) Five entrepreneurial competencies required by an event entrepreneur
6) Production and Operations Management
7) Type / Structure of Business Organisations
8) Careers in Event Management