IGNOU BHC-15 (July 2023 – January 2024) Assignment Questions
Long Answer Questions
Attempt any One of the following:
1) Write an essay on sponsorship of events.
2) Discuss the pricing strategies used by event marketers in the industry.
3) Write about budgeting and the principles of budgeting? Discuss the steps involved in budget construction of events.
Medium Answer Questions
Attempt any Two of the following:
1) What are the books that are used for recording transactions ? Explain in brief.
2) Explain accounting cycle of an event project. Write about the functions of accounting.
3) Describe income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement that are used in event accounting.
4) Explain the guidelines regarding taxation of income.
5) What are some common financial challenges encountered during event management?
Short Answer Questions
Write short notes on any Five of the following:
1) GST and LBET
2) Sponsorship proposal
3) On-site event auditing
4) Types of bookkeeping systems
5) Trial balance
6) Types of accounting
7) Two common financial challenges
8) Continuation and Zero-based Budgeting