IGNOU BHC-12 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Long Answer Questions
Attempt any One of the following:
1) Discuss the feasibility assessment parameters / domains of an event.
2) Give a detailed account of the types of risks related to events and those encountered during events.
3) Describe event design in detail. Draw/paste pictures/ images wherever necessary.
Medium Answer Questions
Attempt any Two of the following:
1) Explain the elements of the strategic event planning process?
2) What are the elements of event logistics? Explain.
3) What do you understand by bidding? Explain the key bid components and criteria.
4) Describe the steps in developing a strategic event plan.
5) Write an essay on the contract management process.
Short Answer Questions
Write short notes on any Five of the following:
1) Seven facets of event design
2) Four critical factors in winning a bid
3) Licenses and approvals for events
4) GST and LBET
5) Requirements of a good event proposal
6) Risk management and Emergency Response Plan
7) Components of a contract
8) Two theories on motivation